This coming week and the next we will have an online discussion on stairs and egress in your buildings/home.
Please read through this post and follow these instructions for an online discussion:
- To start, please reflect on our discussion of the benefits of an online discussion by commenting to this post.
POST #1:
- Next, please develop a 3d sketch of your building where you live and diagram 3 dimensionally the egress stairs/fire escapes in your building. Once you have this sketch together please make a new post, upload the sketch to the post, and write a few sentences describing how the egress works in your building. For instructions on creating new posts and adding media, see this link:
- After posting your sketch, comment on at least two other student posts on their graphic technique as well as the clarity of the diagram (can you understand how the egress works from their sketch?)

POST #2:
- Take 3 photos of the egress stair you intend to draw.
- Using a tape measure, measure the egress stair (overall space of the stairway, width of each part of the stair, riser height, tread depth, hand rail height, landing depth and width…)
- Sketch carefully at 1/4″ scale a plan view of the stair (make sure you show the cut line and the stair going up to next floor as well as stair coming up from below. See Ching for drawing standards.)
- Sketch carefully at 1/4″ scale a section view of the stair using the plan sketch as an underlay. Be sure they coordinate. The section should include at least 2 full floors of the stair plus the continuation of the stair above and/or below.
- Post your stair photos and plan and section in a new post and describe the challenges of making the sketches.
- Comment on at least 2 other student’s posts.
Be sure to select the following categories for your posts: Student Work, Assignment Posts, Discussion. If you need help with selecting categories, see this link:
Due date for initial sketch post: March 5
Due date for stair photos, plan, and section post: March 19.
Please reply to this post with any questions.
Prof. Montgomery
Here is a short video that may help you think about egress in your building:
Prof. Montgomery
Here are two more videos to help with this egress stair assignment. The first helps you better understand drawing stairs in plan views:
This video demonstrates how to construct a stair section from the plan view:
Prof. Montgomery
Online class discussion has been the closet way to engage with my peers and to observe other students talents in their work. Also, receiving feed back has help my ability to understand someone else perspective and constructive criticism to know what I can improve on.
Reflect on online discussions between the class meetings when you get feedback from your classmates and you also learn how to give feedback to others.
Getting feedback from my peers it helps me understand what might be confusing about my work/presentation. It also tells me if something works or not. Giving feedbacks helps me also as pointing a flaw in someone else’s work might open your eyes and notice flaw in your own work as sometime pride or ego prevent you from seeing flaws in your own work. Also giving/recieving feedback can help you understand the concepts better
It helps me learn to give and receive feed back between class meetings because I can learn from others and learn from my mistakes and see what i should improve. Doing this I can also help Others understand what they should also improve in and in this way we are working together as a class and making it easier for each of others by lifting some weight off our shoulders because you know what to do and not stressed out because of it .
It helps me learn by receiving peer feedback as well as inspirations from peers. The discussions will allow us to share ideas and help each other improve on our work. The discussions will also allow us to learn how to give better feedback to each other. The class meetings will help us find mistakes that we may not have noticed in our drawings.
I feel like classmate feedback really helps with our overall performance. Its good to get constructive criticism because it helps to mix up our mistakes, and get another viewpoint from a peer. Online discussions are very successful because it helps out everyone even in an online environment.
I think this is a great way to get constructive feedback from your peers who are going through a similar experience as you. It helps you also stay engaged in the class work and the conversations being had about the processes and material. I personally use it as a litmus test of my abilities, knowledge, and understanding of the material to see where I am in relation to other students. It helps me gauge whether I am where I need to be or do a better job in a certain aspect of the class. It also helps me see others perspectives that I might not have thought of and add their insight to my own work and ideas. While it can be time consuming and sometimes tedious, I believe it is a benefit overall to my growth as a student as well as engaging socially with the community through online discussion
Giving and receiving feed back from others and yourself gives you another view with more ideas that you can work on and improve on. Say that my 2d stairs look amazing to me, but when I show it to a fellow class mate they remind me that it has to be 3d. And so they show there own 3d stairs giving me an idea of how I can transform my own stairs into the 3d version. Another example would be the fact that not all of us are skilled in drawing, so having a classmate who is skilled in that area would be great with there feedbacks and ideas in order to make our own future drawings better with there tricks and extra lines.
Online discussions helps me see other students point of view and opinion. It helps me realize what I could’ve done better and what I did great in. With getting feedback it will motivate me to get better with my work and improve to my best. Having said that, giving feedback to others and sharing my opinion will hopefully motivate them in the same way. It’s helpful to hear from others, so its not only one sided. You widen your lens and start to see more clearly with things. I can learn to give constructive criticism and help my peers see a different angle or perspective.
Online discussions helps me see other students point of view and opinion. It helps me realize what I could’ve done better and what I did great in. With getting feedback it will motivate me to get better with my work and improve to my best. Having said that, giving feedback to others and sharing my opinion will hopefully motivate them in the same way. It’s helpful to hear from others, so its not only one sided. You widen your lens and start to see more clearly with things. I can learn to give constructive criticism and help my peers see a different angle or perspective.
These class meetings help me learn and grow to give and receive feedback by letting me see mistakes first hand and reflect on how to improve on that. Taking in constructive criticism helps us and I develop maturely and wisely to eat the feedback and keep it in mind for the next moment of discussion. Overall it lets us connect more in a socially and positive manner for our field.
The idea of students sharing their work and progress, and giving feedback to each other would be very useful for students. I personally would love to receive feedback and improve my drawing skills, as well as give feedback to other students. This action will dramatically improve students’ drawing, socializing and criticizing ability.
Instead of struggling to understand the topic, sharing progress will help students understand the topic by helping and socializing one to another, accordingly this process will decrease students’ stress level.
It helps us receive feedback that can improve our perception and quality of the work also. Also, it helps us to give better feedback to each other. All in all, it improves us as a student by receiving honest feedback while improving work quality.
Online class discussion has been the closet way to engage with my peers and to observe other students talents in their work. Also, receiving feed back has help my ability to understand someone else perspective and constructive criticism to know what I can improve on. Giving other’s feedback has giving me the ability to give encouragement and positivity.
Though virtual discussions have much awkward silence, they can still be very effective. I appreciate how my classmates aren’t afraid to speak their minds, sharing their most truthful thoughts about each other’s work. Most times, being a bit harsh makes a difference, and nothing is made personal. When reflecting on a classmate’s work, I’ve learned to analyze their thought process instead of what simply lies on the canvas.
Feedback from classmates can be very useful to me because it can help me know the right and wrongs of my work. It can help me improve on my work so it’ll look better than it did before. Online discussions will be useful for me so they I can learn and engage with other people who are stuck with their work as well and the criticism I receive can help me do better overtime and do less mistakes in the future.
Online discussions help me see my mistakes from another student’s point of view. They write their own opinions on how I can improve so I can avoid errors in the future. I happen to have good drawing skills but when I receive feedback from my fellow classmates, I can see all my flaws and their comments are what motivate me to become better.
I enjoy seeing the work of others because their own concepts and skills inspire me to create my own. Without online discussions, I wouldn’t be able to get these ideas from them.
Feedback from our classmates can always help us better our presentations also sketches and everything we do in the class. This helps me see my mistakes and make them better so next time I myself see the process I made. I always Make corrections before submitting but from the eyes of my classmates they can see a mistake I missed or noticed. I always accept feedback because it’s a push for me and to upgrade my assignments.