guichang chen: Robert Capa’s Death of a Loyalist Soldier

Robert Capa’s Death of  a Loyalist Soldier is the greatest war photograph of all time. After reading the article, I feel it is convincing by comparing to another controversial photograph, which is a soldier holding his gun as tightly as he falling back. I think Capa’s photograph is staged. when I first look at the photograph, I don’t feel it’s a photograph from war. The soldier does not look painful. he is relax while he is falling down. when a person is dying and falling down, I don’t think he will open his arms. in normal,  if the person is dying, he would not have energy to open his arms, unless there is a bomb in the war, but in this photograph, it looks peaceful everywhere around the soldier. I think authenticity does matter and it is important. when we want to learn about the history of war, if the photographs are not real, we cannot know what was actually happening in the past. if they are not authentic, people live in this century  might have misunderstanding of the cause of a war and lead to a new problem.

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