
I found it interesting that men over thirty years old take more photographs of themselves than women who are over thirty years of age. However, that data coincides with the idea that women over thirty years old are increasingly more concerned with their physical appearance than younger women therefore it would make sense that they would take less photographs of their selves. According to the data, younger people in Sao Paulo take more selfie photographs than in New York City. Also people who are not calm in Sao Paulo appear to close their eyes more in comparison to people in New York City.


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Wen Yong Huang:Who Takes Selfies?

Photography has play a very significant role in today’s world. Due to the steadfast development of technology, many people carry their smart electronic devices where ever they go. Therefore, selfies become extremely popular across the countries. In the website, “SELFICITY,” describes the findings about people taking selfies of themselves in five different cities. One of the interesting fact that impress me is that women strike more expressive poses than men by 50% for head tilt angle. I think the reason to this is because women want to show that they have extreme power as men do. Additionally, what surprise me the most is the amount of smiling faces in New York City is (.57 average smile score) which is middle of other cities. Lastly, the proportion of women taking selfies in each city also catch my attention is the amount of smiles in Bangkok has (.68 average smile score) which consider as the highest score when compare to the other cities. However, the percentage of women taking selfies in this city is the least.

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WeiJie Gao: Who Takes Selfies?


By researching over the selfiecity website, I think that people do not smile naturally is the most interesting. They do smile when they taking the selfies, but I feel like they just act or pretend to smile happily on the camera. From the data, we can see that women are more likely to take their selfies than men. This data doesn’t surprise me because ladies always like to take selfies and they want to show their beautiful image to public. For example, you may see there are some beautiful selfies on Facebook moment all the time when your female friend going to the party. Moreover, the data demonstrates that many older people like to take selfies in NYC than other cities. Especially, there are more older age men than women post the selfies to public. I believe that is the way how they show they are being single and looking for his love.

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Eduardo Calixto: Who Takes Selfies?

Selfiecity is such a unique website, they investigate and study people selfies from five different cities around the world.  Each city has their own style of taking selfies. Composition, emotion, setting and much more plays a major part in their self-portraits. In all five cities Bangkok, Berlin, Moscow, New York, and Sao Paulo females take more selfies than men. What surprised me the most was the amount of females that smile in their selfies from all five cities. Sao Paulo has the most joyful female selfies; Bangkok has the second highest joyful female selfies. Another interesting fact would be that Bangkok selfies have a much younger community that post selfies, whereas NYC has that oldest.

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Who Takes Selfies?

I have found it astonishing how people used the time to investigate selfies from five different cities in the world and made a theory based from the data they’ve collected. What surprised me the most was the “smile scores”. It’s amazing to see that Bangkok has the highest smiling rate compared to everything else. New York is the top third rank for the smiling score. In fact, I’ve expected New York to reach at least fourth place. What also surprised me are the ages. Apparently in New York City, it is stated that the average age was 25.3. However, it is not surprising to see that more women takes far more selfies than men do.

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Joel Sanchez: Who Takes Selfies?

Selfiecity finding that i found most interesting was the average smile score presented in the five cities. Its quite shocking to see that Bangkok rating is 0.68, whereas the lowest city Moscow only had  0.53. Another intriguing fact is that only 5% were considered selfies, the reminder of the pictures were images of peoples friends and pets. The major difference between New York and the rest of the 4 cities is that the people taking selfies are much older.In other countries women of young age are more interested in taking selfies, but New York males post more selfies than women in Bangkok.  When looking at the statistics,  we see that New York is the median of the 5 cities in the amount of women doing selfies, extreme poses and smiling.

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Who Takes Selfies?

Some of the findings on Selfie City that interested me were on the data page. The majority of people who take selfies are women. In Moscow, there are 4.6 more female taking selfies than male. Another thing that surprised me were that the average age of males taking selfies in each city were older than females. Here in New York, the average age of female taking selfies 24.3, compared to average age of male which is 26.7.  People in Bangkok tend to smile more in their selfies compared to other cities, and it makes me wonder if culture has anything to do with selfie photos.

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Musilimot Oniga : Who takes selfies

After viewing the selfiecity website, I think its pretty cool to see the type of selfies that are taken around the world. I didn’t know that so many people are taking the same type of photos I take, regardless of where they live. In Berlin I thought that a lot of the selfies were taken vertically, compared to everywhere else. Just like in New York, majority of the people taking photos taken were by young adults. It was very interesting to read that more older men post selfies on instgram compared to woman! That was extremely shocking to me because I could have sworn woman post more .  Also, I found it extremely weird that only 17% of men in Moscow take selfies. It makes me wonder if photography is looked at more for woman rather than men because I  think its equal for both. In almost every city, more woman were taken selfies compared to men which was something I knew already . Seeing almost 17% of woman tilting their heads in Sao Paulo was extremely funny to me because I normally tilt my head, but to see other woman around the world doing it to really made my day .I really enjoyed this site and the information it shared about selfies around the world.

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Timothy Rampersaud: Who Takes Selfies?

On Selfiecity, some things that I found most interesting was that more women take selfies than men. In each of the five cities, the study shows that women take more selfies than men a significant amount, especially in Moscow where 82% of the selfies are taken by women. I find it surprising that New York has the highest age average of male selfies than any of the other cities. I also find it surprising that they are able to determine that Bangkok and Soa Paulo smile the most, rather than the other cities. Overall, I found Selfiecity to be an interesting study for modern day self portraits.

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Arthur Chedjou

One city that I found really  interesting was New York because I thought the average age of people taking selfies was about 30 to 35, but surprising it was at 25.3. I also found it interesting that in Moscow females are 4.6 time more likely to take pictures than men. One data that surprised me the most was New York came out third on the people that smile on pictures. It been shown that only 3 to 5 percent of image were analysed to be selfies which really shocked me because I would think people took more selfies. It also show that the average number of head tilt for women is 50% higher than men.

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