Moments New Yorkers Ignore

In the blog post “Finding Moments New Yorkers Ignore” Peter Moskowitz captures moments throughout the city that most New Yorkers would rather ignore. Such moments as the train ride school or work and just walking the street of Manhattan. You  could describe Peter Moskowitz photography as candid shots of life in New York City.

I found this article very interesting because I also do the same thing with my commute throughout the city. I have my headphones and trying to avoid awkward eye contact with strangers.  It’s understandable why most New Yorkers are like this, with so many people moving about in an condensed area its kind of hard to take in everything around with. I really liked the pictures taken by Peter Moskowitz showcased in his blog.

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6 Responses to Moments New Yorkers Ignore

  1. I often ride the subway and think to myself, “I should whip out my cellphone and take a picture of this.” There are so many moments in a New Yorker’s life–those rare moments when when we pay attention to our surroundings and think, “Is this really happening?” happen more than often to a Native New Yorker–I have literally seen everything, and I’m sure that’s an understatement.

    That being said, there are also many moments where I wonder if anybody else is paying attention, or saw what I had just seen. Everyone is so occupied when in public–or seem to be. Whether a person is closing their eyes while listening to their Ipod, or if they’re reading or catching up on work, most New Yorkers take every minute into consideration. Moskowitz’s photos are great, and showcase life in the city. But, I’m not sure I’m OK with his invasion of privacy and capturing people while they are trying to mind their own business in public–which is difficult enough to do, and now it’s being documented? Although his photos are a very interesting perspective on every day life, I am (at the same time) hoping there aren’t any random pictures of me on some stranger’s camera!

  2. Sometimes we are too focused on ourselves that we don’t want to see the fact that time keeps moving, and that is in that time that we may miss some memorable moment; something unexpected we may later say why did I miss that? New York is one of those places that have it all; the reason why it is considered to be a cosmopolitan city. We have the luck to meet people from all over the world with diverse ideas. It would be really great to capture the essence of the different cultures and their thinking. It would be an interesting project. To me it is almost normal to see people passing by someone playing an instrument on a train station. It is usual for me to see people rushing so much that I’m not even sure if they saw the guy playing in the station. Peter Moskowitz does in fact a great work finding what others have in front, but still don’t pay much attention to it.

  3. Winnie says:

    I find his images interesting as well. He photograph moments that I wouldn’t even think about such as, people waiting for the light to change or worker loading clothing into a truck. Usually, people would glance at those scenes but not really stopping and slowing down to look at it.

  4. ramlakhanp says:

    Interestingly enough New Yorkers are too caught up doing their own thing not really paying attention what’s around them…especially in Manhattan People are talking on the phone or rushing to work…tourist not looking what they are going and it turns into this one big traffic jam…the pictures indicated people not wanting to be bothered or not aware a picture is being taken of them just the ordinary life of New Yorkers minding their business going about their commute… I can see why some of the pictures look staged because of how they were captured, yet each picture carries its own meaning of uniqueness…

  5. superartist says:

    Daily life keeps us busy and in new york the city that never sleeps you will be sure that its very busy and sometimes becomes sort of impossible to slow down and actually have the time to notice someone else’s life. I think in manhattan it is the most busy and people don’t care about other people they just care about themselves they just care for their own lives and these pictures clearly show that Its so funny though to see peoples reaction to certain situations. especially when faced with the camera I think its pretty funny. Each picture speaks a story and has a different scenario. Its like the pictures become sort of stereo typical and I can sort of relate to these photos.

    This is my post!

  6. superartist says:

    Daily life keeps us busy and in new york the city that never sleeps you will be sure that its very busy and sometimes becomes sort of impossible to slow down and actually have the time to notice someone else’s life. I think in manhattan it is the most busy and people don’t care about other people they just care about themselves they just care for their own lives and these pictures clearly show that Its so funny though to see peoples reaction to certain situations. especially when faced with the camera I think its pretty funny. Each picture speaks a story and has a different scenario. Its like the pictures become sort of stereo typical and I can sort of relate to these photos.

    This is my post!

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