In addition to the three questions that are part of your site observation report from our Brooklyn Bridge field trip on Feb. 23, please respond below with three potential topics or questions you might want to research for your final project. Do not worry about committing to these–this homework is to get you thinking about what interests you.
Some possible themes related to the Brooklyn Bridge you might want to consider include:
- Brooklyn Bridge as engineering marvel and breakthrough
- Visual representation of the Brooklyn Bridge
- as an icon or
- its depiction in art or
- its depiction in popular culture, for example, film or ephemera
- Terminations of the Brooklyn Bridge
- how did they change over time or
- what is the urban planning challenges or
- compare and contrast how the two ends of the bridge relate to their neighborhoods
- Transportation and traffic flow related to the bridge
- focusing on public transportation or
- the vehicular transportation or
- pedestrian and bicycle crossings
- How the Brooklyn Bridge transformed Brooklyn (this is a huge topic and you may need to focus on some aspect of Brooklyn’s history)
- The Brooklyn Bridge as a landmark and tourist destination
Research Questions
1) In reference to our guest lecturer, why did they change the bridge’s name from the East River Bridge to the Brooklyn Bridge instead?
2) How did they manage the caisson disease?
3) Has Emily Roebling designed or helped in building any other bridges in NYC? Elsewhere?
Site Report #1
Redesign of Bk Bridge Area – Pedestrian Only
Please let me know if there are any issues with the Dropbox links. Thank you. -C
My site report is posted under the “Site Observation” tab – just noticed that’s where it’s supposed to be posted at. Apologies. -C
Research Questions/Topics for Final Project:
1. How does the terminations of Brooklyn Bridge’s two ends relate to their neighborhoods?
2. How did pedestrian and bicycle transportation transformed the Brooklyn Bridge in a good way?
3. The Brooklyn Bridge as a tourist destination.
1. How come the manhattan side tower of Brooklyn Bridge could have been standing on the sand for over 200 years.
2. How Brooklyn bridge transformed the neighborhood?
3. What is the impact of Brooklyn Bridge on tourism?
4. Why do they have so much differences between on neighborhoods of Manhattan side and Brooklyn side?
5. What does the Brooklyn Bridge Park provide to visitors and why is it the most successful park in the New York City?
6. Why Brooklyn Bridge was built in Lower Manhattan and Downtown Brooklyn?
How Brooklyn Bridge is depicted in art culture?
How important is the Brooklyn Bridge for daily commute in New York City?
How the two ends of the bridge relate to their neighborhoods?
1. How was Cadman Plaza and City Hall Park designed to intertwine with the Brooklyn Bridge? What were some missed opportunities?
2. How have both neighborhoods changed over time?
3. How is the Brooklyn Bridge maintained and up-kept for such a long period of time?
Research Questions:
1. What exactly was Emily Roebling’s involvement in building the Brooklyn Bridge?
2. What was the transportation process over the years and how were people and vehicles affected by it?
3. What was downtown Brooklyn like before the bridge and how has the neighborhood changed since?
4. What is the process of building a bridge in NY, what are the requirements and who approves them?
5. What are the most used styles of architectures used in NY and who were the ones to influence the area?
6. What are the things that should be kept in mind when building tall buildings in the city, how are they secured?
Please post in the right location next time
1. How does Brooklyn Bridge change over the years?
2. What reconstruction did in 1954?
3. What are the famous art work about Brooklyn Bridge?
A. The Manhattan caisson is still not stand on bedrock, will it be a problem?
B. How much weight can be load on the bridge?
C. How can a woman without engineering knowledge can conduct the construction of the bridge at that time?
Research Question:
1. By how much did the population in Brooklyn grow after the Brooklyn bridge was built.
2.On average how many people travel through the Brooklyn Bridge daily.
3.How has the bridge changed over time?
Observation Report
1. How does Brooklyn Bridge change over the years?
2. What reconstruction did in 1954?
3. What are the famous art work about Brooklyn Bridge?
A. The Manhattan caisson is still not stand on bedrock, will it be a problem?
B. How much weight can be load on the bridge?
C. How can a woman without engineering knowledge can conduct the construction of the bridge at that time?
1) What does Brooklyn Bridge influence New York City?
2) What does the Brooklyn Bridge changes the neighborhood over time?
3) How much did Emily Roebling get involve into the construction of the bridge?
4) Have the bridge ever had any engineering problems since construction till now?
5) Why should the Bridge locate in the place it is located at right now?
6) What can the Bridge bring to us in the future?
1. The Brooklyn side of bridge has worse issue of traffic that caused by design problem, so what is the fail of its design?
2. What was the change that Brooklyn Bridge brings to Manhattan and Brooklyn?
3. What makes Brooklyn Bridge still stand and stable until today?
4. What can we improve for the sides of bridge in the future?