Focus on completing your drawings and details.
It is important as we end the semester that you each review the importance of the Revit/Autocad documents you are completing as they represent 50% of your grade. Your final presentation cannot skip the importance of these drawings. Please plan accordingly.
The following section is in from the syllabus on the course website – a document we reviewed at the beginning of the semester. Below is the link to the complete document for reference.
UPDATED Yet Again!!! Final Blackboard Submission Dates – Read Carefully
TO BE CLEAR – YOU NEED TO PLOT FOR FINAL PRESENTATIONS for the day of your presentation.
3 FULL SIZE 22 x 34 and the full 11 x 17 set
Please read carefully to be certain you meet the deadlines. For clarification of what goes into each submission please login to Blackboard and read the assignment descriptions. Dates for the PowerPoint submissions will vary based on your presentation deadline but all students in each class have the same final upload dates for PDF drawings and the Optional Individual Zoning
TO BE CLEAR – YOU NEED TO PLOT FOR FINAL PRESENTATIONS for the day of your presentation.
3 FULL SIZE 22 x 34 and the full 11 x 17 set
Presentation Schedule
Tuesday / Thursday Class
Thursday December 15th | 2:30 – 5:30 PM
- Catherine – Juan – Alejandra
- Langston – Daria – Minali – Madelyn
- Vincent – Alimerv – Morris – Zog
Prof. Wendell Edwards & Prof. Robert Bryce
Tuesday December 20th | 2:30 – 5:30 PM
- Marberd – Areli
- Carmello – Yan – YuJie
- Roman – Lee-Anne – Sadika
For Tuesday/Thursday Class – all work must be uploaded to blackboard by Wednesday the 21st at midnight. This included the powerpoint, the 11 x 17 set, the 22 x 34 sheets and updated zoning if you choose to resubmit.
Wednesday/Friday Class
Friday December 16th | 11:30 – 2:30 PM
- Diamonique – Taylor – Albina – Roceli
- Okeena – Meilledjine – Richard
- Daniel – Johan – Flore – Rosemarie
Wednesday December 21th | 11:30 – 2:30 PM
- Kyle – Lisset – Alia – Camar
- Ashley – Taisha – Warren
- Lorenny – Ligia – Mohammed
Prof. Jieun Yang
For Wednesday/Friday Class – all work must be uploaded to blackboard by Thursday the 22nd at midnight. This included the PowerPoint, the 11 x 17 set, the 22 x 34 sheets and updated zoning if you choose to resubmit.
PowerPoint Template for Final Presentations
All assignments are graded and posted in blackboard
Please login to review your work.
Typical 22 x 34 Detail Sheet Layout
This is an example of the sample sheet you should have plotted for the next class on a 22 x 34 sheet. Your layout may require more than one 22 x 34 sheet. You should repeat this layout for each material in your facade, for example one for Curtain Wall and a second for Precast Concrete.
The goal is to explain typical facade construction by showing the following:
- Facade Elevation at 3/4″ or 1/2″ and Wall Section at 3/4″ or 1/2″ – these two drawing should align. If you need to crop the wall section to fit you should do the same for the exterior elevation.
- A Set of Plan Details for typical conditions at 1 1/2″ = 1′-0″. You will need a minimum of two views for this – a corner and a middle condition.
- Enlarge callouts from the wall section at 1 1/2″ to match and align with the plan details. Consider showing both a grade condition, typical floor and roof condition.
Two Samples of Good Zoning Submission
Available for Team meetings – make your appoinment
Monday December 5th
- 10 AM – Ashley
- 11 AM – Open
- 12 AM – Open
- 2 PM – Open
- 6 PM – Zog , Vincent, Alimerv, Langston
Tuesday December 6th
- 10 AM – Ligia and Team
- 11 AM – Alejandra Catherine and Juan
- 12 AM – Open
Remember for next class you need a full size sheet plotted with your wall sections and plan details laid out on a sheet for markup in class.
I am making myself available outside of class hours to meet with each team during this week starting on Monday. One team member should email me with their desired time and I will confirm the appointment. I will hand out the appointments first come first server and my intention is to give each team an hour.
Monday Dec 5 – appointments will start at 10 am until 4pm.
I will need to break from roughly 12:45-2pm for a meeting an lunch and then will continue again with appointments starting at 2pm – likely ending around 4. If there is interest I will see if I can stay later on Monday.
Tuesday Dec 6 – appointments will start at 10 am until 12:30
I will need to stop at 12:30 for a meeting followed by my class from 2:30-5:30.
Wednesday Dec 7 – unavailable for appointments.