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I found it interesting that men over thirty years old take more photographs of themselves than women who are over thirty years of age. However, that data coincides with the idea that women over thirty years old are increasingly more … Continue reading

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Wen Yong Huang:Who Takes Selfies?

Photography has play a very significant role in today’s world. Due to the steadfast development of technology, many people carry their smart electronic devices where ever they go. Therefore, selfies become extremely popular across the countries. In the website, “SELFICITY,” … Continue reading

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WeiJie Gao: Who Takes Selfies?

  By researching over the selfiecity website, I think that people do not smile naturally is the most interesting. They do smile when they taking the selfies, but I feel like they just act or pretend to smile happily on … Continue reading

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Eduardo Calixto: Who Takes Selfies?

Selfiecity is such a unique website, they investigate and study people selfies from five different cities around the world.  Each city has their own style of taking selfies. Composition, emotion, setting and much more plays a major part in their … Continue reading

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Who Takes Selfies?

I have found it astonishing how people used the time to investigate selfies from five different cities in the world and made a theory based from the data they’ve collected. What surprised me the most was the “smile scores”. It’s amazing to see … Continue reading

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Joel Sanchez: Who Takes Selfies?

Selfiecity finding that i found most interesting was the average smile score presented in the five cities. Its quite shocking to see that Bangkok rating is 0.68, whereas the lowest city Moscow only had  0.53. Another intriguing fact is that … Continue reading

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Who Takes Selfies?

Some of the findings on Selfie City that interested me were on the data page. The majority of people who take selfies are women. In Moscow, there are 4.6 more female taking selfies than male. Another thing that surprised me … Continue reading

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Musilimot Oniga : Who takes selfies

After viewing the selfiecity website, I think its pretty cool to see the type of selfies that are taken around the world. I didn’t know that so many people are taking the same type of photos I take, regardless of … Continue reading

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Alfonso Gonzalez: Who Takes Selfies?

Some findings that I found most interesting from Selfie City was the selfiexploratory in which you can set filters to determine specific demographics of people depending on which they posed or made a certain gesture with their face. Although another … Continue reading

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Louis Tejada: Who Takes Selfies?

One of the selfiecity findings that I found interesting to me was that in the five cities there were significantly more female selfies than male selfies and Moscow has an 82% of females who take selfies. On the other hand, … Continue reading

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