Kaitlin Soto-Food and coffee during the civil war

Before viewing the two articles I had no idea that there was such a food shortage during the civil war. Based off the articles it seems like food, and coffee as well, played an pivotal role in the Union’s success during the civil war. However it’s not surprising, if you’re hardly eating—like the Confederate soldiers weren’t— you would suffer from headaches, stomach pains and if your blood sugar got too low, fainting was a possibility. Because of this moral would’ve been extremely low so people wouldn’t want to fight at all.
I found it surprising on how heavily people relied on coffee as they do now. It’s interesting to see how long this cultural norm has been around and how desperate people were back then to keep it. The mixed potential fatal ingredients together in hopes of making something similar to coffee.
A food I couldn’t live without is rice. Rice is a huge part of my diet and is extremely filling. And you can make so many different dishes with rice.  Continue reading

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Homework #2

Food is the most significance energy sources of our life, normal human body won’t be able to function probably even if food were not taken for one day, so we can all agree that food is important, especially for soldiers during wars who are constantly performing high intensity exercise or training. Supposedly soldiers should be eating better and healthier than normal people, however after reading the articles I was surprised but at the same time understand why soldiers are having tough times eating “good” during wartime. First it was the money problem where they don’t have as much military funding as today, Second, lacking knowledge of how to cook is a big problem, where as today they had military food packs that are MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) with auto heated packs.

One of my favorite food, or fruit I should said is Apple because my friends and family always tells me one apple a day will keep doctors away, I hate seeing doctors that’s why, and not only apples I like almost all kinds of fruit.

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civil war coffee

what I found out fascinating was how little the soldiers had to eat. plus the food wasn’t tasty and it wasn’t healthy either. coffee played A very big part in the civil war. It fueled all the soliders and kept the fighting going. in the article “how coffee fueled the civil war” the writer stated that the word coffee was used more than the word bullet or rifle in their diaries that they the soldiers had kept throughout the war. The soldiers on both sides could’nt live without coffee, they drank before anything. coffee helped soldiers refuel   they’d be ready to fight when it was time.  the used different methods to make coffee and different objects. Me personallly, I would pick food over coffee if I had to chose one. I’ve never been a coffee person. the one food I can’t live without it pizza 

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Homework#2 (Food and Coffee in the Civil War)

According to the both articles, food and coffee was very important and essential for the soldiers during the civil war. Coffee became a part of the soldiers. Soldiers drank their coffee whenever they could, refueling themselves for the long days and nights ahead. Coffee can keep the soldiers in focus and keep them wake up during the war time. During the war time soldiers get little amount of food and taste less. “Hardtack was the union solders main source of food because it was cheap to make, easy to transport, and lasted a long time”. To eat this hard bread, solders often broke it up with a rock or rife butt and softened it by putting it in their coffee or heating it in grease. In the same way photographers had to eat hardtack and drink coffee to keep them strong and warm. The food i can’t live without is chicken and rice. It is delicious and healthy.

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Guichang Chen: Food and Coffee in the Civil war

Soldiers are heroes who save our country. They put their lives on the fire. The fascinating part of the articles is that coffee plays an important role in their lives during the war. I was surprise that they can’t live without coffee instead of rice. Usually soldiers think food is the most important to them in order to give them energy to fight. They drink coffee before fighting and they also celebrate by drinking coffee. Coffee can keep them focus since they will be lack of sleep during war time. Other than coffee, hardtack is also important to them since it can be stored for a long time and hardtack can give them energy for the entire day not like other foods that will be digested very soon.

Noodles is the food that I cannot live without. I eat noodles more offen than rice and It tastes more delicious.

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Dimitri Alexander- Civil War

A civil war is arguably the toughest thing that anyone could be asked to go through, in this case not only did the soldiers have to fight against their own families, but they also had to endure the unsanitary food given to them, which they needed to survive. What I found most interesting after reading the diaries of the soldiers and How Coffee fueled the Civil War was how much coffee kept the soldiers going. Without such a simple drug like caffeine the soldiers would not have been able to even shoot their rifles. Also, another thing I found interesting was that there was a sixteen-year old soldier fighting for what he believed in, even if it meant that he would lose his life. The reason I found this so interesting Is because it made me realize how much times have changed; how much people have changed for the worse.


The food I wouldn’t be able to live without is pasta because it’s such a great source of carbohydrates, which give the energy to do things like to go they gym or even something more simple like simply type this homework up.




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Civil War Soldier Diet HW#2

Perhaps the most fascinating Civil War Soldier diet is that it is similar to our daily diets today. The fact that they relied on small portions of food to gain their source of energy is very similar to how we manage to grab a quick snack in between our classes. Hardtack is a cracker like bar that’s made from flour, water and salt. It may not be the most nutritious thing available but it was all they could carry on their long journeys. This would also explain how photographers managed to carry their food along with all the equipment needed for the wet plate collodion process photos.

When it came to drinks, coffee served as their energy drink. Soldiers ground the coffee themselves and they prepared it with very poor sources of water using muckets.

One of the things I can’t live without is a Clif bar. They are small protein bars made to serve as a source of energy when you can’t carry heavy loads of food. The founder of Clif Company was once climbing a mountain and he noticed how he couldn’t carry heavy food on his trip, so he created this bar.




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Food And Coffee!

The most fascinating thing about a Civil War soldiers diet would be how soldiers would be satisfied with a cup a coffee. Coffee became a part of them. They would drink some before going to war and after. It seems that coffee really does give you a boost of energy because until this day people drink coffee because they think that it gives them energy. Coffee became a big deal during the Civil War. Union troops were fascinated with coffee that they began making their coffee everywhere and with everything; from canteens and puddles, brackish bays and Mississippi mud and the list goes on.

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Joel Sanchez : Food and Coffee in the Civil War

The most fascinating piece about both articles is that the drive to fight in the war was due to the coffee. Most of the rations that were given to the soldiers were sugar, coffee beans and hardtack, since these products were cheaply made and fast to produce.For this reason, they had enough energy to fulfill any task without being tired,  which provided them with motivation,alertness and endurance. Caffeine played such a major part in war that they would  often make substitutes once they had low supply of coffee beans. These substitutes (rye and etc.) tasted the same compared to coffee, which fueled the soldiers until they had to fight in battle.  Another interesting fact about the soldiers diet is that they thought coffee was the unity to the union and confederate since they seized war just to take a sip of coffee. when the union fell short of coffee supplies, confederates would give union troops supplies in exchange for stamp and newspaper. When the confederates lost the civil war, they speculated that the lack of caffeine caused them to lose. In summary, both confederates and unions rationed coffee to help motivate them in the war, its the main reason most of the soldiers had the drive to fight. An important food that allows me to get up everyday is cereal in the morning since it gives me the stamina to go to school each day.

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Wartime Diets

I did not find it strange that the soldiers heavily relied upon coffee. Modern day people rely on the beverage to give them the energy need to complete tasks through the day. I did not find anything fascinating about the soldiers diet. I did however gain some insight in regards to the wartime culture.
I found it interesting that the first cookbook that was distributed among the shoulders was written by a man. During that time men were dependent on women to provide them with the meals. So many would assume that the cookbook would be written by a woman but because there were no women around, men had to adjust to their environment. Cooking was a foreign thing to men at the time so it’s interesting that they would try to create a coffee substitute when supply was low. Also a coffee substitute during that time sounds highly unnatural, unhealthy, and potentially deadly. It is no wonder that sometimes it was deadly if the ingredients were not mixed properly.

War is not a luxury resort, therefore it is understandable that soldiers often ate small portions and flavorless food. People often assume that government workers are well compensated for their work however that is not always the case. They are often under compensated and suffer at the cost of providing the public with a service.

Furthermore bread is very filling. So the fact that they consumed hardtack is not surprising.


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