Hi All-

Thank you for a great semester.  For your final reflection (which is a percentage of your overall participation grade and worth 2 points, instead of 1) please answer the following three questions below.

Have a great summer! It was a pleasure getting to know each of you and achieve our course objectives!

1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen?  What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist.  AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient.  Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

Thanks again for a GREAT semester.  Have a FUN and SAFE break.

57 thoughts on “FINAL REFLECTION: DUE 5/22/15

  1. Chamirah

    I would inform someone taking this course in the upcoming semester of how crucial is to pay attention all the necessary material. As far as providing them with a tip, I would inform them of how important it is to be very open-minded and put their best foot forward. The concept that race is a socially constructed idea and it is not biological definitely stands out although it was something I was previously aware of. As a professional it is extremely crucial that I make the effort to stay well informed about race and reduce the stereotypes that I may possess. I think I would make a pretty decent health psychologist given that I have a wealth of experience interacting with others on various levels. I have excellent communication and critical analysis skills. I think it is important for a health psychologist to establish a trusting relationship with a client in what may be a brief period in order for the client to comply.

  2. Henry M.

    I would that it is a very interesting class and you can learn what race really is and how it can cause a lot of stress. The tips and advices I would give them are know some information before taking the course such as chronic pain and things that can cause stress and how it can affect your health. If I become a hotel manager, then this class had informed me that stress can be a problem for all the employees at the hotel, such as housekeepers, front desk, etc., because stress can cause physical pain, and the employees might not be able to work. I do not think that I would make a great health psychologist because there are too many medical terms to remember such as different kinds of diseases. I think I would make a alright patient as long the health psychologist keeps things positive.

  3. Noemi

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    Take notes and participate. Do not miss none of the videos or small movies shown in class they are great and make you think about what is really going on around you. Great class and great professor!

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    One lesson that really will stick to me will be the The house we live in after watching the video i learned a couple of facts that i did not know of being a citizen to this country and why would people be neglected to do so.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    Most likely i will be a good patient i do not see my self as a psychologist yet because I’m still trying to understand myself, and understanding others will take me some time.

  4. Dherrera

    If a person that signed up for this particular course asked me what to expect I would tell them that this course is heavily focused on minority groups and inequality in America and how such inequality has taken a toll on the health of certain groups. I would also tell them that the course is heavily based on online assignments so taking an online course for this particular subject would be a good idea. This course has inform me of some of the challenges that health psychologists deal with on a daily basis and the topic that stood out to me was the alarming numbers of people that are living with HIV here in NYC without knowing they are infected. I don’t think I would make a good psychologist for the following reason. I don’t have a caring personality that I think is necessary to succeed in this field when dealing with some critical health issues that a patient may have. From a patient’s point of view I can definitely be a great patient because I now have an idea of what to expect from a health psychologist and in turn I can make the whole process a lot smoother.

  5. Veronica

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    I would say if they were interested in health, this would be an excellent class to take. I would also say to do all of the assignments because they are all helpful in completing the next ordered assignment, in a way they were all inter-related.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    To me microaggressions really stood out to me. I see different people react differently and interpret someone’s words or actions either flattering or offensive. It made sense to me how delicate of a matter race is and how it made certain people build up walls to protect themselves from being discriminated or viewed differently then everyone else.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    I feel I wouldn’t make a good health psychologist because 12 years in school to me is too extensive of a time period. I do enjoy the 14 year retirement on the other hand. I do massage therapy and feel my touch is more beneficial then my words. To me actions speak louder than words and I am better at feeling health then explaining it. I feel like I wouldn’t know if I was a good patient or not because nothing life threatening has occurred and I am healthy. Nobody can really say what they will do in a situation, unless they have been through it, stress can make the body and mind react in ways one could never assume possible.

  6. SarahChan35

    If I were to give advice, I would recommend that they pay attention to this class and always be on top of the syllabus. This class requires a lot of attention on open lab and it is a huge part of participation. If future students do now know anything about due dates, they may lose a huge chunk of their grade.
    This class has taught me that race is not exactly what people define it to be. Diseases that are particular to one race are not always what it seems. In fact, race itself is not actually precise because it is what people define you as where as you can define yourself as something else. You could define yourself as an half black and half white man but when someone sees you for the first time, they can just think that you are black, rather than a mixed. This is something that has really stood out most to me.
    After knowing what a real health psychologist is, I think that I would not make a good health psychologist because I’m not very good at communicating with people and I have not truly understood myself as an individual so it makes it hard for me to communicate and understand a patient if I were a health psychologist. However, I think I would make a good patient because I now know what a health psychologist does so it makes it easier for me to go through the process with them.

  7. Victoria Qiao

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    I would say be prepared to be brainwashed because once you walk into this class, the view of everything changes. Secondly, keep up with all the blogs so it won’t kill you later.
    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    As a citizen, I learned that race has nothing to do with specific higher health risks. Now, I look at health and race differently, but most importantly the reason why people get cancer may be their environment or anything not related to their skin color.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I think I would be a good health psychologist, I am patience and straight-forward when I need to be. As a patient, I probably would be that person in-denial, I am not sure exactly how I would react.

    This was a very interesting class, I’m happy I learned something that changed my view and I know I am not alone on this. Mission success for you professor!

  8. Jenn

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    i would say that it is a very informative class but also 100% participation is required. If they think this is an easy A to think again because you definitely have to work for your grade.

    I would say to look at the syllabus and try to do things ahead of time so that they don’t let these little things pile up because they will end up piling up.

    If you pay attention and are actually interested in learning about biopsychosocial this is the class for you.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    There were many lessons taught to my surprise. For starters to diminish risky behavior or at least try to lessen them to avoid diseases from happening. STRESS can kill you. Race is a social concept not a biological one. Minimize prejudice based on somones appearance. Health disparities and racism still exist.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    After getting more insight on what a health psychologist does I definitely can say I thought about wanting to go into this field. I think i can make a great health Psychologist because I know the importance of expressing to patients about not believing in stigma’s and to try to live a healthy lifestyle to avoid the progression of diseases. I would also encourage them not to allow language barrier and stereotypes keep them away from help. As far as being a compliant patient, I think I will be because unlike many people when I hear a stereotype I like to prove people wrong. It stimulates me to against them.

  9. matty65

    Given the opportunity I would encourage others to take YOUR course. I don’t know how other professors teach Health Psych. But I feel that you do it with passion and incorporate many activities that make the course enjoyable and get the main points across. I have grown a little as a person in this class. There are two segments of the course that I found especially enlightening. The segment on change has helped me view change in a different way. Knowing that there is a methodology that can be utilized to evaluate your progress through a behavior change is valuable knowledge. Secondly the entire segment on race and what it actually is was absolutely captivating. I’m stealing that! Thank you for the information and the video. I’m trying to get copies for my own children. I have a great respect for you and your profession although I don’t believe that I would make a good Health Psychologist. I do believe that I may make a good patient though as I am pretty open minded. Thank You Professor Almond, thank you for helping me free my mind.

  10. dorcas

    I recommended this class to a friend of mine and I told her that it is a fun class and that she is going to learn a lot of new information about what race is and what it is not. Even though there is a lot of activities and assignments to do, I told her that she will enjoy it. Being in this class was a great experience for me, lots of educational films to watch and I loved the way professor Almond thought the class.
    This is a class that all health care providers should be made to take. It is going to help me to look at disease and race differently. It has changed my perception of disease stereotyping and the importance of looking first at other areas that may be the cause of my patients problem instead of attributing their health problems to race. I also learn that health behavior change can result in better health outcome physically and mentally. I will also encourage my patients to learn about their disease and what they can do to help themselves. I will tell them to make use of the internet by going to find information about other people that are dealing with the same disease and what these people are doing to cope.
    Health psychologists help patients to deal with their disease by using different health Models and therapies. They help people deal with their problems psychologically and biologically even though they do not prescribe medications. I think I will be a good health psychologist because I love to help people in anyway I can. I can also be a compliant patient if I have knowledge of why the type of treatment is recommended to me.

  11. Taurey

    If I were to give any tips or advice to someone taking this course next year I would advise them to:
    1. Enter the class with an open mind.
    2. Be ready to talk about very controversial issues that American minorities have faced and are currently facing today.
    3. Stay on top of your work throughout the year because readings and shorter assignments can sometimes pile up. It would be best to do your work ahead of time. You have all the information you will need weeks in advance and the information in the readings is never dull. Don’t miss any classes because the videos watched during the lectures are hard to find sometimes and contain a lot of information.
    4. To truly get your money’s worth from the class its best to be active both in class and online and to take the liveWell program serious.
    5. Don’t take good notes take great notes every class.
    I would advise this course to anyone entering the healthcare field.
    As a student, I took from this class so much information that I know was opened my eyes to things I probably did give much consideration to because I am a CST major. As a professional this class has given me insight and statistical data in things like stress racism and health how they correlate and how it can affect you in the work place as well as contribute to minority mortality stats. The lessons that stood out to me the most were the statistical data on AIDS and the lesson on mitochondrial DNA and how people that look the same or share exterior characteristics don’t always have the as many genetic similarities as they might appear to.
    I am not sure if I would be a good “Professional” health psychologist. I enjoyed the class and its topics but my heart isn’t in to helping people on the level of our speakers. I don’t know if I would be able to help people the way they need because I lack the emotional desire. I would enjoy pointing people in the direction of health psychology highlighting the practice as whole and its importance in the health care sector because I truly feel it is necessary to have that point of view incorporated in the way people are cared for medically. I feel I have a better understanding of the field than I did before the course which would make me a good patient. I now know have a long list of questions for my doctor after diagnoses. I think I might want or request the opinions of a health psychologist instead of just one type of doctor.

  12. Ashley Golden

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    One of the topics we discussed through out the semester was “race” and If you’re interested, you will find this topic to be very intriguing. Be open to the discussions of race you never know what you might learn. My advice for future health psychology students, be mindful of others. This topic can be very sensitive. listen to the point of view of other students, you might have something in common or learn something new. And lastly, do not be afraid to ask questions, someone might have the same question as you and might be too afraid to ask.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    I learned professionals can be prejudice based on historic information that has been passed down for hundreds of years. As children/young adults, we are taught certain behaviors that affect us in the future. Since we are now aware of this, I feel as future professionals we should promote change, awareness and become better role models. The biggest lesson I learned from H.P, you can’t assume! The color of ones skin is not the representation of ones heritage or nationality. I also learned you can’t predict one’s successful path or health status by skin color as well.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    Although I enjoyed Health Psychology, I don’t think I would make a good H.P. One of the questions I asked guest lecturer Ms. Nobel “Are Health Psychologist desensitized in a way?” She answered yes and explained. I find some of their work can be difficult, especially if they are dealing with difficult patients. Another thing she mentioned, she cried the very first day of working with patients. She then stated if you let the job overwhelm you then you wouldn’t be able to help the patients.
    On the other hand, I think I would make a great patient. One thing I know the class noticed is that I love asking questions. I like to feel informed and educated on every aspect. I allow the professionals to do their job while being patient. I am aware professionals can make mistakes, so I am open to receiving medical advice from other professionals.

  13. Slangford

    To someone taking this course I would say, be ready to be offended (from topics about race and stereotypes) and have an open mind. There are certain topics that may make you feel a type of way. I would advise them to pay attention to how much of the course relates to their daily life.
    This class has informed me on how my behavior affects my mental and physical health. Using the live well program helped me get a lot of my life together within these last three months. The lesson that stood out the most was the patient/doctor group activity. It showed me how sensitive or desensitized one can be when it comes to health.
    I do not think I would make a good health psychologist because I feel I would get extremely frustrated with a difficult patient, such as Dr.Nobel’s client she was mentioning. It’s hard helping someone who seems to have no will to do anything that will better their life. I would make a good patient as long as I have a caring and knowledgeable physician .

  14. Mdelie16

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    I would tell them that this was the best class I’ve ever had in a long time. Professor Almond is passionate about what she is teaching and it shows. She engages the students with effective learning activities instead of hammering us down with boring power points like all my other classes. I would advice them that it is a lot of work but it doesn’t feel like work because the activities she assigns are so fun, simple, and gets the point of the lesson through. A tip I would tell them is that they will need to be computer savvy. I would tell them that they will learn a lot of eye opening ideas about race and health that will change the way they perceive society.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    All the lessons stood out to me; the I’m positive game, the 3 part video on race, the patient voices, the Live well modules, the when the bough breaks video, and the placebo experiment. I thoroughly enjoyed them all. Not only did I enjoy them but I learned from them. Especially the lecture by Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown on HIV/AIDS. As a registered professional nurse, I must realize that when my medical surgical textbooks claim race as a risk factor, to ignore that and find out what behaviors does the client engage in that causes their illness. In my profession I will focus on reinforcing healthy behaviors, so educating the patient will be key in my practice.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    According to Ms. Alexandra Nobel’s lecture and based on the scenario she gave us about one of her patients, as a health psychologist, I would expect to feel helpless at times. Ms. Nobel sat down and thought it through and realized that sometimes when the situation seems hopeless what these people need is a listening ear to vent to. I know that I would be capable of doing that, sitting down with a patient and allowing then to vent about their issues. Another component of being a health psychologist is a lot of collaboration with an interdisciplinary team to meet all the patient’s needs. That is a huge part in nursing so I also believe that would contribute to me being a great health psychologist. As a patient, I believe I would be a great candidate because I am willing to do whatever it is to improve and maintain my health.

  15. Lizet

    1. I would highly recommend this course, although it was a elective required for my degree. I enjoyed learning about health psychology and how it’s related to my nursing career.
    2 learning on how health psychologist belief in many factors that contribute to many illness in their patients, has taught me to see my career in a different perspective in a more holistic way. The film on race was very informative in how society sees race and how most are wrong in that concept.
    3. I think I would be a good health psychologist not just because I’m a. Use and my patients are my priority. I think analyzing a patient on various factors like environment , genetics, socioeconomic status , etc, let’s you see a patient in a different perspective. As a patient if I were advised by a health psychologist , I think I would be more complient because they focus on various factors that can affect my wellbeing.

  16. kareshma

    1.) To someone that’s taking this course next year, I would most likely say “you’ll love it.” Just always be in class you wouldn’t want to miss anything because its just a really fun yet informational class where it feels more like an after school get together with a group of friends talking and participating in activities about our health life styles.

    2.) Everything about this class can be carried on in my future because I’ve learned very informational things that can help me carry out a healthy lifestyle. One of the biggest was learning about how to cope with stress because I’ve always had a problem with stress coping.

    3.) After knowing what a health psychologist is and their duties are I can conclude that I might not make the best health psychologist out there, the reason being is because based on the situations described in class some people’s lives are just really complicated and I would probably be afraid to make decisions in their lives fearing if I take a wrong step and maybe make things more worse than they already are. As for a health patient, I know to myself I would most likely not be a very complicated patient. I would allow my health psychologist to do his or her best and if things don’t work as planned then I would probably just ask to try again.

  17. Jibriel

    1) I would tell future students taking this course in the upcoming semester that it’s a good chose to take this course because it’s very informative. In particular, about our country’s history and how the idea of race came to be through the founding fathers and how it affected minorities that came to this country. Further, tips that I would suggest them is that do all the open lab responses on time and not to procrastinate because the assignment pile up very fast.

    2) This class has been absolutely informative, I’ve learned a lot through the live well program and how to engage in healthier activity’s and reduce stress in my life. Also the “race an power of an illusions” was one of the most informative movies I’ve watched and will always remember moving forward in life.

    3) I don’t think I can be a good health psychologist because it’s very stressful trying to help people with chronic illnesses. Further, it can be more difficult because not all patients are the same there can be some that don’t want to cooperate, which can make the treatment and job difficult. On the over hand, I think I’ll be a better patient because I feel I’ve learned a lot from this class about how health psychology’s can help patients cope or heal from many illness. Also now I have an idea of what to except from a health psychologist.

  18. Rafael

    I have told some classmates about this course, and told them it is a straight forward class and helps you see health in a very different aspect. The work is reasonable and the discussions are very informant. I will tell them to be more open and more willing to participate and share their view on life, health and race. As a future math educator, I believe that this course has helped me understand stress and how it affects people differently, also how race still is a big factor for the stress a student might have during school with their peers and such. The liveWell assignment at first wasn’t really a big thing for me, but working on the last paper, I saw how important exercising, eating healthy and stress management is to me. It has even made me encourage my love ones to become more healthy and more aware of themselves, and their decisions. I don’t think I’ll be a good health psychologist, I mean I wouldn’t be able to tell people bad news with out it bothering me, nor be on top of all the illnesses there are and I wouldn’t be able to actually try to understand how a person may react without thinking, hey guy man up and be healthier or something like that. As a patient, I think I’ll be a compliant patient, because I will understand what is going on with me and do my best to help myself.

  19. Kar Lee

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    I would say to someone who is taking this class is that there is a lot of work involved, this class requires to stay focus on OpenLab website, LiveWell assignments and it is a overall grade of participation. Also don’t missed out the important videos because you will need to do assignment on OpenLab. Most importantly keep track of each week on syllabus and up to date announcement from Professor Almond then you can succeed in this course. Overall, Professor Almond is a great professor and you will loved this class.
    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    This class has informed me with a lot of stage life changes in a healthy way. In the future, I will follow different kind of steps on being a healthy lifestyles because I learned so much thing on livewell program. The most lessons I stood out were about how to decrease stress in my life and changing behavior will improve my future life.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I think that I would not make a good health psychologist because I’m not very good at remembering with medical words and different kind of health and diseases so it will make it so much difficult for me to communicate with an health patients if I were a health psychologist. Also, I think that I would make a good patient because I understood what a health psychologist meaning behind so it will make easier life and more better for me to go through this procedure.

  20. anthonynedd

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    The class is incredible, you’re going to learn alot that may affect you, keep you emotions in check and process the info. Do every assignment right away when it’s fresh in you mind, right after class if possible. The busier your schedule is the sooner you do the assignment, get it out the way or it may never get done if you have a full load of classes and work full time.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    The tips mentioned above were as much for myself as they were for the next student. Future work as a student is already being influenced by your class because it taught me to do assignments right away and finish it of completely, edit and proof read right away in one sitting, don’t put anything off.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I believe i would make a great health psychologist because i already question many norms and the ways things are done. Growing up in another part of the world, exposed me to difference governmental, economical and societal norms which allows me to think freely with no restrains. I am currently a nurse and formerly a financial adviser, both careers that have honed my ability to think critically. All these things i believe would aid me in becoming a great health psychologist.
    The Llive Well assignment reinforced the importance of exercising, eating healthy and stress management however it taught me i would be and am a horrible patient who does not always follow through on recommendations even thought i know i want the end results.

  21. Donna Liu

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    I would advise them to keep up with the work and not fall behind because even missing one class can make a big gap.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    This class has made me more aware of what’s really going on in the world. This class also taught me how to manage my health a little better, in different ways mentally and physically.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I think I would be a good health psychologist. To be a good health psychologist, I think you have to be patient, understanding, a good listener, know facts, and be creatively helpful, like thinking outside of the box.

    I also think i would be a compliant patient. I am a very cooperative person when it comes to things i don’t know and don’t understand. I know i don’t have all the answers to the world, which is why I am always giving other people the chance to inform me. If i found out i had a disease, of course I would be freaking out on the inside but I know on the outside I would have to keep my composure because losing it will not help the situation at all; having someone tell you what the next step will.

  22. Rpalma89

    1.i would say to have fun and be openminded! be ready to be brainwashed hahah jk. i would tell something that you as professor and in general in the information gives you an outlook on life that makes you change the way you think. it makes you look at someone from different “races” or ethnicity. we are all one population with 1 gene of a difference and to also be involved and participate because if you dont you just take the fun out of the class

    2. One lesson that stood out to me was… that we are all the same, we all look different but at the end we are all people. we can all share laughs together, we can understand each other, we can work together and we have to stay united to make each generation after us to think the same way.

    3. because i am in human services i do think i am able to be a good health psychologist its not a field i find i would like myself in because i wouldn’t be able to continuously give bad news. and because i am the way i am and extremely nosey i know i would be a good patient asking 1000 questions and trying my best to make myself better!.

    class of 2015! woooooo

  23. Leonel

    1. What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    Well I would say to the upcoming students that will be taking this course next year that this is a very interesting class. Here they can learn a lot about the race’s history and health activities. I also would tell them that this class move very fast, the prof us very busy with a lot of online actives which in some part is good to keep you interested in the class in some way but in the other handle is kind of too much for some especially when you have a lot of other class. But the class is very helpful.

    2. How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    The livewell actives that I did showed me a lot of new things to keep me healthier. I learn how to do and manage my body in a more healthy way, and now I know more hot to treat my body good and how to manage eating healthier. Those activities will definitely carried with me.

    3. Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I thing that I would make a good patient rather than a health psychologist. To me being the health psychologist is too much work since dealing with the patient sometime can be stressful because you have to deliver bad news most of the time and there are some people that don’t know how to react well depending on the news. So the health psychologist have to deal with all that and I don’t like to deliver bad news, I wouldn’t know how to start telling someone what to do etc. I believe I can be a good patient since I can take a news and I could deal with it, especially after the class I learn how to cope with things better now even though I would be a compliant patient but, I mean who wouldn’t especially if you get a bad news.

  24. Alla P

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    I would tell them to be very careful about keeping track of online assignments – information being split up between Blackboard and Open Lab is a problem as neither system is well organized, and I often felt lost between then. I’d also tell them that most of the class is common sense, but it will make you appreciate the world around you in a whole new way.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    This class taught me to question assumptions about how something works. I have heard that race is biological my entire life, and throughout this class I began to see society and its parts in a whole new light. I will take those new ideas with me into the world, and question them as well.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    I believe that I would not make a good health psychologist. I know myself, and I tend to get easily frustrated with people, especially when they don’t seem to be following concepts that seem quite basic and accessible to me. This attitude would be terrible in a setting where I might be speaking with an uneducated person about their terminal diagnosis, and I do not believe that I would give that job the attention and effort it deserves. I do, however, think I’d make a good patient. I have employed the services of a psychologist in the past and have found it extremely beneficial for managing stress and getting a clear reflection on your life, and I’d be comfortable in a similar dynamic with a psychologist that specialized in the situation i was currently dealing with.

  25. Keila Gordon

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    I would say enter the class with an open mind. I would explain its a great class with a lot of fun and interesting ideas and factual statements. I would advise them to pay close attention to assignments. They can sometimes go unnoticed or get confused with.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    It’s informed that no matter what, were always going to face some difficulties along the way. Whether it’s dealing with racism, coping with stress, or facing a chronic illness, only our individual selves can dignify how we handle these situations. One lesson that stood out to me the most was the health psychologist group activity. Being able to kind of grasp how it might feel to get told so drastic news was a real eye opener. These situations kind of made me feel as though the news i was receiving were true. There is no way to mentally prepare for something so devastating, but i will carry the feelings felt by the doctor, the health psychologist and the patient with me to understand how it feels to be in each persons’ shoes.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I don’t think i would a be good health psychologist because I would become to emotionally attached to my patients. I would cry with a patient if they began to cry in front of me and i personally don’t have the strength to deal with that kind of sorrow. The only thing that would make me a good health psychologist is my compassion and efforts to make the patient feel comfortable and let them know they are not alone. I would probably be a better patient because I’m optimistic. I would ask a tremendous amount of questions and fight my hardest to try to get better. I wouldn’t so much be rude, but understand the doctors are doing everything they can and I should be appreciative.

  26. donna myriel

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    – I would tell them this is a great class, it really opens your eyes on how race reflects a lot on determining health of individuals in this country. A lot of what will be taught in this class will stick with you in a positive way. My advice is to pay attention and take notes especially when it comes to the films shown in class.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    – As a human service major, we talk a lot about minorities and how limited help is to them. By thaking this class I see why a lot of minority is impacted health wise and it isn’t necessarily their race but the environment they live and their socio-economic status in society. I will definitely keep an open mind when it comes to people I may meet in a work setting and even in my community. THe lesson that stood out the most is definitely Race: The power of an illusion, because it interconnected with all the other topics we discussed in class and I know it will continue to stay with me in the future and in other classes I encounter.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient
    – I think I would become a good psychologist, because of what I have learnt in class about a health psychologist and also based on things I like to do as a hobby, which is always research any illnesses I have never heard about or would like to know more about. I like to be informed and understand why certain illnesses affect individuals. As for being a compliant patient, I have always been that personally. I always make sure I am well prepared when visiting a doctors office. I am so use to being in a doctor’s office regularly that I know what to expect and how to react.

  27. Isaac D. O

    The class is very informative, incredible and very real that you have to be present in class and on time. Being present in class gives you the opportunity to participate in discussions, ask questions and share ideas, while the instructor answer the questions and provide valuable examples to illustrate different psychological concepts that affect lives daily. If you aren’t present for these discussions, then there will be gaps in your understanding of the topic because lecture provide important information that isn’t in the textbook. being active in the class build effective relationship with the instructor and fellow course mates, improves your critical thinking skills, and your self-discipline. the class can be fun and interesting.

    This class have informed me positively and broadened my horizon as a student and community citizens. before this class I was narrow minded person with prejudice ideal that what ever happens to people are as a result of their own actions and inactions. But from this class I have learnt that opportunities, environmental factors, schools, level of exposure and geographical arrangement and socio-economic factors mostly determined peoples lives. The lessons on Race and inequality and its effect on the victims have stood with me and I will try as much as I can to debunk these socially constructed ideals and believes from people around me .

    With the knowledge that I gained from this class and the little insight that I have as a health care worker and health major I believe I can be a good health psychologist by doing research into diseases and advise or inform patients on their illness. I would use scientific research methods to dive into bio-psyco-social factors that affect human lives and also provide advise and conducive environment on pertinent issues to patients base on their medical, threat, response, and psychological templates findings from the research. I always want to be informed and understand the reason why certain illnesses affect certain people in other to provide scientific answers, solutions and support as psychologist do in a professional way. I am a compliant patient because I am able to have effective communication with a health care provider. mostly I tell them how I feel and they tells me what makes me feel that way and the outcomes and the processes that I have to go through to feel better. Sometimes it is emotional but i also use problem focused and self efficacy techniques to get better.

  28. Keven Deng

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    What I would say to someone taking this course next year is that this class was really enjoyable because rather than just learning straight from the textbook like some other courses there were activities, videos that were watched that were interesting, and it was a very interactive class compared to some of the courses available. Also if your interest in the field of psychology this a good chance to find out how your health can be affect by things such as race which you find out is not really biological oriented but most peoples thinking attribute the two together so this class will actually cause you to look at it from a different way.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    This class might have informed my future work as a professional in the sense that the field that I’m going into is going to be very stressful especially the company that I’m going to be working for and the fact that I’m going to have to meet with both customers and fellow employees with very different personalities and attitudes. The lessons is that health and stress are correlated with one another to where stress can affect your health negatively if your body is constantly in that high related stress so because of that reason I found a good way to distress right after the stressor rather than waiting until I get home to relax. The lessons that stood out the most was the fact that race is not biological because of the reason that attending classes throughout my education they always taught us or ingrained into our head that the two are related to where race can be determined by genetics but of course that is not true and I’m glad I was in a class where we talked about it because other classes I have taken have never even mentioned the two are not related in that way.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    Honestly I don’t think I would make a good health psychologist is because of the reason that even though I am motivate and keep myself in managing healthy behaviours I don’t believe that I would be able to motivate others to have healthy behaviours. Also I would find myself having a difficult time if I were to have to do research in the field such as the fact that I ‘am not patient when it comes to dealing with things over such a long period of time. In terms of a good patient though I would make a good patient because if there was something wrong about my health I would definitely want to do something about it to fix the illness or do something about if it was a chronic illness where you have to come in regularly for treatment because of the reason that taking into age into account there are still a bunch of things I want to do so of course I would want to restore my health or stay healthy so I can do these things such as a cross country road trip.

  29. Chander Raj

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them? It’s a great class! You definitely should take it because you learn a lot from it. You have to keep an open mind to understand the class/lectures/assignments as a whole. Definitely pay attention and do all assignments, try to be in most of the classes it gives you the opportunity to engage, and take notes.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    Doing the Live Well assignments helped me be a healthier person. I learned that not only are you being healthy but you are also going to live a long life if I keep it up.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I would say that I could make a average health psychologist maybe not the best but also not the worst. I say this because I have learned some skills through this class that I can use to make a average health psychologist. I would not make a good patient because I don’t like to share my personal feelings with anybody.

  30. Account Deleted

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    A. Well, take this course, try to learn new stuff, interact with Professor, interact well with peers. This course focuses on a lot of different topics which can be very helpful in life. Our focus should be to become a better and learned person each day by learning new things and good behaviors. I also liked the Professor for this course, she was cool, friendly, and willing to improve the students when they were wrong by helping them with doubts and questions.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    A. There were a lot of things I learned from this class. Things like – how to work together with fellow students in the class and, be helpful to one another (even if some fellow students stereotype).

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    A. I would not be a good health psychologist, there are a lot of things that are needed to be a good health psychologist. I would also not become a good patient because when I get sick, I don’t feel good.

  31. IrinaF

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them? I would say to take notes and be ready to be apart of many group projects. Also , to be able to pay attention to the videos that are going to be shown in class because they are vital to answer questions for the reports given.
    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward? This class helped me manage my stress better with the LIVEWELL program we were a part of that guided me to figure out what I need to do to better myself. The lessons that I will take with me will be the ones where we talked about race and how it is not all biological that makes up who you are, but rather the environment and socioeconomic status that bring about the other factors.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient? I would make a good health psychologist because of my interest in psychology and health diseases that I learned in class that gained my interest in future researching this career and its many aspects . Also, I love to help people in need by guiding them in a path that would not only help them physically but mentally and emotionally in order to better themselves as an individual.

  32. Chunn

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    Best to have another class after this one so you can do the openlab assignments right away before forgetting the information. The information in the class learning is pretty interesting and can help in life. The history of Race is a boring assignment if your not interested about White or African Americans.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    This class helped me notice more about my surroundings, be able to identify a person better. Learning the mentality of a behavior and think of the reasons behind it.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    I would not make a good health psychologist because there is no way to compare from one health psychologist to another. Every situation is different and to each patient there are many ways to solve. Finding one solution that works does not mean another path do not work. However, what is the meaning when the health psychologist makes a a bad decision? An occupation that involves in ideas of what is possible for a patient to do, yet very little control or what they can do to help a patient. So what is consider as a good health psychologist? A good persuasive person? I would not make a good patient because I would think too much. If talking to a psychologist, I would think of their motives. after learning this class I would think why a psychologist will do such. The actions suggested may be beneficial to me but are there any other means? Is this psychologist trying to persuade me or trying to be manipulative.

  33. Emmauel Acheampong

    Q1) The prospective student should be a critical thinker, analytical and practical.
    The prospective student should be informative and proactive.
    The prospective student should be passionate reader and compassionate writer.

    Q2) This very class might have informed my future work as a student, professional and community citizen by enlightening me about the reason why people are racially categorized. It also helped me to distinguish the difference between healthy and risky behaviors.

  34. Sadiquah

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    I would tell someone that takes this course next year to enjoy the semester and be prepared to do work and have fun while they are doing it. There would be many group projects so get use to interacting with others. Prepare to learn and take notes for your quizzes and term papers.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    As a professional this class tremendously will impact my future work. The importance of being a team player, becoming an advocate, putting myself in the patients’ shoes were all lessons that I will carry with me into practice. One of the many lessons that I learned was from the livewell assignments. The three major lifestyle habits exercise, healthy eating, and stress management all go hand in hand and help me as an individual to become more effective in all that I go to do.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    As a health psychologist, I feel I can be great at what I do. With all the information that I learned from the class and previously as a health/science major; like the the theories and models used in this field would give me a good grasp on handling situations as a health psychologist. I do feel that I can be a compliant patient once I have a health care team that takes into consideration my ideas and plans for my health. I always want to be apart of the team in deciding on my health care plan. The day that we had the role playing really opened my eyes as to what patients face daily, and of course we don’t think about it as much until we are actually put in the situation, and sometimes take being healthy for granted. But at anytime that situation could be our reality and learning those coping strategies would be very helpful at that time.

  35. Li

    1) I will highly recommend them to take this class because we have a great professor. I have taken 4 psychology classes and professor Almond is the best. I will encourage them to actively participate in class discussion.
    2) Being a RN, I have to take care of my patients. By studying the psychological and behavioral processes in health and illness, I can deliver better health care in the future.
    3) I don’t think that I will make a good health psychologist because it requires very high communication skills and broad knowledge. In addition, you have to be trained intensely and professionally in school for too many years. I don’t think I can handle it. However, I will make a good patient. I am patient enough and always follow instruction well.

  36. Raz

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them? I would tell them to be sure they know it is an interdisciplinary course focused on Racial disparities, and that a lot of the class participation is online as well as in class with groups. Some people have their ways of wanting to learn and these styles might not work for them. They should have a desire to work on themselves and grow in a positive way. They should enter class with an open mind and leave accepting new facts. They should participate in class discussions because the environment becomes more comfortable for sensitive topics.
    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    This class was very informative for anyone in the world, be it a student, professional or citizen of the WORLD. We all look and act different. We must be sensitive to everyones differences and the possibility of microagression occurrences. Be light to judge if you need to. Take in all psychosocial possibilities in evaluating someones well-being before accusing them of something negative. This class allowed me to be more aware of my surroundings and my perspective on the entire race as whole. We are all one.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    I think that I would make a wonderful health psychologist because I am a very empathetic person. I am sensitive to others feelings and I am a very good listener. Overall I enjoy giving my time and effort for the benefit of the well-being of others. I played the role of the health psychologist in class and I got some good first time responses.
    In regards to being a patient – I have been already when diagnosed with a minor stage of cancer. I was calm and I asked my questions. My emotions were shaky but under control. I got 2nd opinions and decided on my own accord based on the information I obtained, for which procedure I would benefit the most for my well-being.

  37. thierno

    1. I would encourage them to take the class because it would help them shade light in many of the stereotypical ideas they have about race, health and inequality. I would also advise them to really pay attention in the information provided in the classroom especially the documentaries.
    2. The knowledge that i gained in this class will help me tremendously in analyzing the socioeconomical problems in our society and be a more proactive and concerned citizen.
    3. I don’t think i would be a good psychologist because i’m too emotionally sensitive and most of time, i find myself internalizing people’s worry and suffering to a degree i myself become sick.
    i think i would be a good patient because i would make the job easier for the doctor due to my limited knowledge on the field.

  38. kenlyn

    I will recommend any student taking this class to attend all classes and do all assignments orofessor ask of you. Also pay attention, be on time and try not to miss any classes because there’s a lot to know and learn. Engage in class particaption and give feed backs and take notes. This was a very informative and interestin class.
    This class was a very informative class. I’ve learned alot about race and what role race plays in our society today. Since am an undergraduate human services major theis class would help work better with the people that i will work with in the future.
    I would beleive that i would make a good health psychologist because of all thet i learned i think that i would be able to help people with the issues they face and give them the chance to have a bright future. I have a lot of empathy and respect for other people and the issues we see in our society today.
    As far as being a patient, i would love for a health psychologist to be able to help with whatever issues i faced by being attentive and having the knowledge and understanding to help resolve what ever stigma or discrimenation i encounter.

  39. jeanmariee94

    What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    1. To someone taking this course next year I would tell them to keep an open mind. A lot of the topics we touched upon are controversial and can be personal (when it comes to someone’s personal experiences.) I would tell them to keep up with all the open lab assignments and have fun.
    2. The knowledge that I have learned in this class will help me moving forward. As a lawyer, I want to help people, and understanding the socioeconomical barriers that people have to deal with, I will be more understanding and I will know how to help them more.
    3. I would not make a good health psychologist. I do not believe I can help people who deal with chronic illnesses because many feel helpless, and I tend to give tough love rather than being sympathetic. I would make a good patient however, because I cope in both ways, both emotional and problem focused. I would take the psychologist’s advice and would do whatever it takes to be at peace in my mind and body.

  40. Einstein$13

    First of all I want to take this opportunity to thank you to the professor and all my fellow classmate for an interesting semester. First time I take a college course that is part online and part in classroom. I have learned a great deal of information.
    Anymore willing to take this course next semester, I would tell them do not procrastinate on your work assignment. The material are to understand because the professor make it that way. Therefore, you will say I have time to do it and time will creep up on you. I ant you to be very open minded meaning do not go in the class with any preconceive notion of the class or the subject matter and be sociable, respectable because there are a lot of interact with your classmate.

    2. As a student this class better equip me of better educational tools to study, to complete my material, to conduct my research paper and how to put a 5 pages paper together with the style and question to develop the paper. As a for my profession, I learned different stress coping strategies such as emotion focused and problem focused coping. Although, both help solving problem but each of them allows to I identify within myself and others and use the proper concept to solve the problem. The livewell program that I would like to see incorporate in my community center, the HIV/AIDS game with a little upgrade. I believe these program can make a different in people social behaviors.

    3. I believe I would make a good “health psychology” for many reasons I learned about patient care, I learned that many health problem is not a result of just one factor, environment, age, gender, race, economic status play major roll. I would be more tolerant towards patient condition, and I know the steps to deliver bad news to patients, I learned theory of planned behavior, social cognitive theory, health belief model. I think some physician and nurse would appreciate me and some would not due to great deal of information that I know. I believe prevention is better than cure. A lot of time some physicians or nurses do not like when you ask them questions about their field. I am the type of person who is very inquisitive when it comes to treatment,I like to know the drawback or sign effect of each medications so I will want the physician or doctor to explain it to me.

  41. alicia

    1) what would you say to someone taking this course next year? what tips or advice would you give them?
    the advice that i will give to them is to pay attention, participate take notes you will learn what race early is , is a really good material they will learn because the professor is great very helpful .
    2) how might this class have informed you future work as student, professional, and community citizen?
    this class is great because i learn that race is not what people define to be, now i can see race and health in different way, and live well program is great tool to improve my self every day, and decrease stress in my life and change behavior, i will inform and reinforcing health behaviors to educating patient.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    i feel i wouldn’t make a good health psychologist because is to many years in the school like 10 years or more i think is too long, too many things that are need to be HP, and i could make good patient because I’m good in taking bad news i solve it find always a way to feel better and have better life.

  42. alicia

    1) what would you say to someone taking this course next year? what tips or advice would you give them?
    the advice that i will give to them is to pay attention, participate take notes, and also you will learn what race is , is a really good material they will learn because the professor is great very helpful .
    2) how might this class have informed you future work as student, professional, and community citizen?
    this class is great because i learn that race is not what people define to be, now i can see race and health in different way, and live well program is great tool to improve my self every day, and decrease stress in my life and change behavior.
    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    i feel i wouldn’t make a good health psychologist because it is is too many years like 10 years or more i think is too long,and too many things that are need to be HP, and i could make good patient because I’m good in taking bad news i solve it find always a way to feel better and have better life.

  43. A. Cynthia Parvinn

    To someone taking this course next year, I would tell them to prepare to learn things they will carry for the rest of their lives! From understanding exactly what race is and why it was “created,” to understanding behaviors and behavior change, to how to actively make lifestyle choices, to talking about some very serious health problems each of us could relate to either now or in the future – this class truly arms you with information that is valuable. The best part of the course is that things are taught in an out-of-the-norm fashion – from watching the most educational film one will ever see, to experiencing the emotions of becoming HIV positive, to understanding exactly where one is in creating habits for some cornerstone healthy behaviors – this class focuses on teaching students by truly impacting each person on an individual basis. Tips or advice I would give to someone taking the class next semester: go to every class, each one is worth it and will never be boring. Do all the online assignments on a timely manner because they pile up and become a stressor very quickly. Finally, to keep Dr. Almond informed if things are not going as planned. Dr. Almond is an extremely understanding person and will work with the student and even go out of her way to help if the student is committed to the class.

    This class has made me more knowledgeable in ways I did not even intend. I always knew racism was, for lack of a better word, bad. However, looking back, I did not know the true meaning of race or the concept. This class not only explained race for what it truly is, it explained so many things regarding the way our community and the people within are today. As a student, I could not have asked for a better way to learn this information, as it was so personal and moving. As a professional, I can understand how things I may say or do come across as microagressions and learn to be sensitive in a new way that I was not before. Furthermore as someone who works with children and families, and is aspiring to be a healthcare professional – I understand disparities and the role they play in general public assumptions and I will know how to explain things in a coherent and understandable way to families and future patients I work with. As a community citizen, I now have more compassion and understand slightly better why people are the way they are.

    I feel that I would make a good health psychologist though I’m not sure if I want to take on such a heavy burden. I definitely think I have the drive, the compassion, and the humility to understand and listen to individuals going through some of the most difficult hardships they will ever encounter whether it is a medical/psychological condition they or someone they love is facing. I also understand that a lot of the health problems people in our community face are a direct result of individual behavior and I truly feel that I have a strong grasp on theories of behavior change and more importantly the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change. Armed with that theory as a tool, and my personality, I am sure I can not only convince, but also help people make healthier and safer lifestyle choices that can help alleviate or somewhat reverse the many of the predominant health issues we see today. (Except my parents, I can’t get them to listen to me.) However, I don’t want to be a Health Psychologist – I get too invested and too emotional and I know that I would just spend my days crying in between seeing patients. Furthermore, I can never see myself working with any population that is not children – and to be a health psychologist for children, especially in a hospital setting – the majority of my life will be spent in chronic depression and tears, in which case I would be the one needing a health psychologist.

    I definitely would be a good patient, but also an extremely annoying one that the healthcare professional would try to pass off to work rivals as a form of payback. While I would make a compliant patient and I would definitely take my medications and make lifestyle changes if and when needed – I would also need a lot of discussions and explanations. Many healthcare professionals nowadays do not like to explain to the patient exactly what is wrong in pure scientific terms – and that is the information I not only crave, but thrive on. I would expect healthcare professionals I see to explain to me exactly what is wrong with me, not just the basic, template-form explanation most patients get. I would then require them to engage me in discussing alternative treatments and medications. Going into the health field, I too am learning about the human body and the sciences behind medicine – in the future I expect my healthcare professionals to treat me as someone just as knowledgeable about my own body as they are, and have my healthcare be a team effort between us. As a patient, I would definitely hold healthcare professionals to exceed the standards of the best patient care relationships; I would downright refuse to be another chart being rushed in and out.

  44. Account Deleted

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?
    get ready to learn a lot, this corse is very eye opening to many things that are , right in front of you in plain sight, distorted…. an illusion. die tell them to just sit back and let the class do its job its easy to relate these topics to everyday life and apply them to life so your learning a lot applying it and it comes easy

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?
    stress management how to change behavior and how to maintain a behavior most importantly of all because i can change myself into anything i want with those guidelines

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    after all that I’ve learned i think i could get patients to treat there psyche as an every day health thing like getting a physical check up get a mental one as well many things can affect your health even little everyday stressors, die provide examples give some solutions and convince them as most people are skeptical, since of a majority of the funding is going to bio its the headliner. after the course ide be a great patient because i understand the psychological affects of health but before this class i would’ve also been a skeptic

  45. shenelle

    1) I would say to some one taking this course next semester that it’s almost impossible to do poorly in this class. Many opportunities are given to improve/maintain a good grade through assignments on open lab. All the assignments are meaningful because they’re actually related to discussions or videos watched in class so you won’t feel like you’re wasting your time.

    2) This informed me the most as a community citizen. It brought to light many wealth disparities in the country that I didn’t know about. For example, NYC has a pretty diverse population when it come to wealth, with most of the wealth being in Manhattan. To my surprise, i also found out that Louisville, Kentucky is just as diverse. It opened my eyes to what other people are going through. People talk about NYC constantly because it’s a fashion, business, and money city. However, had it not been for this class, I wouldn’t have know about the disparities also occurring in Louisville.

    3) Now that I know what a health psychologist does, I believe I would be an absolutely terrible health psychologist. This is because I am neither a very sympathetic or empathetic person. Therefore, it would be difficult for me to speak to patients And really understand how they’re feeling or to understand their thought process. On the contrary I believe I would be a good patient because I am generally receptive to other people’s advice.

  46. Milka Ng

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    If you are interested in psychology or want to know more about it, TAKE THIS CLASS!!! This class is fun yet very helpful. There is a lot of online assignment involved so be prepare. Know your due day and finish your homework on time. It’s very important to keep up on your homework assignment because it helps a lot on understanding the course material.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    For me, micro-aggression really caught me eyes. A small behavior could really change the feeling of the others. Before this lesson, I don’t notice how my little reaction could cause such a huge pain to other person. Moreover, the statement ” sickness doesn’t run on your family, but habit does” is a shock for me too. As a community citizen, I feel like I have the responsibility to let people know what they could do to improve their health. There is so many excuses for us to blame on, and we rarely to question ourselves: maybe it’s me?

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?

    I think I am not a good health psychologist but I am definitely a good patient. I am not very good to sense a patient’s emotion change.I might be capable with someone who is very talkative and optimistic, but there is not enough. I don’t want my patient missed their best chance because of me.. However, I am very cooperate, so I think I can communicate with my psychologist well. I will listen to my doctor, and follow all the instruction.

  47. benny

    1. I would say to someone who is taking this class next semester that this is a very interesting class and that if you are interested in Psychology this is the best class to take because it not teaches you how our mind and environment affects our health it also goes into details about Race.
    2. For me learning about stress, such as emotional and problem focus coping, i have learnt a lot from this topic because i have learnt what to do when i get stressed or when i am faced with a difficult problem i know what to do to get the problem fixed.
    3. I think i would make a good health psychologist because i have learnt a lot about health psychologist and what kind of questions to ask when dealing with a patient and also i think i can relate better to people because i can understand how they feel from what i have learnt in class. I also think i can be a good patient because i now understand what a psychologist does, so i would be more understanding and be willing to open up more.

  48. Brian Myrthil

    1) I would tell someone taking this class that.. be prepared to learn a lot about different health topics be prepared to participate in class and complete online assignments.

    2) This class is extremely helpful to my future as a professional as a human service worker I know that it is my job to advocate for my clients. learning about these different health topics will allow me to be more knowledgeable and use that knowledge to aid in being an advocate for my clients.
    3) I think I would make a good health psychologist, because I actually am interested in these topics and I think I would be a good patient because I am always want to be an active patient and absorb any knowledge my doctor provides me with.

  49. Nawang N. Sherpa

    I would say this course will be an eye opening to a lot of students to know various aspects of race such as how race evolved? What race really is? Apart from that this course is definitely fruitful for learning different health behaviors which would help every one live a healthy life style. 
    As a tip, I would say always be attentive in class and follow all the instructions in class as well as the virtual class which is open lab in order to make sure every thing is up to date.

    This class has plentiful of informations which could be helpful to people in their daily lives. Specially the live well program and lessons on various diseases would make us aware of managing various aspects in life to have a healthy life.

    Learning various skills such as time management, stress management, getting rid of procrastination and gaining confidence has made me competent enough for any challenges that might come along. From this experience, I would proudly say that I can make a good psychologist as well as a compliant patience. However, if I had to chose one, I would say I could make myself a compliant patience as being a patient is a lot easier than being a psychologist and another factor is that I am an easygoing person and have a lot of patience.

  50. Emmanuel Acheampong

    Q3) Definitely, l learnt a lot of lessons which can help me to become one of the best health psychologist. These lessons include the strategies and tactics like survey and case studies, which are adopted by psychologist to scientifically investigate health problems. I also acquired the know how to deal with risky behaviors and stressors which are part of our daily lives.
    Since the class revealed the importance of health psychologists as an important part of a medical team, I would be a complaint patient if the services of such a professional is denied to my recovery and rehabilitation process.

  51. Altenor

    1) Well, I would say to him or her to take that psychology class because it is very educational and informative, especially with Dr. Almond who, l believe, has all it takes to make you understand what you would like to know about that class regarding health psychology. My advice to this particular student is to be on time at all times for that psychology class because if being late, a lot of information along with fun will be missing.

    2) To be honest with you, if didn’t take that psychology class I would regret because I have learned so many different things whether about health or racism in terms of what impact that can cause in people ‘s life, for examples in these films: “Health Disparities…”, “The Story We Tell”, “The House We Live In ” all is based on socioeconomic status. In addition to that, l have learned about coping mechanism, emotion focus and problem focus, different kinds of stress, and how to live well in terms of eating more vegetables, less greasy and salty foods, less sugar, making exercise, etc, just in order to be healthy during the course of our life.
    My stand is to keep eating healthy and working out more often, and encouraging people to do then the same.

    3) Quite frankly, based on what I have learned in class is very educative and useful to apply but not enough to become a health psychologist. I think I need more skills, resources, and a continuing education in this regard. However, with that being said, from what I’ve learned l can help a patient to feel better and to be well-being. As for me, I think as a patient l need help, and I have to listen to my health psychologist, to follow his instructions, to do what is necessary for me to change my behavior in order to have my wellness.

  52. Altenor

    1) Well, I would say to him or her to take that psychology class because it is very educational and informative, especially with Dr. Almond who, l believe, has all it takes to make you understand what you would like to know about that class regarding health psychology. My advice to this particular student is to be on time at all times for that psychology class because if being late, a lot of information along with fun will be missing.

    2) To be honest with you, if didn’t take that psychology class I would regret because I have learned so many different things whether about health or racism in terms of what impact that can cause in people ‘s life, for examples in these films: “Health Disparities…”, “The Story We Tell”, “The House We Live In ” all is based on socioeconomic status. In addition to that, l have learned about coping mechanism, emotion focus and problem focus, different kinds of stress, and how to live well in terms of eating more vegetables, less greasy and salty foods, less sugar, making exercise, etc, just in order to be healthy during the course of our life.
    My stand is to keep eating healthy and working out more often, and encouraging people to do then the same.

    3) Quite frankly, based on what I have learned in class is very educative and useful to apply but not enough to become a health psychologist. I think I need more skills, resources, and a continuing education in this regard. However, with that being said, from what I’ve learned l can help a patient to feel better and to be well-being. As for me, I think as a patient l need help, and I have to listen to my health psychologist, to follow his instructions, to do what is necessary for me to change my behavior in order to have my wellness.

  53. daniel quiles

    1) What would you say to someone taking this course next year? What tips or advice would you give them?

    my main advice would be to come to the class with an open mind , and try to forget certain things you learned in science based classes.

    2) How might this class have informed your future work as a student, professional, and/or community citizen? What lessons stood out the most and will be carried with you going forward?

    something that informed me in this class was the topic of race , before i look at race with biological view. but after taking this class i see race differently i understand that race is something that was created to cause inequalities among people. i think this topic of race will help me out throughout my medical field career it give two aspects to look at.

    3) Last but not least (2-part question), now that you’ve learned about what a health psychologist is, I want you to describe whether or not you’d make a good health psychologist. AND I would like you to describe if you would make a good patient. Based on what was covered in class would you make a good health psychologists and a compliant patient?
    to be honest , i don’t think ill be a good health psychologist i lack the comforting people skills it takes. during the exercise in class i didn’t know how to comfort the patient correctly. i think it takes more time to become a health psychologist because you have to develop many people skill.
    on the other hand i think i would make a pretty good patient , because i like to stay well informed about whats going on with my body. i think i would be able to keep a level head , on receiving news.

  54. Sayma

    I would tell them to be prepared to do a lot of open lab assignment and talk in class. This was a really fun, interesting and informative class and I would suggest everyone to pay attention in the class. This class was an eye opener. It made us realize something that’s beyond our thinking process. For example, I never would have thought that race isn’t something biological, race as in skin color. I am now more aware of what my surroundings say about different ethnicity and also I am no longer quick to judge an individual just based on what they look like and how they dress. I also learned that our race and ethnicity has nothing to do with who we are as an individual and how our health is affected. I will definitely keep that in mind, when I reach my long time goal to be a doctor. I will keep in mind to not jump to conclusion when I’m seeing my patients. I also think I would make a good health psychologist because I am good an analyzing people and connecting with them in a way that we both understand each other. I am always looking forward to helping people any way I can. Therefore as a health psychologist my ultimate goal will be to make sure my patients are in good hands and are being taken care of. I however don’t think I will be a good patient. I sometimes don’t care my health seriously. For example, if I get a cold I usually just drink some hot tea thinking it will go away, however it ended up being bronchitis. I also often forget to take my prescribed Vitamin D pills.

  55. iespinoza

    I would tell them that the learning experience is pretty valuable and requires an individual’s best energies and application. The course material delivered in this class will exceed your expectations so be ready to keep up with the challenging and yet essential information.

    PS. You will miss this class!

    Definitely, the truth notion of race. It’s a shame that this course is not required to all students. Being part of an extremely diverse society in New York City, I think the facts learned in this course represent a prized possession that should be inculcated to as many individuals as possible; in this way our education system could take pride in making a contribution to eradicate racism in our society.

    Throughout the course I perceived the passion and dedication one has to posses in order to excel at the field. Surprisingly, even though the psychology field in general is far distant from my major Computer science, the relevance and impact of this field in our society made me develop an intense interest and I think that by just having that strong enthusiasm I can conclude that yes I could be a good health psychologist, particularly doing research in a health institution.

    I think I would be a good patient depending on the medical care I receive. If I trust my health provider and the treatment I’m recommended to follow, I’m sure I would be more than willing to comply with any prescription.

  56. bmyrthil22

    1) First if someone wanted to take this class I would tell them that they will learn a lot about health topics with a new approach to it. You will look at health and the health of others in a different way. you will learn to be an advocate for yourself and others based on the knowledge you will be learning on the topic.
    2) This class will help me in my professional career. This class has taught me to be an advocate for my clients. the topics that stood out the most for me was the topics about race and how doctors would tell their patients that they are pre disposed to a disease because of their race

    3) I think I would make a good health psychologist because I actually care about the well being my self and my clients that I will be working with. I believe in informing people of knowledge that they would not know otherwise. I know that knowledge is power and without knowledge my clients won’t be able to make good decisions about their health.

  57. nsubair

    1.What I would say to someone taking this course next semester is that this course is very informative and you learn a lot about your self.

    tips: this course is not as easy as you may think. it is fun and interesting but not easy

    2) this class have informed my future work as a student by time management. it is very important. And I am working on that currently.

    b) the lessons that stood out the most is don’t take certain courses and professors for granted thinking it will be an easy A.

    3) I believe that I will make a good health psychologist because one key to becoming a health psychologist is empathy. and I think throughout the 30+ years I had to empathize with a lot of people. etc..

    b) I think I would be a compliant patient because I know that their jobs are difficult


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