The House We Live In: Pre-viewing Activity

Before viewing Episode Three: The House We Live In, please answer TWO of the following questions below:

> Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?

> Forty years ago, the Civil Rights Act declared that forced racial segregation was illegal. In light of this, why do you think some neighborhoods, schools and workplaces are still segregated?

> What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?

> Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?

> Define ā€œracial preferences.ā€ List a couple of current examples. Do the preferences you see in practice today tend to most benefit whites, Blacks, or others?

26 thoughts on “The House We Live In: Pre-viewing Activity

  1. # Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?
    There is no doubt that race affect in my life since i am an immigrant here. I feel it in my workplace most. I guess the concept of race has spread so much in the society that no matter what i do it justify according to my race. Well, sometimes I probably not telling verbaly but the conversation or movement may occur to remind my racial background.
    # Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    People shouldn’t accountable for past discrimination. In my point of view, we should define human being individually. There are no society or community where you will have all good or all bad people. Society defines as a group of different character who lives together and participate social activities. we can’t expect all of them will have the same manners or same prospect. If one individual do something wrong, we can’t just blame the whole race that he/she belongs to. If someone proved guilty in past, we can’t be countable for it in today because we were never part of it.

  2. I’m put in situations daily because of my race but I do not allow it to affect me and my thought process. For example on the train there may be an empty seat next to me but people of other races won’t sit there. Living with experiences like this has taught me to block out such. Allowing it to affect my thought process can lead to stress. Taking 6 classes and working full time is enough stress for me.

    Stereotypes come from everywhere movies,music videos social media . Some of the stereotypes I heard are
    1) all Asians are good at math and sciences
    2) all black men are gifted
    3) white men are not gifted
    4) Indians don’t shower
    5)certain black names are “ghetto” but names like Mary Sue and Jean Carlos are ok.

    These are some stereotypes I grew up hearing from school work and hanging out with friends.

  3. > There are hardly any minority people who is not affecting by race. Like many others, my daily life is affecting by race too. I see it at my work, commuter train, bus even sometimes at college too. I can understand It is a social problem but particularly one person can change this discrimination. I kind of accept it as a part of my daily life to going through racial comments.

    > Some of the stereotypes I heard are:
    1) Asians have bad English
    2) Asian ought to marry in their own community
    3) Asian are mathematic brain-pen
    4) All Asian look alike
    5) Most Asian has straight black hair.

    Theses are the stereotype I heard from most my friend.

    These are some stereotypes I grew up hearing from school work and hanging out with friends.

  4. race affects my life in a lot of different ways. as an immigrant or as black I don’t have the same opportunity as white men. I remember how I get fired from job over a white co-worker even though I was right. when I first came here my cousin advice me not to speak Creole in the street otherwise I will get beat up. for couple of years I tried to hide my identity. even though forty years ago, the civil right act declared that forced racial segregation was illegal but, to me it’s only written on a piece of paper. we’re still treated inferior to one another. black children are not allow to go to the same school with the white children and they are not allow to play together. people don’t have to held accountable for past discrimination. they need to be re-educated. we are created equal, we should be treated equally. it’s the system that divided us, it the opportunities that divided us, but we are equal.

  5. Race does affect my life. African Americans are said to be more likely to get a particular illness than other races. Some stereotypes I’ve heard about racial groups are that African Americans are great at all sports and Caucasians are passive aggressive. These stereotypes come from culture, friends, and family.

  6. My parents always say that because of our skin color we have to work harder. Do I believe so, not really I like to think that we do live in world without racial segregation. I donā€™t understand why people like asking others ā€œwhere are you from?ā€ I find it to be such an annoying question. I personally donā€™t care where others are from. I think that people intent to migrate to communities in which have a population of their ethnicity or race. For instance, china town has a large population of Asians. Therefore, the schools and workplaces in china town consist of Asians or Chinese people. I donā€™t think this is done because of discrimination but by the preference of where people choose to live. In most cases people may not have the ability to migrate elsewhere due to unaffordability. Absolutely not, people today should not be held accountable for past discrimination. Why should they? Itā€™s not ethical or fair. We need to move past the past and adopt a better future (no discrimination). Racial preference is having a fondness over a particular race over another. A common example of racial preference is affirmative action in which thousands of blacks are rejected from college each year. Another example of racial preference is racial preference in dating and promoting racial preference. Whites intend to most benefit from racial preferences. Why? Not really sure, the white race is view as superior. Or maybe the impact of slavery still exists today.

  7. What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?
    – All Mexicans are illegal.
    – All Irish people are drunks.
    – Arabs and Muslims are terrorist.
    – Jews are greedy.
    – Caucasians can’t dance or don’t have rhythm.
    I think stereotypes came from people. They probably saw people from the same “race” doing/acting/saying/etc. something similar and assume everyone from that “race” will be the same way.

    Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    Absolutely not. What happened in the past should stay in the past. However, I do believe everyone should be accounted for their own actions. Some people believe they are being discriminated because of the color of their skin when in fact they are guilty. For example, I live in the projects in the Bronx. Many of my neighbors become upset if they were stopped by the police and claim they are not doing anything wrong, yet they are caught with drugs, jumping innocent people, and other illegal activity. I completely understand and do not agree with harassing innocent people. However, we can minimize attracting attention if we stop acting the way they see us.

  8. What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?

    I’ve personally come across many. The most common stereotype says that all Asian all a scientific mastermind. That particular stereotype came from that Asian student can do extremly well in academic enviroment compered to white or black students. However, that may be not so accurate because Asians also represent a smaller percentage of the population and of classrooms, so those numbers can be misleading and miscalculated. Another racial stereotype says that Hispanic, especially Mexican are all illegal immigrants willing to take any offered job and stealing potential jobs in
    USA. I think that particular stereotype came from that Mexicans are just really hard working people and they willing to accept job that average American would never accept. Third stereotype says that all white people have lack of rhythm. Personally, I think white people are less rhythmic when compered to black or hispanic member of society.

    Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?

    I think sins from the past should not hunt the present. Therefore, current people should not be blamed and accountable for mistakes and sins of their past ancestors. There is deep truth in the fact that many groups of people have suffered as a result of bad and evil treatment from the hands of white people. However, now we live in new society and not all white people are racist. The only way to create a healthy society is to move on and forgive past sins.

  9. Yes, I believe race still affects my life and other lives today. People are still viewed as unequal if they have a different skin color. I feel as though people with the same skin color/race view each other as equal. For example one can apply for a job and is more likely to get hired if the person hiring as the same skin color as the person that is being interviewed. As sad as this is, it is the society that we live in today. Although, I feel as though this is wrong, many people go without noticing this issue. Even though one can apply with a higher education and be of a different race, this level of education is not looked upon because of their race.

    I believe work places and schools are segrated because of comfortability. One wants to feel comfortable within the neighborhood and the learining atmosphere that they are surrounded within. If one is in a neighborhood with one race/culture and they are the “different” one they are more likely to be looked down upon and have no social support which will eventually take a tole on them personally. For example when immigrants come from other countries, they tend to stay together for support. It is more reassuring that others speak the same language as you and believe in the same culture versus others who have completely different views when it comes to living and raising children.

  10. I do not think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination unless the involvement created a critical situation or a great loss to an individual (s). However, I believe the perpetrators of discrimination today should be scolded, educated on equality, and monitored to change their behavior.

    Racial preference is privilege given to one race over another.

    1) Sometimes at a restaurant where different race patrons are waiting to get seated, a white person may arrive and soon after is called in while the “different” people are still waiting.

    2) I have been to restaurants where I observe how people of other races are treated and “I do every time”. At least twice my beverage was served in a non glass/ non ceramic tableware. I noticed people from a certain race were using solid glasses, so, I called the waiter and asked why was I served in a different glass. I was told that they ran- out. I asked for the manager who showed up with a solid glass and many apologizes.

    The preferences today still significantly benefit whites than other races.

  11. What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?
    I have heard a lot of stereotypes from different racial groups which is around the metropolitan area. One does not matter what she or he is. They can be black, white, Hispanic, Asian, etc. I have seen when people get angry and in an argument after saying different curse words, at some point they will always bring up a racial statement. It is very natural and it comes from culture. Because NYC is a multi mix culture regional area. By now every single people knows something more or less about a particular racial background or culture. So psychologically when you are angry at someone you want to make them feel inferior. So how are you going to do that if someone is your own race? it only makes sense if you point out a racial statement opposing that person.

    Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    I think people should not be held accountable for the past and what have happened. Because really this is the 21st century and these things does not match at all. I guess the only people who you will see are tied back to these racial and other discrimination things are the people who are not educated, are having a bad life or day, and most importantly not trained to be part of the society up to date. Because if someone is trained up to date to fit in the society specially in the 21st century. One should see that there are far more interesting things in life which she or he can enjoy and feel a sense of happiness which will be better and pleasureful for an individuals life.

  12. Define ā€œracial preferences.ā€ List a couple of current examples. Do the preferences you see in practice today tend to most benefit whites, Blacks, or others?
    Racial preferences to me is when a person inclines more to a certain race. Example: If you are applying to a certain job, the employer might be incline to hire a specific race to do that job. They will also look at your name and associate you with a specific race based on your name. I think it benefits whites more than any other race group. If your name sounds white on paper you probably going to get a call back, if you check white on the race choice, you’re probably going to get a call back from the employers. Oppose to if your name sounds black or any other race group. Which leads me to the next question: What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?
    If you are black you’re probably good at all sports, ex: Football and Basketball, which the best players are black. Asians are good at math and love anime. Jews are cheap and love money. Hispanics, love dancing, eating rice and beans and are all from Mexico. People from the middle east all drive cabs, and are terrorists. Whites can’t dance and have no rhythm. They have no season in their food, just ketchup and mustard. I think this comes from the media and how the label a group. We tend to believe what the media feeds us instead of actually learning the culture and really observe people.

  13. Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    People today should not be held accountable for past discrimination because this happened in the past. Our views today have changed drastically since then. Still to this day there is discrimination towards people with different backgrounds because people choose to discriminate towards anyone that is different from them. I feel that is wrong because it is unnecessary to treat someone in a bad way.
    Define ā€œracial preferences.ā€ List a couple of current examples. Do the preferences you see in practice today tend to most benefit whites, Blacks, or others?
    Racial preferences is when someone tends to favor another race than another when making a decision. One major example is affirmative action this program tends to favor the group who is facing discrimination within a culture. Some preferences I seen today favor other groups since they trying to promote diversity into an environment. This can be seen in retail stores or other jobs that donā€™t require an specific ethnic group. Although Whiteā€™s continue to dominate the work force companies are making an effort to increase diversity.

  14. Race affects my life tremendously and in so many ways. In the past I never really noticed the racial discrimination among people until I grew up and started seeing things through my own eyes. Race definitely affects the way people treat me. For example: when I go to places that are predominately white, I am looked at with scared looks and caution. Its as if they think I will harm them or I am trouble. Based on how my race is depicted it makes it hard to live in a place or even travel somewhere when you are always looked at under a microscope.

    I have heard many stereotypes about races and I believe they come from what people experience as well as what lens they choose to view the world through.

    – Mexicans are short
    – Africans stink
    – Blacks are violent
    – White women are “easy”
    – Asians and Indians are the smartest.

  15. Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not ?
    I do not believe that people today should be held accountable for past discrimination. I believe that people learn from there mistakes. In the case I’d slavery we now see how that wasn’t right and now a days that sort of thing doesn’t exist anywhere in america. Now when we speak of race and racism there is a ton of that going around. It os something that is affecting us now but in the future it is probably going to be one ting that we will get over and over come and see how foolish it was just like slavey. Humans ha come alone way in the world and is everyday learning new thing to better themselves. Even though things that happen in the past are sometimes hard to forget I believe they shouldn’t be forgen.I believ they should be learned and shown where we came from and where we are now and how muh we can improve hopefully in the future

  16. Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?
    Race does not affect my life negatively, I could say that I feel so proud from the race that I came and I find myself a lucky person because of that. It is maybe because I never have felt any discrimination and I a very positive and happy human being.

    Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    My opinion is that the past is over and we have to turn the page. We can not live our hole life complaining about this matter, even when today days we can find people that act and think that the skin color is important.

  17. My answers are for questions 2 and 3. The law of segregation is over, however the notion and it’s beliefs are not. That is why segregation still exists within the country. The systems that were in place negatively affected people of color and as a result, many of our manners and beliefs of that time still exist even though those laws have been long gone. Mainly because, some people never change along with the times. The efforts of Dr. King (who would have made a brilliant U.S. president), Malcolm X, and among others who fought for the equality that many other people thought to be proposterous, even to this day.

    As far as question number 3, there have been many stereotypes that I am famillar with. One of those is that black people can only rap and playball. However, the efforts of people like Dr. Ben Carson is an illustration that many black people are capable of many great things. There are many more stereotypes that are applied to different ethnic groups based on judgement and false assumptions, which is usually the case.

  18. #1 Race did affect my life when I was younger in school and when I started working. Kids at school would ask me when my parents were going to cross the boarder back to Mexico, why was my dad tall if he was Mexican, and that if I ate tacos everyday. It was just constant racist jokes that here immature kids would tell me and to be honest I would rather not listen, or let this affect me. I would end up being dissapointed but I preferred act like I didn’t care and it eventually stopped, since they noticed that I wouldn’t care. Also when I started working people thought I didn’t speak English so they would try to speak Spanish. Sometimes it bothers me when people trying to sell something on the streets look at you and since you ignore them they speak to you in Spanish because they infer that I don’t understand. Sometimes it’s just stuff in life that you have to ignore and try not to let that affect you as easy, unless it goes to the extreme.
    Mexican are short, construction workers, wearing sombreros…
    Asians are smart at Math and Science…
    Blacks are violent and work at McDonald’s…
    Jews are cheap…
    Indians drive taxi/cabs…
    Arabs are terrorist or own a deli…

  19. > Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?
    Race does not really affect my life that much. However, race cannot modify your life. It the choices you make that can impact your life.

    > Forty years ago, the Civil Rights Act declared that forced racial segregation was illegal. In light of this, why do you think some neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces are still segregated?
    The reason why some neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces are still segregated is because there are people that will find loophole or ways to get around the Civil Rights Act. The Civil Rights Act may have prevented most people from doing forced racial segregation, but it does not stop them from finding ways to separate people. In addition, this act does not change their view or belief on race.

  20. ļƒ˜ Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?
    Yes, Race does affect my life. I have been always asked what my race is. This question sounds very legitimate but I can tell that I had experienced some negative effects because of the way people see me. Since Iā€™m a light skin, stereotyping me because of skin color is not the issue. Instead, my English accent as well as my background as an Arabic Muslim are the concern. Many times I witnessed a discrimination because of that. I saw how well others were treated because they have a good English accent or they have a common and acceptable backgrounds. Less attention was given to me in many situations and in different places.
    ļƒ˜ Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    Based on Civil Rights Act of 1964 amendment, people should be held accountable for past discrimination but not prior to 1964. Personally, I believe that we should act with a sense of forgiveness in some situations because people may have a lack of knowledge of such Civil Rights Act. Besides, discrimination is not a new trend. It has been practiced for a long time and we should not expect it will stop anytime soon.

  21. Race does affect my life because I am considered in the race of the “underdog” the “non-desirable” race. The race with the least privlige. It affects my life overtly and covertly. example I was in the city on 23rd St and 8th Ave. On my way to my acupuncture appointment coming up out of the stairs I noticed that I would be late if I did not take a cab to the east side. I saw a white woman and a white man hailing a cab. They were like 6 yards from me and I was at the corner. I put my hand up hailed a cab and the cab stopped for me right at the corner. As I began to gather my bags I opened the cab door and this French woman and her husband come rushing me . she pushes past me out of the way before I can come around and he followed her. She said the were waiting first and no black bitch would go before her. The husband tried to close the door but I would not let him. The cab driver was seek Indian and was just staring shaking his head but said nothing to his bogarding passengers. Everyone heard her was starring and watching to see ” Shanay Nay”(myself) get “Ghetto” Well I leaned into the back of the cab towards them, and with a medium stern smooth easy voice I said. No this black queen will have all that God has for her over anyone he chooses such as rude ignorant people like you. What you did is not stately, womanly or gracious. Then I looked to the husband and said you are not a man. You are not walking in your God given authority. To sit back and let your wife act like and animal and represent you and your family with such insolence is disgraceful. I did not wait long for this one and will not wait long for the next one. Lastly I addressed the driver I said this is your vehicle you should learn to speak up. When you are silent in the midst of wrong doing you are supporting the ignorance. So you are just as guilty. Then I closed the door. I could have kept the door open held them up, had the driver call the cops, let the cops make a report, but then I would have been even later. People were were just watching in amazement that it turn out how they thought. Just them another cab turned the corner, I hailed it, he pulled near to the curb and I got in. As we were riding east he just so happed to pull up next to them. I looked dead into her eyes them smoothly and slowly turned away and looked straight with a Mona Lisa grin on my face. To let her know she doesn’t stop any show.
    I guess she thought that because I was black I wasn’t entitled to anything before her.
    I do believe jobs and schools are still segregated. Less funds go to jobs and schools that are predominately black areas. I have heard that Jewish people are nasty and stingy with their money, White people stink, Black people are ignorant and violent and Mexicans are wet backs because they were supposed to have swam over here. How is that I don’t even know because Mexico is connected by land to the USA. I do not think people should be accountable for past discrimination, but if you presently are then you are full game for criticism. Racial preferences in my opinion is preferring other races or characteristics of other race stereotypes over others.

  22. Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways? Race does affect my life to some affect; at school, at work and even commuting.
    What stereotypes have you heard or seen about different racial groups? Where do they come from?
    1) Asians are good at math
    2) Asians cannot drive properly
    3) Indians are terrorist

  23. 1.) Yes race does affect my life in every manner. Sometimes I don’t know if it’s an advantage to be Hispanic or a disadvantage since Hispanics are viewed as a minority in the United States. In every job application I get asked what is your “racial background” like always I put Hispanic or other. Even though, its says decisions wouldn’t be based by race I do consider they are, since most companies need to meet a certain number of people consider minorities in their company.
    3.)The stereotypes that I have heard for Hispanic is that all Hispanics are illegal immigrants and they are here to steals jobs for Americans. I think these stereotypes come from Americans that are racist and don’t want to provide opportunities for the rest that want to improve their life style. As Donald Trump has refer Mexicans as “drug dealers and here to steal our jobs” just shows as presidential candidate making those disrespectful comments not only for Mexicans, but also to the Hispanic community affects the whole country. Since many Americans would view Hispanics as how Trump refers them to be. Another stereotype I have heard after 9/11 is Muslim are terrorist, which many kids I have witness have been bully in school because of this stereotype.

  24. Does race affect my life, i would have to say no because i have never been stop by a cop, when i interact with other races for some reason i am not judge by the color of my skin, even when i went to a few states in the south, i was treated with kindness and respect, the people talk to me as if i already knew them and this is not the black part in the south. With all the stuff i have read and saw on television about being profile or look down on because of the color of my skin, i have never had any of that happen to me. I have white friends and we all get alone, when i do attend their outings i never feel out of place or anyone judging me. I am a friendly person until someone press my button.

    When it comes to past discrimination, i would have to say it was in the past and it should stay there. People are humans and they tend to go with their feelings and not on whats right and wrong. If we keep holding on to the past sometimes we will never be able to move forward into the future. You also can’t blame people for being followers and not having a brain of their own, some people will follow along with whatever they are told and that is all thanks to the f***ers in office. At the end they live and learn.

  25. Does race affect your life? Why or why not? If so, in what ways?
    Absolutely, race is affecting my life. Iā€™m an immigrant, so English is my second language. I remember in my first job, many guys used to call me ā€œChinoā€, evenly I told them that Iā€™m from Vietnam, and maybe all Asian looked alike. They broke out by couple groups and treated each group differences. White group always had a best position in my company. Although, you worked harder than most of them, but they still had more benefits and better position than you. For example, we all did the same job and the same area. I always made more products than them. However, when they needed somebody do over time or Saturday, White guys always got asking first, Asians and Hispanics were the last group for asking. Thatā€™s why I quit. Now, I get treating much better in my job, but racist still exists daily. Easy work is always White boys; heavy work is always another race.
    > Do you think people today should be held accountable for past discrimination? Why or why not?
    People today should not be held accountable for past discrimination. Because the past is history, nothing can change. You may try to help some people to not be discriminated for the past. The past is not count for people to judge for them in the future. If the people are good now than it is ok for them to be treated right. The past is experience for us to learn. We should only worry about the present and the future.

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