Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Author: jacob.aplaca (Page 5 of 10)

Information and Resources for the Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography Assignment

See below for information and resources related to the Unit 2 RAB assignment.






Reminders for Wednesday, 10/18

Please remember the following for Wednesday:

  1. If you have not already, submit your Seventh Post Assignment.
  2. Comment on the Seventh Post Assignments of at least two of your classmates. Be sure to prioritize those students who do not have any comments yet.  Offer your classmates feedback regarding how they might revise their proposal into the introduction of their RAB assignment. For example, you might point out places where you feel their language is confusing or unclear. You might also provide feedback on how they might further revise their research question(s). Moreover, you might offer recommendations about places where they can incorporate more personal reflection. Or, you might offer feedback on something else entirely! Compose about one paragraph per student.
  3. Continue conducting research for your RAB assignment.
  4. Remember that we will NOT be meeting in our normal classroom on Wednesday. Instead, we will be meeting in the G604 computer lab. Refer to this campus map. Be sure to arrive to class on time and ready to work on your RABs.

Seventh Post of the Semester (Stating Your Research Question)

Consult the KWL+ worksheet we completed in class, and write a blog post (at least 400 words) in which you introduce your research question.

What is important here–and I can’t stress this enough–is that you research something you want to know more about, not something you think you already know the answer to.  You may be curious to know why there are so few African American ballerinas in major companies, or you may want to know how much “housing projects” have changed in New York since James Baldwin wrote “A Talk to Teachers” in 1963, or you may want to know what we really learn from playing computer games.  Just be curious.


To complete your post:

  1. Type your research question at the top. Remember that this should not be a simple yes or no question.
  2. Address the following two questions in paragraph form:
    1. Why are you interested in this question?  (Feel free to talk about your own personal experience with the topic, or to tell an anecdote about your experience with this subject matter) 
    2. What do you expect to find in your research? (Why do you expect to find this?) Remember that it’s okay to be wrong–-you might find a completely different answer than the one you intended to find. You won’t get marked down for that on your Unit 2 assignment!
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