Taught by Jacob Aplaca

Ninth Post of the Semester (Your First RAB Entry)

For your ninth post, you will be posting below a rough draft of your first Reflective Annotated Bibliography entry.

In particular, you will post the SUMMARY and RHETORICAL ANALYSIS of your first resource.

You may select any of your three resources for this first entry. Do not worry if you are unsure if what you produce is “correct.” This is JUST a rough draft! We will be going over them on Wednesday.

Refer to this handout for a very detailed overview of how to write your summary and rhetorical analysis: Structure of Unit 2 Reflective Annotated Bibliography Assignment.

Remember the following:

  • In your summary you are just providing an overview of the resource, the kinds of information it includes, and what one might learn by consuming it. Your summary should capture the most important points the author makes relating to your research question. You most likely will not be able to talk about all of the information included in the resource.
  • In your rhetorical analysis, you are evaluating how effective YOU think the resource is at achieving its purpose (to inform, to persuade, and/or to entertain) and reaching its
    intended audience. Please incorporate AT LEAST ONE QUOTATION in your rhetorical analysis. Refer to this handout from class: How to Effectively Incorporate a Quotation into Academic Writing

You can also refer to the sample student writing we went over in class, keeping in mind that this sample writing has both strengths and weaknesses:

The summary and rhetorical analysis should be at least 400 words. The summary should be about 1-2 paragraphs, and the rhetorical analysis should be about 2-3 paragraphs.




  1. Roheemot

    “Is Social Media Hurting Your Mental Health?” YouTube, Bailey Parnell uploaded by TEDxTalks,22June2017, https://youtu.be/Czg_9C7gw0o?si=hqDWFk5w7zvTtTXl



    According to the social media expert Bailey Parnell, our growing and unchecked obsession with social media has unintended long term consequences on our mental health. Bailey Parnell talked about the unintended consequences and how we can craft a better experience for ourselves on social media. The speaker started off with a personal anecdote by talking about her addiction with social media. She went on a vacation and turned on her phone’s airplane mode but on the first day she experienced phantom vibration syndrome where she had the perception of feeling vibrations from her phone that was not actually vibrating. It was until the fourth day of her vacation she became comfortable without her phone and this made her realize the negative impact social media has had on her.

         The speaker talked about the common stressors on social media which are factors or situations that often cause stress or anxiety for many people when using social media platforms. This can include comparing oneself to others through people’s highlight reel, – collection of the best and brightest moments people post on their social media, fear of missing out (FOMO), cyberbullying and excessive online negativity where Bailey Parnell made mention of the 18 year old Tyler Clementi who committed suicide because his roommate secretly filmed him being intimate with another guy and posted it on social media and the pressure to maintain a perfect online image. According to Bailey Parnell, “we struggle with insecurity because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel” Social media often present a highlight reel of people’s lives, showcasing the best and most polished moments. When we compare our own behind-the-scenes struggles and imperfections to these curated and edited images, It can lead to feelings of insecurity.

    In the words of Bailey Parnell, We become addicted to social media by making our everyday life about the likes, comments and shares on our social media posts. We simply cannot focus on other aspect of life because the notification on our social media platforms keeps going off and we need to check. The speaker relates this constant need to check to addiction and substance dependencies because with every likes, comments and shares we get on our posts, we get a shot of that feel good chemical dopamine. When our social media use goes unconfronted overtime, that is when we see the rising levels of anxiety, depression and low self esteem.

         As Bailey Parnell points out, in order to craft a better experience for ourselves on social media, we need to practice safe social i.e, we should be mindful of our online interactions and maintain a respectful and responsible online presence. We also need preventive and coping strategies for a better experience on social media because they help us navigate the potential challenges and maintain our well-being. Preventive strategies, like managing privacy settings, setting boundaries and being selective with our online connections. Coping strategies, such as taking breaks from social media can help us deal with any stress or negativity that may arise. We should also audit our social media diet by monitoring whatever goes into our head and heart i.e taking a closer look at our social media usage evaluating its impact on our mental well-being. It involves examining the accounts you follow, the contents you consume and the time you spend on social media. By doing all these,we can identify any negative influences or habits and make changes to create a healthier and better experience for ourselves on social media.

    Rhetorical Analysis:

    The intended audience seems to be anyone who uses social media or anyone who is interested in understanding the impact of social media on mental well-being and those who are interested in knowing how to navigate social media in an healthier way just like me. The purpose of this resource was to educate the intended audience on the impact of social media on mental health and how social media can be navigated in an healthier way . Speaking of visuals, the speaker stood on a stage with a live audience. There was a large screen displaying slides and images that accompanied the speaker’s presentation. The projected images helped me understand and connect with the message the speaker was passing across. The audience reactions and engagements were also captured, showing their enthusiasm, applause and laughter throughout the talk. Bailey Parnell is one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women, she is an award-winning digital marketer and public speaker. Bailey Parnell’s work and expertise has been featured on CBC, CTV and in other local Toronto news media which makes her claims reliable. Bailey Parnell also provided evidence that supported her claims using statistics and images which made all her claims more reliable.

    I sense Bailey Parnell was biased with her speech because she only talked about the negative impact of social media on mental health. I expected her to present a balanced perspective and acknowledge different view points by talking about both the pros and cons of social media on mental health. Though it has become increasingly evident that excessive social media use can contribute to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem and even depression. However, social media has in numerous ways talked people out of a negative state by connecting people with similar situation and allowing people to share their experiences and receive support from others who have gone through similar struggle and by so doing providing a sense of community for those who may feel isolated or marginalized.

    Excluding the fact that the speaker was somewhat biased, I think she did justice to the negative impact of social media on mental health. In Bailey Parnell’s word “micro moments overtime become macro problems”, I so much agree with this because interactions we consider small or insignificant like a negative comment on our social media posts can accumulate overtime and have a significant impact on our self-esteem and overall mental well-being. These micro moments of negativity can cause a macro problem of decreased self-confidence and increased depression related to social media.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Good work, Roheemot,

      I have two main comments for you that are fairly simple:

      1) A very thorough summary! I thought you did a good job. But if you wish, you may shorten this summary a bit. You do not need to hit on every single point that is made in your resource–just the ones that you feel are most important.

      2) I think your rhetorical analysis is solid. I would have, however, liked you to maybe provide a quick example of one of the statistics you felt made her argument more reliable. I also was wondering about what sort of affect hearing the audience reactions had on your experience of the video.

  2. angel

    “Experts warn U.S. teens are experiencing a mental health crisis” by CBS News. Published on Youtube. April 13, 2023. Online Video.


    In the video, “Experts warn U.S. teens are experiencing a mental health crisis” by CBS News, it dives deep into why mental health problems for teens has been such an uprising conflict and how we are able to stop it. We begin with Errol telling us that experts warn teens and children that they are in a mix of a real mental health crisis. Additionally, Lana then mentions that “Nearly 20% of children between ages 3-17 have a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavorial disorder”. 20% may seem like a little number, but it’s a huge number that shows how many children and teens are suffering due to mental healh issues. We then switch to Norah O’donnell introducing us to Lisa Damour, author and writer, who has produced books such as ‘The Emotional Lives of Teenagers’, ‘Under Pressure’, and much more. She begins by thoroughly mentioning that “We are seeing mental health concerns at a rate that is extreme and very concerning, so we could call this a crisis”. She adds on by revealing tons of data that indicates the struggle kids and teens have been dealing with since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mentioning that the pandemic was a huge factor on why the mental health

    Crisis has been a huge problem that has been escalating. For example, a huge distress of teenagers occured in Covid-19, 57% of teen girls felt persistent sadness in fall 2021, and so on. The video then shifts on how parents are able to help children and teens mental health. Explaining that kids need warmth and structure in order to have a stable mental health. For example, Lisa says children and teens need 9 to 11 hours of sleep, need to be physically active, do good in school, help their community out. Lisa believes that taking their social media away won’t help, but the things listed above are a positive way to help the children and teenagers who struggle with their mental health. In addition, Lisa speaks on how children and teens should talk and express their emotions as it will lead them to debunk a lot of weight and stress that damages their mental health. 

    Key Quotes:

     “Nearly 20% of children between ages 3-17 have a mental, emotional, developmental, or behavorial disorder”.

    “We are seeing mental health concerns at a rate that is extreme and very concerning, so we could call this a crisis”.

    Rhetorical Analysis:

    CBS’s video “Experts warn U.S. teens are experiencing a mental health crisis”, serves as a profound and eye-opening medium for shining the light on the issues affecting children and teenagers mental health.The video is aimed at anyone who wants to understand more about the topic of mental health and how many more difficulties are occuring in children and teens as a result of so many circumstances they must deal with, such as the influence of social media, doing well in school, and so on.The video developers adequately pickled a simple yet effective basic fundamental visual style, which allows to keep the focus on the voices and facts of the people involved. CBS guarantees that interest among viewers is maintained through the use of Lisa and Lana, who are the primary speakers, enabling audiences to connect with the genuine individuals beneath the data. 

    This elevates the mental health disaster, thus rendering it more comprehensible and emotionally impactful for the audience as a whole. As CBS centers this video on Lisa Damour, a child and adolescent psychology expert, writer and author, CBS not just delivers information but additionally underscores the importance of what’s currently going on in the world with mental health issues. Her statement is clear: we urgently need additional mental health services for kids and teens who are experiencing the worst mental health crisis ever recoreded and continues to rise. Lisa’s invitation to action extends beyond the confines of the video, motivating not only the audience members, rather everyone around the globe to take action to tackle this critical issue affecting not only kids and teens, but generations to come. Ultimately, the video is more than statistics and data, it’s about taking action and realizing that children and teens are suffering a lot with their mental health at only the ages of 3 to 17. The video produced by CBS and Lisa Damour creates an opportunity for adults, parents, cities and everyone to realize the real issue going on with teens and childrens mental health. Stating that in her book, “Warmth and structure, which is what all kids need”. For years and years professionals and studies have told us this and shown us that kids just need love and a well-based household willing to work with children and teenagers mental health.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Angel,

      Good work here. I have just a couple of thoughts about your rhetorical analysis:

      • Be a bit more specific with your examples. For instance, you mention a ” basic fundamental visual style,” but what exactly do you mean by this? What does this look like?
      • There were a couple of areas that needed more analysis/explanation. You state, for example, “Lisa’s invitation to action extends beyond the confines of the video, motivating not only the audience members, rather everyone around the globe to take action to tackle this critical issue affecting not only kids and teens, but generations to come.” My question here is HOW exactly is Lisa inviting us to take action. What strategies is she using to convince her audience that action needs to be taken on this important issue?
      • I would have liked you to engage in dept with a more substantial quotation.
  3. Andrew

    Her story isn’t about euthansia. It about failing mental health systems by Anna Biannca Roach published by The Washington post 


    Mental health of young adults is overlooked by our own parents,friends,siblings and even our own government Who is supposed to look out for us.I have this one friend who had bad mental health issues and I tried to make them better but I couldn’t because i was just a boy and she was to scared to tell her parents because she didn’t want to talk to a therapist because she tell me that they will never help.She tell her about her problems and will never help she ether tell her to take some pills and that everything will be fine or just blow it over.It went to the the point where she wanted die and didn’t feel love for her mom to noticed and she just called a social worker because she thought she was just crazy and that everything was in her head.It took me to take her to hospital for some help.It surprised me that she wasn’t the only who suffered like that because in the netherlands Noa Pothoven suffered the same thing she had suffer from two sexual assaults one when she was just 11 years old and a other three years later.She never ever filed a police report because she wasn’t mental strong to do it and no one knew that happen to her so it lead to her mental health keep going down and getting worse because symptoms like anxiety and a eating disorder starting happen. In the article it says that “  I have been in care for years getting worse and worse”. When I read this I was shocked because how are you in places and people that are supposed to help you don’t.They just make the problem even worse.

    Anna Bianca Roach article Her story isn’t about euthanasia.It’s about failing mental health systems is trying to reach out to all the mental health institution,therapist and even our own family because she wouldn’t mentioned on how Noa was in mental health system care for years and was just getting worse and worse. I think she is trying to point out how the mental health care system doesn’t work because she just keeps getting worse and not getting the proper help they actually need and how doctors aren’t doing their job by not helping her get better.Also in article it says “Van der Helm estimated that the decentralized Dutch health-care system has overlooked 250 Noas” that means more young adults that suffer like Noa aren’t getting the proper help from no one and that could lead to death and that be on the mental health institution and doctors are just overlooking these young adults letting them suffer without even trying to help and just letting them be and hoping for the best.

    Also in the article it says that a doctor told Noa “ Before she went public about her experience with rape, another caregiver told her she had no right” to be so troublesome – you have not been raped or something.”This shows that the system is just bad because they have doctors telling their own patient that nothing has happened to them shows that they don’t care about them and are just there for the money they could care less on what happens to them until they die or want to that when they finally decide to help but it just be to late already because there own doctors just make the patient even more worse.Also it just shows how badly the mental health care system is just bad because a few months later Noa died in her living room because she kill herself and the doctors still claim it wasn’t depression or anything else. They believe it was euthansia which is a drug they could of prevented but they didn’t

    Key quotes;

    “I have been in care for years getting worse and worse”

     “ Before she went public about her experience with rape, another caregiver told her she had no right” to be so troublesome – you have not been raped or something.”

    “Van der Helm estimated that the decentralized Dutch health-care system has overlooked 250 Noas”

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Andrew,

      Remember that for every entry you need to include BOTH a SUMMARY and a RHETORICAL ANALYSIS. I am guessing what you posted above is the rhetorical analysis.

      I liked how you engaged with some of the quotations, but make sure you are taking a close look at the sample rhetorical analysis that we went over in class. It is important that you are describing things such as:

      1. Who do you think the AUDIENCE of this piece is? How do you know?
      2. What is the PURPOSE of this piece? In other words, what is the author’s goal here? How are they trying to influence their audience?
      3. What STRATEGIES do they use to influence their audience? Do they tell stories that provoke deep emotions? Do they offer facts and statistics? Do they provide testimony from experts? Something else?

      Be sure to take a look at the handouts we have gone over in class. Also, take a look at Roheemot’s post. Her’s is great.

  4. Roheemot


    According to the social media expert Bailey Parnell, our growing and unchecked obsession with social media has unintended long term consequences on our mental health. Bailey Parnell talked about the unintended consequences and how we can craft a better experience for ourselves on social media. The speaker started off with a personal anecdote by talking about her addiction with social media. She went on a vacation and turned on her phone’s airplane mode but on the first day she experienced phantom vibration syndrome where she had the perception of feeling vibrations from her phone that was not actually vibrating. It was until the fourth day of her vacation she became comfortable without her phone and this made her realize the negative impact social media has had on her.

         The speaker talked about the common stressors on social media which are factors or situations that often cause stress or anxiety for many people when using social media platforms. This can include comparing oneself to others through people’s highlight reel, – collection of the best and brightest moments people post on their social media, fear of missing out (FOMO), cyberbullying and excessive online negativity where Bailey Parnell made mention of the 18 year old Tyler Clementi who committed suicide because his roommate secretly filmed him being intimate with another guy and posted it on social media and the pressure to maintain a perfect online image. According to Bailey Parnell, “we struggle with insecurity because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel” Social media often present a highlight reel of people’s lives, showcasing the best and most polished moments. When we compare our own behind-the-scenes struggles and imperfections to these curated and edited images, It can lead to feelings of insecurity.

    In the words of Bailey Parnell, We become addicted to social media by making our everyday life about the likes, comments and shares on our social media posts. We simply cannot focus on other aspect of life because the notification on our social media platforms keeps going off and we need to check. The speaker relates this constant need to check to addiction and substance dependencies because with every likes, comments and shares we get on our posts, we get a shot of that feel good chemical dopamine. When our social media use goes unconfronted overtime, that is when we see the rising levels of anxiety, depression and low self esteem.

         As Bailey Parnell points out, in order to craft a better experience for ourselves on social media, we need to practice safe social i.e, we should be mindful of our online interactions and maintain a respectful and responsible online presence. We also need preventive and coping strategies for a better experience on social media because they help us navigate the potential challenges and maintain our well-being. Preventive strategies, like managing privacy settings, setting boundaries and being selective with our online connections. Coping strategies, such as taking breaks from social media can help us deal with any stress or negativity that may arise. We should also audit our social media diet by monitoring whatever goes into our head and heart i.e taking a closer look at our social media usage evaluating its impact on our mental well-being. It involves examining the accounts you follow, the contents you consume and the time you spend on social media. By doing all these,we can identify any negative influences or habits and make changes to create a healthier and better experience for ourselves on social media.


    Rhetorical Analysis:

    The intended audience seems to be anyone who uses social media or anyone who is interested in understanding the impact of social media on mental well-being and those who are interested in knowing how to navigate social media in an healthier way just like me. The purpose of this resource was to educate the intended audience on the impact of social media on mental health and how social media can be navigated in an healthier way . Speaking of visuals, the speaker stood on a stage with a live audience. There was a large screen displaying slides and images that accompanied the speaker’s presentation. The projected images helped me understand and connect with the message the speaker was passing across. The audience reactions and engagements were also captured, showing their enthusiasm, applause and laughter throughout the talk. Bailey Parnell is one of Canada’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women, she is an award-winning digital marketer and public speaker. Bailey Parnell’s work and expertise has been featured on CBC, CTV and in other local Toronto news media which makes her claims reliable. Bailey Parnell also provided evidence that supported her claims using statistics and images which made all her claims more reliable.

    I sense Bailey Parnell was biased with her speech because she only talked about the negative impact of social media on mental health. I expected her to present a balanced perspective and acknowledge different view points by talking about both the pros and cons of social media on mental health. Though it has become increasingly evident that excessive social media use can contribute to feelings of anxiety, low self-esteem and even depression. However, social media has in numerous ways talked people out of a negative state by connecting people with similar situation and allowing people to share their experiences and receive support from others who have gone through similar struggle and by so doing providing a sense of community for those who may feel isolated or marginalized.

    Excluding the fact that the speaker was somewhat biased, I think she did justice to the negative impact of social media on mental health. In Bailey Parnell’s word “micro moments overtime become macro problems”, I so much agree with this because interactions we consider small or insignificant like a negative comment on our social media posts can accumulate overtime and have a significant impact on our self-esteem and overall mental well-being. These micro moments of negativity can cause a macro problem of decreased self-confidence and increased depression related to social media.

  5. Olivia P


    In the article, “How to Stop Overthinking” by “Cindy Lam” she goes into detail explaining and giving the readers fourteen ways that can help them in case they find themselves in a state where they are overthinking. The tips suggested are clear and easy to implement in your daily life. She emphasizes the importance of mediating, distracting yourself, and asking for help when needed. One suggestion she suggests is to take a deep breath and meditate. Mediation can be beneficial in many ways since it can ease stress and clear people’s minds. When a lot of thoughts flood your brain, you can use meditation to acknowledge them and let those unwanted thoughts leave your mind. Another suggestion she mentions is to find something to distract yourself with. This can help because if you have nothing to do you are more likely to overthink since it’s just you and your thoughts but if you find a hobby for example reading or playing a sport you are more likely to focus your attention on those things rather than overthinking. 

    Rhetorical Analysis:

    The author uses many different rhetorical elements to effectively engage and persuade its readers. This article appears to target teenagers, young adults, and adults who struggle and want to find solutions to their overthinking. The article is nicely organized and she gives some type of explanation for each of the strategies she suggests. This article was edited by Naomi Farr and medically reviewed by Bethany Juby, PsyD. The page states, “Can you pick up groceries for your neighbor who’s been sick? Realizing you have the power to make someone’s day better can keep negative thoughts from taking over. It also gives you something productive to focus on instead of your never-ending stream of thoughts.” This quote encourages the reader to consider completing acts of kindness and helping others as a way of fighting negative thoughts and overthinking. She uses logos to persuade the audience using clear logic as to how to effectively overcome overthinking. Cindy Lam uses pathos to empathize with the readers’ feelings about the frustration of overthinking and the anxiety and stress that comes with it. She uses an empathetic and relatable tone which makes her sound credible and trustworthy. Although she uses this tone and gives helpful tips, she doesn’t talk about any personal experiences she has had with overthinking. I think by giving examples of how she has dealt with overthinking throughout her life will make the readers and the audience trust her more.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Good work here, Olivia. I think you wrote a model summary.

      I also really liked your rhetorical analysis. My main comment is that I would like you to provide some specific examples of some of the elements you identify. For example:

      • “She uses logos to persuade the audience using clear logic as to how to effectively overcome overthinking.”–> Can you explain in a bit more detail what the “logic” is that you are identifying here and why you think it is so convincing?
      • “Cindy Lam uses pathos to empathize with the readers’ feelings about the frustration of overthinking and the anxiety and stress that comes with it. She uses an empathetic and relatable tone which makes her sound credible and trustworthy.”–> Can you provide an example from the text that you believe showcases this “empathetic and reliable tone.”
  6. Winson Chen


    1. “Now, think of instead of replacing our existing world, we want to enhance our existing world with digital content.”
    2. “And by a click of a button, we can just change the arm from left to right or vice versa. And this enables us to get the patient really focused on the test because the patient is not being distracted by anything that is going on in the real world.”
    3. “Imagine you don’t have to travel 17 hours on a plane just to meet with someone who probably has a sweaty handshake. And then on the next day, fly all the way back, feeling jet lagged and exhausted. Instead, you can just meet virtually from the comfort of your home.”
    4. “And also, it is a lot less expensive, it saves money, it saves the environment”


    In the TED Talk video “How immersive technologies (AR/VR) will shape our future”, Dinesh Punni explores the different potential impact of virtual reality on various aspects of our lives. He first begins with advancement of technologies through the years such as computers and phones to first set an example of how technologies improved and changed people’s lives. He emphasizes that by generating immersive, captivating, and interactive experiences, virtual reality has the potential to revolutionize the learning process. For instance, engineers can use VR to simulate complex manufacturing processes, and medical students can use AR to practice surgeries. In the video, Punni mentioned, “Now, think of instead of replacing our existing world, we want to enhance our existing world with digital content.” This contributed to what he was trying to say about how virtual reality has the potential of bringing revolutionary type changes to people of different careers. Punni also investigates the impact of virtual reality on industries such as marketing and retail. He describes it as ““magine you don’t have to travel 17 hours on a plane just to meet with someone who probably has a sweaty handshake. And then on the next day, fly all the way back, feeling jet lagged and exhausted. Instead, you can just meet virtually from the comfort of your home.” This shows how virtual reality can decrease the necessary use of transportation even in different types of situations. Also this further shows that being able to stay at home can also improve the shopping experience by allowing customers to virtually try on clothes, test furniture placement in their homes, or visualize the appearance of a new car. 

    At the same time Punni also talks about how using virtual reality can be environmentally healthy and how virtual reality can be less expensive. As Punni points out, “And also, it is a lot less expensive, it saves money, it saves the environment.” Later one Punni also highlights the potential benefits of using virtual reality in therapy and mental health treatment. Virtual environments can help individuals manage anxiety or fear by allowing them to gradually face their fears in a controlled and supportive setting. According to Punni, “And by a click of a button, we can just change the arm from left to right or vice versa, and this enables us to get the patient really focused on the test because the patient is not being distracted by anything that is going on in the real world.” This type of therapy is a conventional therapy called mirror therapy for stroke patients. In mirror therapy, a mirror is used to reflect an afflicted limb in order to produce positive visual feedback of a limb movement or to fool the brain into believing that a movement has happened without pain. The afflicted limb must be positioned behind a mirror. Overall, Punni talks about the different aspects in which virtual reality contributes to society as a whole. Punni includes some of the major things such as career, transportation, little education, and medical therapy as examples to show how virtual reality changed society.

    Rhetorical Analysis:

    Videos featuring well-known speakers on subjects including science, technology, education, business, and creativity are known as TED Talks. They often cover a wide range of topics in a five to twenty minutes format. Additionally, TED hosts independently run TEDx events. TED-style gatherings that are free to attend and include live speakers. Dinesh Punni’s TED talk titled “How immersive technologies (AR/VR) will shape our future,” Dinesh Punni delivers a persuasive and compelling analysis of how augmented reality and virtual reality will revolutionize various aspects of our lives. This TED Talk of Punni is used to educate and inspire people around the world about how virtual reality and augmented reality can drastically change the world. To do this Punni in the video effectively communicates his ideas and leaves the audience with a clear vision of the potential of these technologies.He also uses techniques employed by Punni such as the use of vivid and evocative language. He starts his talk by describing the emergence of AR and VR as a fundamental change and a new and major advancement in technologies.At the same time Punni uses strong words to create a sense of excitement and intrigue which contributed to capturing the attention of the audience from the very beginning.The structure of his overall video is by first presenting/implementing some background ideas about virtual reality to the audience. He moves on to highlighting the potential of virtual and augmented reality from education to career to even medical therapies. By using this type of organized structure, Punni was able to get his point across to the audiences in a way where they can follow along.

    In Punni’s TED Talk, he has mentioned many things related to potential changes in which virtual reality and augmented reality will bring to society. However, there are also many areas in which Punni did not mention as well. In the video, Punni has overused not the work potential but rather what virtual reality will bring in the near future. He did not state much about many factors in which virtual reality is currently being used. For instance, Punni says “Imagine you don’t have to travel 17 hours on a plane just to meet with someone who probably has a sweaty handshake. And then on the next day, fly all the way back, feeling jet lagged and exhausted. Instead, you can just meet virtually from the comfort of your home.” Punni uses the word imagine which shows that he is saying something that is likely going to happen in the future. If Punni has talked about some more information related to how virtual reality may have changed the society but at the same time, it is a true information which is already happening right now, it would have a better chance to persuade the audience into learning, understanding, and interest them even further. This is because despite this talk, Punni uses great structure to convey his message to the audience, he did not provide much information where virtual reality is being used for something important.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Good work here, Winson. Below are some questions I have for you aimed at sharpening your rhetorical analysis a bit:

      • You state: “To do this Punni in the video effectively communicates his ideas and leaves the audience with a clear vision of the potential of these technologies.He also uses techniques employed by Punni such as the use of vivid and evocative language. He starts his talk by describing the emergence of AR and VR as a fundamental change and a new and major advancement in technologies.At the same time Punni uses strong words to create a sense of excitement and intrigue which contributed to capturing the attention of the audience from the very beginning.” Some questions this raises for me include:
      • What are some examples of the “vivid and evocative” language he uses? What makes this language “vivid and evocative”?
      • What are examples of the “strong words” he uses, and what about these words make them strong?

  7. Ismael

    “The Tribulation of blackness: stages in Dominican racial identity”- Author: Silvio Torres-Saillant- Date: May 1998- Article


               The Article goes into great detail regarding the overall history between Haiti and the Dominican Republic way before they were even considered to be separate entities. Silvio goes all the way back to when they were considered as “La Isla Hispaniola” and what led to their separation as well as the cause of the discrimination mainly between the Dominican Republic towards Haiti. One of the first claims made by Silvio was in him identifying a large maybe even root cause of the racial issues between DR and Haiti when he proclaims, “A large part of the problem of racial identity among Dominicans stems from the fact that from its inception their country had to negotiate the racial paradigms of their North American and European overseers.” By stating that he basically gave the blame for the problem in racial identity to those “North American and European overseers” which for those not familiar before the date of February 27, 1844 which is when the Dominican Republic became independent they were being ruled over by the European Influence which is where Silvio chose to point a finger at regarding a great amount of blame in the problem of racial identity. Which that problem is currently being faced by not just those Dominicans that are considered to be “black passing” but those that are light in skin complexion but still have black features like the coarseness of their hair. Silvio argues that, “lk poet Juan Antonio Alix had little else in mind in his 1883 text “El negro tras de la oreja” [Black Behind the Ear], that mocks the preoccupation of the light-skinned creole elite for asserting their presumed white- ness, bidding them instead to take their concerns to “old Spain” or “Havana” as such worries had no place in “the Dominican land” (28-30).” “El negro atras de la oreja” is a phrase that translates to the black behind the ear which is supposed to signify how one cannot see the back of their own ears and sometimes others can’t even see it or they simply don’t look in that area which relates to how someone can still have black descendants in them but isn’t physically visible as they are in terms “white passing”. In the Dominican Republic due to the European influence that even after being liberated it still holds deep in their roots have been convinced that the pale white skin is the embodiment of someone’s self-character meaning that for darker individuals, they carry a stigma of what people that look like them tend to do and so they get stereotyped.

    Rhetorical Analysis:

           This article gave an immense amount of information about all things concerning the relations between the Dominican Republic and Haiti and where exactly it is that DR gets it’s stigmas of the black race that causes that identity crisis within themselves. Silvio Torres-Saillant goes back as early as the 16th century with all of his information and even uses other sources from other scholars for his article. Sources that include personal anecdotes of people who have experienced that crisis firsthand. Silvio isn’t very direct with his approach he branches out in many ways and in different points throughout his article and attacks us as readers from different aspects that in the end add up to his main point. Depending on who you are the article might be a bit hard to understand due to how Silvio writes and his choice of wording throughout his entire writing, which for me it was. However, the formatting was easy to keep up with as well as how he connects everything together so nothing he wrote seemed insignificant.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Ismael,

      My main comment here is that you are going to want to flip the proportions of your summary and rhetorical analysis. Your rhetorical analysis should be longer than your summary. To expand your rhetorical analysis, consider the following:

      • What is the genre of this piece? Is it an academic article? If so, what can we expect when reading this sort of genre?
      • What is an example of one or two of the “personal anecdotes” included in the article? How were these anecdotes helpful in achieving the author’s purpose?
      • What do you mean that the author “attacks” his readers?
      • You say the author is not direct in his approach. What effect does this have on readers?
      • Is there a quotation that you can analyze? Remember that your rhetorical analysis should have a quotation.
  8. Josh

    My Introduction

    Inflation and sales taxes wasn’t something I took any particular interest in, I really discovered some parts of what it’s like from 2019 to 2023.This project makes it easier for me to get a clear understanding of what it’s all really about and I’m also interested in this topic because we all know as of right now we’re dealing with inflation, literally everything is more expensive than ever was.. Like questions I ask myself, rooming my brain are why’s inflation hitting us so hard right, what causes inflation & sales tax going up, who does it affect, who benefits off of it, and how does one determine inflation/sales tax, does current issues or things happening in the media bare influence on inflation and sales taxes as well? 

    There’s many questions I want answered and hopefully through this research document they will be answered. But as of right now what I do know is that inflation is the increase in prices of goods, products, and services on a general level. Then for sales tax its the consumption tax the government imposes on goods and service. So these two really go hand in hand because ever since prices for everything went up it forced sales tax to increase as well. I’ll give you an example, one day I walked into the deli and buddy (store owner) gon tell me Arizona not 99c it $2 and one of the candy’s that I always got for $1, the sour power straws became a $1.29 I thought he was joking cause we always clown around. But he was being serious and I was like “nah, say word”. I ended up laughing, but honestly after I left the store I said to myself “ they are doing us dirty out here, wassup inflation wildin”. Every and anything going up, even to the point when I go grocery shopping I have to watch what I buy and how much items I’m picking up as well, whereas before the pandemic prices weren’t this outrageous and I used to shop heavy like carefree cause I knew would get lots of items at a reasonable price. But now it’s just getting crazy out here, so this bibliography research project makes it so much easier and conservative for me to get a clear understanding of what inflation is really all about.

    Bibliographic entry

    How Does Inflation Actually Work?, YouTube Video by The Infographics Show, creator of channel is Andrej Preston


    The video is about inflation and goes deep into explaining some of the factors that cause inflation as well such as cost push inflation and demand pull inflation. These terms simply sum up the fact as to why inflation happens and the speaker provides an example to this. For example, when the government prints more money seeking a stable economy through providing more jobs but that tends to place them into lots of government debt. Then with cost-push inflation maintaining a business becomes harder, meaning customers pay more money for the business to sustain itself; in many cases it’s due to materials costing more money, workers demanding higher wages, and last but not least higher land rent. Demand inflation is when the number of people wanting a good or a number of people that desire a good or service increases but the supply amount isn’t able to sustain or be fulfilled at the same time people are wanting it. So with that presented he then further goes on to  answer my question concerning the policies and who monitors inflation or studies the statistics of product increasing and their prices as well, along with sales tax numbers. 

    Next, Preston explains that inflation is tracked through a system called Consumer Price Index (CPI) a tool developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics which simply accounts for the many goods around the country, monitoring the rise of pricing and by what percentage it either went up or down. Also, he makes it significantly clear of the importance of those who work in or at the Federal Reserve Banks, they imply proper policies needed to keep inflation from either inflating even more at an extensive rate or control its effects by simply producing systems or methods in altering/lowering it. For example, a few examples would be contractionary monetary spending policy which is enforcing the reduction in government spending and certain things altered such as amount banks give out on loans increasing interest rates, a process called Open Market Operations and investing more into medical supplies and building projects which would then start up businesses leading to people being hired so money would be make back helping the economy become stable. 

    2-3 key quotes

    • “Inflation in the United States is primarily tracked using the Consumer Price Index or CPI- a tool developed by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which is takes into account the pricing data for thousands of goods across the country”
    • “Inflation rates are typically two to three percent every year in contemporary times”
    • The United States central bank whose main purpose is controlling inflation and preventing a recession. And the reserve has a major say in the state of the nation’s smaller banks – 80 percent of the 6,000 banks are part of a holding company, and this gives the Reserve a peek into the financial standing of the country as a whole”

    Rhetorical Analysis

    How Does Inflation Actually Work? Is a YouTube video created by Andrej Preston who owns a YouTube channel with the subscriber count of 13.5 Million subscribers. The channel mainly features animated videos about educational topics that includes stuff like history, current events, true crime, and in my case inflation. Andrej Preston is an American Solivian and he’s the Graphics Designer and Producer of the channel, it all started in 2011. He does a great job of using visuals and animations to keep the audience entertained and focused, making topics prior to his video that would be hard becoming easier to comprehend. The audience is really students of all age groups since the videos are mainly for educational purposes, seeking to inform the viewer on particular ideas/topics. As whether it comes to truth behind fact check I don’t know still will have to do more research and observing concerning that.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Josh,

      Good work. My main comment is that you need to expand the rhetorical analysis. Remember that your rhetorical analysis should ideally be longer than your summary.

      Some ideas for expanding your rhetorical analysis:

      • You state, “He does a great job of using visuals and animations to keep the audience entertained and focused, making topics prior to his video that would be hard becoming easier to comprehend.” Reading this, I wonder:
      • What do these animations look like? What is a specific example of an animation making something easier to comprehend in the video?
      • Can you say more about the purpose of the video? Is it just trying to inform, or is it persuading you to think about inflation in a certain way?
      • Can you identify a quotation from the video and analyze it? Talk about what it means and the strategies it uses to communicate its message.
  9. Nicholas Buxo

    Bright lights, fewer serious crimes in New York City projects. NBER. (n.d.). https://www.nber.org/digest/jul19/bright-lights-fewer-serious-crimes-new-york-city-projects 


    The street light issue has been a continuous problem in the community. Some people complain that they are unresponsive and don’t work while others say that they are poorly designed and shine too brightly into homes at night. When requests are made for these issues to be fixed, the maintenance either takes too long or the problem goes completely unanswered. Street lights have many purposes. One of those purposes is to make the common person feel safer. At a certain interval at night, street lights automatically turn on. The light that they produce brightens the area so civilians can see where they are walking. This also helps to improve security as the street lights provide more visibility for everyone.  Street lights are an important topic to be discussed . This is an issue because crime is more likely to be committed in dark environments. Not only do pedestrians fall victim but oncoming vehicles as well. New York City Projects have seen a dramatic decrease in “assaults and robberies after the installation of intense streetlights”. Criminals are less likely to operate in the intense light and in fact crime plunged about 60 percent. Another issue caused by street lights are traffic accidents. Inadequate lighting causes car collisions and pedestrian injury. After adding in lights to areas such as “Park Ave & E 33rd St, Allen and Pike Sts Houston St to South St, and 1st Ave,E1st St to E 33rd St” injury crashes went down by 88, 18, and 12 percent. 

    Rhetorical Analysis:

    The National Bureau of Economic Research website gives a vast amount of information and statistics of the different effects of street lights.According to the website, lighting has a direct connection with the perception of safety. With the statements of many researchers, they have given the percentage of crime rates fluctuating based on location and/or time of the incident. Then they go into depth about upgrading the lighting to help combat crime to a greater degree. Street lights were and still are a problem in NYC. Crime must be stopped and accidents should be prevented. Once new lights and modifications are implemented, New Yorkers should feel much safer and find peace in their everyday lives. 

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Nick,

      My main comment here is that you need to expand your rhetorical analysis. Remember that, in your rhetorical analysis, you are identifying the purpose and audience of your resource, and you are evaluating the strategies used to reach this audience. So consider the following:

      • Who is this article trying to reach and why? Is it trying to inform a certain population of something? Or is it trying persuade people to think a certain way about a certain topic?
      • What strategies are being used to achieve its purpose? What evidence is being used? How do we know the information we are being given is credible?
      • Who is the organization that released this information? What kind of work do they do? How do we know we can trust them?
  10. Albert

    A day in the life of a homeless person” YouTube video by The infographics show. This video is about homeless people in the world, the narrator is talking about how people end up being homeless and how these people live, and what they do every single day, and how hard is for them to get a job. So base in this video homeless people really live a rough life because they don’t have a nice place where they can stay at, also because they don’t have a job and it’s really hard for them to get a job because when they go for a interview they don’t go dress in a formal way so because of that the people who interviewed the homeless person is definitely are not going to take them serious because they see their condition, like without a haircut and with bad smell also with dirty clothes. Base on this video people end up being homeless for low income, eviction, lock of housing and instability, so for these reasons people get to a point where they have so much problems in their life like they own a lot of money and don’t get paid enough from their jobs to be able to pay all the bills that they need to pay, and that’s how they end up being homeless, that’s when they get all of their pertinence taken away from the government and they end up losing everything. Base on this video a day in the life as a homeless person is not easy because they be doing drugs and drinking alcohol and that’s not good for them because consuming all of that drugs are going to kill them and make them addicted to that stuffs, other thing that homeless people do in their life is ask for money but the people don’t really be giving them any money because people already know what they are going to use it for, and the reality is that they are going to use that money to buy drugs and alcohol, so that’s why people don’t really help them. Also homeless people live a hard life because they don’t have a place where they can stay at and sometimes the weather can be really bad like it can be raining or snowing and if it’s either raining or snowing these people are going to have a really hard time because they are going to be cold and wet and that can make them get sick and that’s going to be a problem for them because they don’t have the money to buy the medicine that they need to cure themselves and to get better.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Albert. Remember that your entry needs to include not only a summary of the resource but also a rhetorical analysis.

      Reading the above, it seems that it is the summary. My only comment here is that you can actually shorten this a bit. Remember that you do not need to summarize every single point made in your selected resource. You only need to summarize the points that you think are most important.

      For the rhetorical analysis, refer to the handouts and examples I gave out in class and that are posted on the OpenLab website.

  11. Ian Guevara

    The Santander website lists pros and cons when it comes to technology and informs a lot of useful information to back up each pro/con. According to the website, “At present, over 60% of people have access to the internet, 6.5 billion people own a smartphone and more than 2.14 billion made at least one online purchase in 2021. These are just three examples that show how far the development of modern technology has come, and how our way of life has changed. But does it empower us as a society, or on the contrary, does it make us more vulnerable? In this article, we investigate the pros and cons of technology.” Some outside information about technology, listing the technology used around the world. While reading the article readers can easily see all the different pros/cons and how it’s affecting us and our everyday life either in a positive way or a negative way. Some things that were listed as a pro were quick access to information, creating new jobs, simplifying tasks. Some things listed for cons were addiction and dehumanization. Dehumanization is a very big one because everyone is using technology for everything and in this article, you can see everything really falls into that

    The website being used for my topic is very effective and leads readers directly to the points and mentions some background information to have readers on a hook. It reaches out to readers and makes them think about if they’re learning more towards the pros of technology or cons. One reader might think to themselves what can i do to not be hooked on to a mobile device too much or for so long. On the website it provides a subtitle named “addiction” or “dehumanization” which includes little details saying how those 2 things are part of the downfall of technology that is somewhat ruining humanity. People are so eager to do everything through their phone and it’s not acceptable and makes people lazy. Also, it  takes away from their everyday life.

    On the other hand, this website also helps readers learn about the pros of technology as well. It hooks readers to learn more and learn about different effective uses towards technology. Some people tend to use technology poorly but on this website it tells us the good use towards it. For example,”Increased productivity and efficiency: Modern technology boosts productivity as well as the efficiency of human activities, as it allows us to perform tasks in less time. Meanwhile, thanks to the huge amount of information available, better decisions can be made, and human error reduced.” With this information given it persuades readers to take notes on how technology can help or boost your work and activities within less time instead of taking up your whole night and having you frustrated. Also, it’s an advantage because it’s common for us to make simple mistakes and with our smart technology it points out those mistakes and either replaces or points out your error and helps you take care of it right away.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Ian,

      I think this is a good start.

      Make sure you clearly delineate what is your summary and what is your rhetorical analysis. According to my reading, your first paragraph is your summary and your final two are your rhetorical analysis.

      To improve your rhetorical analysis, remember that I want you to address some of the following questions specifically:

      • What is the purpose of this source? To inform? To persuade? If it is trying to persuade us, how Is it trying to change our thinking exactly? What is it trying to get us to see that we may not yet be seeing?
      • What audience is this resource trying to reach? How do you know? Does it do a good job of reaching this audience?
      • Is the information in the resource reliable? How do you know? What kinds of evidence (facts, stories, statistics) is the resource using to help communicate its message? Is the information presented in an accessible, easy-to-understand way?
      • When including a quotation, make sure you thoroughly analyze the quotation according to the guidelines laid out in this handout.
  12. Jeniah Charles


    Obesity affects various aspects of health, increases the risk of diseases, decreases quality of life, and increases healthcare costs. Weight loss can help curtail some risks, with 5-10% of body weight loss offering meaningful health benefits. Body weight affects the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, with women having a BMI of 35 or higher being the most strongly influenced. Weight gain during adulthood also increases diabetes risk, even among women with healthy BMIs.Weight-related diseases are linked to diabetes. Men with BMIs of 30 or higher have a sevenfold higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes.Fat cells release hormones that cause inflammation, which can lead to health problems such as diabetes. Moderate weight loss can prevent or delay diabetes in high-risk individuals. Increased body weight increases cardiovascular risk factors such as blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, blood sugar, and inflammation, leading to increased risk for coronary heart disease, stroke, and cardiovascular death. Studies have shown a direct association between excess body weight and coronary artery disease (CAD). A meta-analysis of 21 long-term studies showed that overweight and obese individuals have a 32-81% higher risk of developing CAD compared to normal-weight participants. The effect of excess weight on blood pressure and cholesterol levels accounts for only about half of the increased risk.

    Obesity and cancer have a less clear association than diabetes and cardiovascular disease due to the fact that cancer is a collection of individual diseases. An expert panel found convincing evidence of an association between obesity and various cancers, including gallbladder cancer. Abdominal obesity and weight gain during adulthood were also linked to several cancers. Losing weight after menopause can cut postmenopausal risk by one-half for overweight women who have never used hormone replacement therapy. Obesity increases the risk of depression, according to a study of 17 cross-sectional studies. A meta-analysis of 15 long-term studies found that obesity and depression may be a two-way street. People who were obese at the start of the study had a 55% higher risk of developing depression by the end of the follow-up period. Obesity can affect various aspects of reproduction, including fertility. In women, it increases the risk of ovulatory infertility and complications during pregnancy. In men, obesity increases the incidence of low sperm count and poor sperm motility. Sexual function may also be affected by obesity, with an increased risk of erectile dysfunction and problems with arousal, lubrication, orgasm, and satisfaction. One small randomized trial suggests that modest weight loss improves fertility in obese women. In a smaller survey of 118 women, obese women had lower scores on the Female Sexual Function Index.Obesity affects various aspects of health and can be prevented through diet, exercise, medication, and surgery. Prevention is key to improving health and saving money on healthcare costs.


    The purpose of the author is to inform the audience about the various ways in which obesity affects health and to emphasize the importance of weight loss in reducing the risk of diseases and improving overall well-being. The author also aims to highlight the impact of obesity on healthcare costs. The intended audience of the writing is likely the general public, as the author uses straightforward language and provides basic explanations of the relationship between obesity and different health conditions. The author may also be targeting individuals who are overweight or obese and seeking information on the health risks associated with their weight. The topic of the writing is obesity and its effects on health. The author specifically discusses the impact of obesity on the risk of diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, depression, and reproductive health. The author of the writing is undefined. The background of the author is not provided, so it is unclear how their background may have influenced their writing. The main claim of the writing is that obesity affects various aspects of health, increases the risk of diseases, decreases the quality of life, and increases healthcare costs. The claim is supported by providing information on the specific health conditions and risks associated with obesity. The author supports the claim by providing statements and facts about the relationship between obesity and different diseases. 

    Examples of support include the increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes in individuals with higher BMIs, the association between obesity and cardiovascular disease, the link between obesity and various cancers, the impact of obesity on mental health, and the effects of obesity on fertility and sexual function. The connection between the claim and the supporting reasons is that obesity is a major risk factor for various diseases and health conditions. The author argues that by understanding the risks associated with obesity, individuals can take steps to prevent or manage their weight, leading to improved health outcomes. The author’s authority or credibility is not established in the writing. The author does not provide any information about their expertise or qualifications in the field of obesity or healthcare. The author appeals to the audience’s emotions by highlighting the negative impact of obesity on quality of life and the increased risks of developing serious diseases. By emphasizing the potential for preventing or reducing these risks through weight loss, the author aims to evoke a sense of urgency and motivation in the audience. The author incorporates facts, statistics, and numbers to support their argument. Examples include the increased risk of diabetes in individuals with higher BMIs, the percentage of body weight loss needed to achieve meaningful health benefits, and the higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease in overweight and obese individuals compared to those with normal weight.

    • Jeniah Charles

      Health Risks

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Jeniah,

      Good work here. I have some notes below to help you improve:

      • I think you can shorten your summary. Remember that you do not need to rehash every single point your resource makes. Highlight only what you think is most important.
      • Remember that you need to include a quotation in your rhetorical analysis and that you need to analyze it. See the quotation handout that we went over in class.
      • You state that there is no information about the author included, can you comment in more detail about what effect this has on our perception of the credibility of the article?
      • Since there is no information about the author, can you talk about the organization that published the information?
      • You mention that the “author incorporates facts, statistics, and numbers to support their argument.” Can you highlight some of these specifically?
  13. Milton

    A long history of violence, civil unrest against people of color in the US, By ABC news. published on YouTube.


    In the video “A long history of violence, civil unrest against people of color” By ABC News, it dives into where kids and adults of color were killed by police officers, many people going on strike and police officers responding to the situation in violence. To start off, we go back to where police brutality and protesters first started. In 1968, people especially of color started to protest against police officers due to them using excessive force and killing innocent colored kids and men. Additionally, police officers that assassinate people of color don’t usually get prison time. About 1,025 african americans were killed by police officers, and out of the 1,000 people that were killed, only 5% of the 1,000 people have received justice. This is a major issue not only to the state but to the country because it shows how corrupt the NYPD really are. 

    The speaker mostly talked about colored people being stopped and killed for the dumbest reason. One of the colored men named Philando castile, was stopped by former police officer Geronmino Yanez, the reason for the stop was for a traffic light, for that reason the police officer shot and killed the young black man infront of his 4 year old child and girlfriend, which he pretty much scared them for the rest of their lives. Another famous man named george floyd was killed by a police officer just for thinking floyd gave a fake 100 dollar bill to a local store. The police officer showed up and arrested him for that. George floyd was scared and had a mental breakdown, which the officers didn’t like, the officers then pinned floyd to the ground and pressed on his neck, which caused Floyd to stop breathing and then leading to his death. The goal and purpose of the author is to persuade and convince the people of the United states that violence and killing will only create more riots, protesters and many more. The video provides the day police brutality and inequality began against colored men, kids and women. “A colored man was accused of rapping a 17 year old white female, that’s where it started. The video shows a picture of a city where wealthy black people where living in and and right afterwards a black woman talks about black people being criminals but in reality the white people started all of that and the women stated that if she wants colored people to do better than white people should do better.

    Rhetorical Analysis

    The intended audience seems to be for the people who care for the society and the well being of the citizens, especially the colored kind. The purpose of the video was to deeper understand what the people of color go through every single day and what they fear the most. I watched two different videos and in those videos I saw how many innocent kids and adults were humiliated by police officers and killed with minor explanations. The audience’s thoughts and opinions made it to ABC news because it was tragic how one of the colored people was killed, for example, George floyd was killed by a police officer by pressing down on his neck for 10 minutes straight. This not only impacted the world but it opened the eyes of many people around the globe.

    The protesters against police brutality in ABC news made valid points. For example, they talked about black people being influenced by white people, being violent and destructive. She also talked about how black people were treated differently since day one, with disrespect and treated like animals. White not only influenced black people in a bad way but scarred them for the rest of their generation, with slavery and being treated like objects.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Hi, Milton,

      Thanks for this. My first comment is that you can shorten the summary a bit and extend your rhetorical analysis.

      One quick note: avoid the phrase “colored people” as this is considered offensive today. Instead, use person/people of color.

      Remember that you must include a quotation in your rhetorical analysis and you must analyze this quotation. See the examples I provide in the quotation handout. I think you can further develop the second paragraph of your rhetorical analysis by including a quotation there.

      Also consider the following:

      • You mention that in the videos you saw “how many innocent kids and adults were humiliated by police officers and killed with minor explanations.” Can you speak about what the emotional effect of this was? How was the video trying to influence its audience by showing this?
      • Are there any other interesting visuals used by the videos?
      • What kinds of evidence (facts, stories, statistics) is the resource using to help communicate its message? Is the information presented in an accessible, easy-to-understand way?
      • Can you say more about the audience? What age groups do you think this video is appropriate for?
  14. Maximo20

    “The teenage brain and addiction” by Boston children hospital Online YouTube videohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTy1_aQV9pA

      according to the video “The teenage brain and addiction” the neurology Frances E. Jensen explain that Addiction affects the reward system in the brain, which is responsible for experiencing pleasure and reinforcing certain behaviors. When teenagers engage in addictive behaviors, their brain releases higher levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward. This flood of dopamine can create a strong desire to repeat the addictive behavior, leading to a cycle of addiction. addiction can impair the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for decision making, impulse control, and judgment. This part of the brain is still developing during the teenage years, making teenagers more susceptible to impulsive and risky behaviors. Addiction can further compromise the development of the prefrontal cortex, leading to long term difficulties in self control and decision making. addiction can impact other areas of the brain involved in learning and memory. Chronic substance abuse can disrupt the formation of new memories and impair cognitive function. This can have negative consequences on academic performance and overall cognitive abilities. It’s important to recognize the risks of addiction and educate teenagers about the potential consequences. By promoting healthy coping mechanisms, providing support, and fostering open communication.  

       Rhetorical Analysis:

       Boston Children’s Hospital to convey their message. They employ various strategies to effectively communicate their expertise and commitment to children’s health. One persuasive technique is the use of emotional appeal. Boston Children’s Hospital often shares heartwarming stories of their young patients, highlighting the impact of their care and the resilience of these children. This evokes empathy and compassion, encouraging support for the hospital’s mission. Another technique is the use of expert authority. Boston Children’s Hospital is widely recognized as a leader in pediatric medicine. They leverage this credibility by showcasing their team of highly skilled doctors, researchers, and healthcare professionals. This establishes trust and confidence in their ability to provide the best care for children and teenagers. Additionally, Boston Children’s Hospital employs the power of statistics and evidence-based information. They often share data and research findings to support their claims and demonstrate the effectiveness of their treatments. This appeals to the logical side of the audience and reinforces the hospital’s credibility.

    • jacob.aplaca

      Thanks for this, Maximo. Below are some questions to help you expand and deepen your rhetorical analysis:

      • You note that the video uses “emotional appeal.” Can you explain exactly what you mean by this and then provide a specific example–perhaps in the form of a quotation–from the video of the use of emotional appeal?
      • You note that the video leverages the credibility of BCH by “showcasing their team of highly skilled doctors, researchers, and healthcare professionals.” Can you explain HOW they showcase this team in the video? Again, perhaps you can point to a specific example.
      • Does this video reference any explicit research done by the hospital? If so, talk about it! Give EXAMPLES of some of the statistics that are mentioned, and talk about why you think these statistics matter.
  15. Kalyn Williams

    The right to secure private property guaranteed under capitalism allows innovators and entrepreneurs to invest their resources into the development of AI technology, without fear of having their ideas, technology, or investments taken away without compensation. This provides a strong incentive for innovation, as innovators know that their investments will be protected and that they can reap the rewards of their work.

           Additionally, private property rights also allow innovators to keep their ideas and inventions confidential, meaning that they can reap the benefits of their ideas without the fear of having their ideas stolen or copied by competitors. This incentivizes innovation, as innovators are more likely to invest their resources into the development of new and innovative AI technology, knowing that their ideas will be secure and that they will benefit from their hard work.

    Prices arise due to property rights because they allow individuals or organizations to set an exchange rate on a particular good or service that they own and to decide who has access to it. When people or organizations have the right to possess and use a particular good or service, they can set a price for it. When undertaking school writing assignments, ideally there is ongoing dialogue between teacher and student: Discuss what the student wants to write about. Share and comment on initial drafts. Then it’s time for the student to rethink and revise. But this practice often doesn’t happen. Most teachers don’t have time to fill a collaborative editorial – and educational – role. Moreover, they might lack interest or the necessary skills, or both. Conscientious students sometimes undertake aspects of the process themselves – as professional authors typically do. But the temptation to lean on editing and text generation tools like Grammarly and ChatGPT makes it all too easy for people to substitute ready-made technology results for opportunities to think and learn.

  16. Evelyn Rosales


         In the article, according to the expert Rachel Ehmke, social media has a very big impact on us, especially teens. The main point that Rachel Ehmke talks about is how social media affects our health and well-being in many different ways and how parents can also help their children to get out of this. The expert says that teens are more anxious and have lower self-esteem because of social media and texting. There are key differences to socializing online. Many teens miss out on things like body language and facial expressions which can lead to misunderstandings and hurt feelings. It is common for a lot of kids to feel bad about themselves when they see everything online look perfect. Teens often try to make themselves look better on social media by sharing pictures and posting themselves that make them look good too. Then, when their social media identity doesn’t match how they actually feel, they end up feeling much worse. 

    Key quotes: 

    • “ The other big danger that comes from kids communicating more indirectly is that it has gotten easier to be cruel. “Kids text all sorts of things that you would never in a million years contemplate saying to anyone’s face,” says Donna Wick, EdD, a clinical and developmental psychologist. She notes that this seems to be especially true of girls, who typically don’t like to disagree with each other in “real life.” ”. 
    • “ Dr. Steiner-Adair agrees that girls are particularly at risk. “Girls are socialized more to compare themselves to other people, girls in particular, to develop their identities, so it makes them more vulnerable to the downside of all this.” She warns that a lack of solid self-esteem is often to blame. “We forget that relational aggression comes from insecurity and feeling awful about yourself, and wanting to put other people down so you feel better.” ”.

    Rhetorical Analysis: 

          The author talks about many different ways of how social media isn’t healthy for us. This article appears to inform most teens and parents.  At first she started talking about how there are a lot of parents that worry about their toddlers with social media and technology, but the main impact that is affected by this are adolescents and about the amount of time they spend scrolling and sending memes to their friends is more than how much 3 years olds spend time on their moms phones. The researcher also says that they asked young people around 14-24 year old back in the UK to take a survey and how much social media impacted their health and well being. When the results came back they had found that Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all led them to increased feelings of depression, anxiety, body image and loneliness. A big danger that comes from kids communicating more indirectly is that it has gotten easier to be cruel. “ Kids text all sorts of things that you would never in a million years contemplate saying to anyone’s face”, says Donna Wick, EdD, a clinical and developmental psychologist. In other words what Donna Wick is trying to say is that in social media people try to text really hatefully and mean things that they wouldn’t even tell someone in person. Another thing that Rachel mentioned was what parents should do in order to help their kids with this problem. She said that it’s up to the parents to be good role models to their kids on using healthy usage on their computers. 

         The audience that Rachel Ehmke is trying to reach out to are teens or to those people who care about the major impact of social media on their mental health. The purpose of this resource was to educate those who don’t really know much information of how bad social media is to their mental health. She’s also trying to reach out to parents whose kids spend too much time on social media and to those who are trying to help out their kids. Overall I agree with everything Rachel says in this article because one thing that she also talked about is how social media causes teens to have low self-esteem. I feel like i could relate to this a lot because when i see these really good looking models on instagram, they just seem so perfect and then i put myself in a position where i compare myself to them and think of why i can’t look like them. At the end of the day I just try to remember that all these pictures are edited and that the majority of the women on these social media platforms also get surgeries to look better. Rachel Ehmke is a freelance writer and the former managing editor at the Child Mind Institute. She holds a BA from the University of Chicago.

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