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Homework #2

Food is the most significance energy sources of our life, normal human body won’t be able to function probably even if food were not taken for one day, so we can all agree that food is important, especially for soldiers during … Continue reading

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Guichang Chen: Food and Coffee in the Civil war

Soldiers are heroes who save our country. They put their lives on the fire. The fascinating part of the articles is that coffee plays an important role in their lives during the war. I was surprise that they can’t live … Continue reading

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Dimitri Alexander- Civil War

A civil war is arguably the toughest thing that anyone could be asked to go through, in this case not only did the soldiers have to fight against their own families, but they also had to endure the unsanitary food … Continue reading

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Civil War Soldier Diet HW#2

Perhaps the most fascinating Civil War Soldier diet is that it is similar to our daily diets today. The fact that they relied on small portions of food to gain their source of energy is very similar to how we … Continue reading

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Food And Coffee!

The most fascinating thing about a Civil War soldiers diet would be how soldiers would be satisfied with a cup a coffee. Coffee became a part of them. They would drink some before going to war and after. It seems … Continue reading

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Joel Sanchez : Food and Coffee in the Civil War

The most fascinating piece about both articles is that the drive to fight in the war was due to the coffee. Most of the rations that were given to the soldiers were sugar, coffee beans and hardtack, since these products … Continue reading

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Wartime Diets

I did not find it strange that the soldiers heavily relied upon coffee. Modern day people rely on the beverage to give them the energy need to complete tasks through the day. I did not find anything fascinating about the … Continue reading

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Hw#2 Food and Coffee in the Civil War

After reading both articles, I was able to think about soldier’s life and how hard it is for them to fight without a good nutrition. As we already know, food is an important part of our life and we can … Continue reading

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Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Learning about the civil wars diet was very interesting for me to read about. One of the biggest problems I have is that I eat way too much. However, I don’t know how the soldiers could survive off small portion … Continue reading

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Rabia Batool….Food and Coffee in the Civil War

Both articles were very detailed on Civil war soldiers’ difficulties. It’s hard for anyone to live the life they lived. Fighting in cold and not having enough to feed themselves or having uncooked, hard or not cooked at all food.  … Continue reading

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