Assignment Grading

I will be grading the first two assignments on Monday afternoon.  I have taken  a preliminary look at your sites and have linked them to our class website.  Please read the comments below as this will affect the grading of your work.

Interviews:  For your interviews to get an A they must be complete in the following manner.  They should address all three of the questions and each must include a photo.  Additionally they should not be written in first person (I always wanted to be an Architect….)  since you are supposed to interview someone else on the team.  Each interview must include a byline.  If you wrote it yourself it will not be accepted as this does not meet the requirement of working as a team.

Schedules: Schedules must be included for each team member and posted on your OpenLab site.  They must all be color coded in the same manner for each team member.

Extra Credit Projects

  • Project 1:
    • Photograph the board during each class and post these notes on our class OpeLab site.
  • Project 2:
    • Photograph the construction site for our new building across from NAMM and bring these photographs to class.  We will review them on a regular schedule.  Consider taking photos on a regular basis from the same vantage point so we can see the progress of the work.

Both of these projects are available to as many students who want to contribute. We will discuss how to post and categorize these both.  Please let me know if you are interested by sending an email to me.

Assignment No 3 – Your Schedule

Due by next class meeting:

Map out your weekly schedule (Monday-Sunday) and color code this by the following:

  • School and academic time (when you are in class/studying etc)
  • Non-Academic Time – (other responsibilities, family, work etc.)
  • Commute Time
  • Sleep time
  • Free Time (hopefully you have some)As a team color code your schedules –

Add to this schedule when you expect study or do work for each of your classes and when your team will meet and work together each week.  Consider also other means of working together including texting, email, chat, Skype, etc.

Assignment No 1 – Team Interviews and Website

Due by next class meeting:

Create a Team Project site on openlab.

  • My openlab Projects / Create a new project
  • Send invitations to all other team members and me (professor king)
  • Or have everyone join the team site
  • Make everyone on the team and me “administrators”
  • Post assignment number 1 as either 1 post or as separate posts for each team member.


Welcome to the first day of class

To get started – remember to be in the habit of checking this website on a daily basis – even on days when you do not have class. Posts on our class OpenLab website will be used to communicate to the class, clarify assignments and provide useful information as the semester rolls out.

We will do a lot of group work this semester (I promise to make you prefer group work by the end of the semester).  Each group/team is to create their own website which will be linked to our class site.  Work of team members will be posted on their team websites.

First assignments is to create your firm/team profile on your website.

This site will also be used to distribute lecture materials & tutorials.  We will save as many trees as possible by not printing when possible.

OK – time to get to class.

You can contact me at PKing@CityTech.Cuny.Edu or

My office is V812 in the main office and my office hours will be on Mondays after our class meets.