Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown: HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health in the Allied Health Fields (Dentistry)


Please respond to the following 3 questions:

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

DUE NOVEMBER 10th, 2015

23 thoughts on “Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown: HIV/AIDS and Reproductive Health in the Allied Health Fields (Dentistry)

  1. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    People respond to stress in different ways, for instance, some people turn to God when stressed and others turn to bad behaviors, drinking, smoking, drugs, and promiscuous sex. Bad behaviors seem to be the practice many turn to. As we know unprotected sex is one of the leading causes of STD’s and HIV. Drugs with the use of unclean needles are another risk factor of contracting HIV. Therefore, bad stress can be a risk factor in contracting HIV.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Preventing HIV would require understanding that high risk behavior such as drugs, drinking irresponsibility and being promiscuous can lead to HIV. Stressing how these high risk behaviors can lead to HIV can prevent HIV.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    If a person has HIV coping is an important factor in prolonging your life. Coping would require being realistic, thinking positive and optimistic, managing your life; adapting to the illness, having support from love ones, taking your medications as required, exercising, a balance diet, and taking precaution with your significant other and having children. Coping would require emotion focus and problem focus techniques. It is important not to stress while living with HIV because it will deteriorate your health faster. Stress can weaken your immune system and your inability to fight infections. Many with HIV are high risk for infections.

  2. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Stress can cause illnesses, or the illness can cause stress. Regardless, stress has a negative effect on the body. HIV affects the immune system, and stress only makes it worse. So if someone is under a lot of stress, this can affect the person’s ability to fight infections because stress alters the function of white blood cells. Getting tested and waiting such a long period of time for your results (especially since once you have been exposed, you can have a false result within the first 6 weeks, meaning you must take the test again to be sure) can cause some stress, but one must remember the importance of getting tested.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    It is important that everyone is fully aware of the severity of having HIV. In order to prevent getting HIV, everyone must practice safe sex, be careful when dealing with infected blood, always use clean needles, and mothers must be aware of their HIV status in order to prevent passing the illness on to their child. Getting tested regularly is very important also. If we are all engaging in high risk behaviors, there’s no telling how quickly HIV can spread. If we are all educated on the topic, we can reduce the spread of the virus. Lastly, it is also important for people to learn how to cope with stress. Whether through meditation, exercising, or seeing a therapist, it is extremely important that people learn to deal with stress in a healthy way because many studies have shown that stress affects the immune system in a negative way. And if someone is trying to prevent getting HIV, it would help if there immune system was functioning properly.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Stress can cause other physical and mental health problems like depression, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed and insecure, high or low blood pressure, loss of appetite, and so much more. Stress speeds up the viral progression, meaning the risk of developing AIDS may increase, resulting in death. Living with HIV and being under a lot of stress may be hard to remain motivated to reduce your level of stress and coping with living with an illness. However, maintaining a good health is very important for someone who is living with HIV. Exercising, good eating habits, getting enough sleep, etc. can help reduce ones level of stress and therefore improve one’s health overall while living with HIV. HIV medication is very expensive, so it is also important that the person does not disable themselves, stay motivated, and try to live a normal life in order to psychologically and physically live a healthy life.

  3. The role that stress and coping with stress play in contracting HIV is a big deal in our lives. In our daily lives we deal with alot of stress and different situation which can cause stress. Most important is how we deal or cope with the stress. Bad coping with stress can lead to contrating HIV. Examples like doing drugs having unprotected sex can lead to HIV. You are more likely to contract HIV if you participate in unprotected sex with your partner. Most people know that intravenous drug use and needle-sharing can transmit HIV but they should also know that a person under the influence of drugs is more likely to engage in risky behaviors such as having unsafe sex.

    The role that stress or coping can play in preventing HIV is kinda what i mentioned before. It really all depends on how you cope with stress. Stress is not always bad. When exercising your body is under stress. This stress is a good stress it helps you become stronger in many ways for example can help you gain muscle help your heart and even relieve bad stress. Other ways of stress coping can help people and it can be things as simple as going out with friends talking with friends or mini vacations. all these things help preventing HIV because it keeps you away from doing things that aren’t dangerous to oneself.

    If living with HIV there are many ways you can cope with HIV. Things like going to they gym and getting the right nutrition is a start to being healthy. I believe that being with people that you care about and going out with thees people to dinner or even to a social event can help with your coping. Having enjoyable times with people and being able to get away from things that stress you out during the week can help you feel better and give you a fresh start.

  4. People stress over everything in this world. How someone contracts it is merely off of their wrong decisions, which they usually make when coping with stress. Contracting HIV while stress puts more stress on your immune system. When people get stressed they tend to do things that can harm them because they think its helping. Using dirty needles to take drugs, etc. is one way to contract HIV. Also having unprotected sex can lead to having STDs and HIV. Being stressed is a big risk factor for contracting HIV.

    To avoid getting HIV, people must practice safe sex, get tested regularly, and mothers who are expecting should find out their HIV status. Not all stress is bad for the body. For example: when you run and here is stress on your muscles, that’s good stress. That is making your muscles stronger and helping you live a better life. When coping with stress to avoid HIV, do things you usually do like hang with friends, party, dance, PRAY. Engaging in activities that make you happy and don’t put stress on you can help you make better decisions.

    Living with HIV isn’t always the greatest feeling but being stressed doesn’t help make it better. Exercising, changing your diet, having the right support system can help live with HIV and cope with it as well. One thing that I believe will make it easier to live with HIV is informing others and talking about it. Letting people know how to deal with it and just talking about it can make a person feel good and make them feel like they are making a difference.

  5. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress can play a huge role in contracting HIV. If you are stressed out you might do things to relieve the stress. EX: go out to parties, clubbing, do drugs that you might not do normally Going out to parties and clubbing might lead to behaviors that you might not normally do. Ex: have one night stands with people you just met and having unprotected sex.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    If you have had an experience in which you might have thought you gotten HIV. The stress from thinking about you possibly getting infected might have lead you doing more research on HIV and how to prevent getting Infected. The stress could have triggered a behavior that lead for you to be more informed and careful.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Living with HIV must be a stressful thing. However, the stress of knowing that you have to live with this could lead to you be careful and wanting to fight through it. When I mean careful, I mean you study HIV and become knowledgeable on it. So that you can prevent from spreading the Virus.

  6. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress can play a major role on someone life, not only by finding out you have HIV. There are many other factors to stress; during the 80s HIV was more stressful, people were dying drastically and the correct medication was not given. Getting HIV is common is you are not using protection during sexual intercourse. If you are using protection then you should not stress as much. You will not constantly think about the “what if”. Getting HIV can be stressful and people will deal with stress differently; some will turn to drugs and alcohol and some might turn to religion, it can cause a negative impact on someone’s life.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    To prevent HIV means you will have to be aware and understand what causes it. One should be aware how their behaviors would impact having HIV. It is good for someone who is sexually active or working with HIV patients to get tested very often.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Living with HIV I can imagine to be very stressful, this will then lead to depression and many other health conflicts. It will be good to have a positive view and living healthy to help prevent any other problem to occur and lowering stress.

  7. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Negative stress can lead to unsafe activities. Different activities can lead to a person to cope with their emotions. Some people use unhealthy sex practices to cope with their negative stress. This can be having unprotected sex with a different partner or multiple partners, increasing your risk in contracting HIV. HIV can be easily contracted by using drugs that require a needle. Sharing a needle just to escape the negative stress can result in contracting HIV. The worst part is that finding an unhealthy source of escape can lead to serious consequences.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting)

    There is positive and negative stress that affects the body everyday. Positive stress on your body such as exercise can you keep you away from doing unsafe activities to cope with stress. Another alternative is seeking support from loved ones. Going out with friends and surrounding yourself in a positive environment can reduce the chance in engaging in a unhealthy behavior.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Living with HIV and dealing with stress it’s not that easy. Having HIV is a stressor that you are constantly reminded of. Engaging in positive stress such as exercising and eating healthier can reduce your levels of stress. Seeking moral support from loved ones it’s another way to cope with stress. Keeping a low stress level with someone living with HIV is crucial since stress can affect the immune system making your body weaker.

  8. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress can lead you to practice bad habits. It may encourage you to drink, smoking, and many other unhealthy behavior. Sometimes, in stress young people use drugs to get rid of it. It may cause them to ended up with bad and life threatening diseases like HIV. One of the reason to cause the HIV is using the needles which can spread the HIV. There is barely anyone living without stress, however practicing bad habits may be more dangerous that actually cause the stress.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting)
    There are many people who doesn’t aware about the reasons of HIV. To think about it may be count as a positive stress which can lead one to live a healthy life.
    Individual can think about any incident that may cause them to get affected with HIV; they can right away take the test; which may prevent their body to getting more worse.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Living with HIV always lead you to live an anxious life. However,there are many new medicine are invented and HIV is not life threatening anymore. So, getting worried about something that is permanent on you, may make your life more stressful and it can be dangerous too.

  9. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Based on this video I would say the stress of ones surrounding is what causes HIV. A role that stress might have in HIV would be the actions you take at that moment because with stress people can’t think clearly. While you are with stress you might find a way to relax and stay calm for a while, but sometimes actions could lead you to bad habits. Some of this habits would be becoming a drug abuser. You can probably be influence on heroin and share needles with people who might be HIV Positive. Another reason might be drinking, even though alcohol doesn’t infect you with HIV, the decisions you make while you’re drunk combined with stress might affect with the sexual actions you take.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    To prevent HIV would be to control you action. People should take healthy actions while they are with stress like play some sports, go to the gym and exercise, meditate or do yoga. If one manages/copes with their stress in a healthy way, it encourages good health decisions/practices. This healthy action would prevent bad choices and lower the risk of being effected with HIV.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    It affects how motivated and determined you are in keeping up with your medication. Playing a sport or exercising, as a way to promote better health habits. Good stress management/coping can improve your bodies’ function/performance, along with healthier behavioral lifestyles. Managing stress can reduce your chances of a lower CD4 count which means you’re less likely to progress into AIDS. You can live a very normal life with successful stress management. While not being able to manage stress can be fatal to your health. By progressing into AIDS your immune system will be extremely weak and being stressed you’re more likely to catch another virus which partnered with AIDS can be fatal.

  10. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    Stress can lead a person to get contracted to HIV. When a person is stressed, sometimes he/she can loose control over them. They may be getting drunk to leave the stress behind and also involve in some type of unhealthy sexual intercourse in same time. This can cause them to contraction by HIV. When people get worried about anything, they got stress by themselves and try to take an action which will take them out of the stress. Some people also look for temporary happiness so that they can forget the stress. In these types of scenario, people can loose control over them due to stress and that can cause their life to contracting with HIV virus.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    It is hard to live a life without stress. But we can think positively when we stress so that we can lead a good healthy life. We can talk to our friends, play games, or spend time with our family to step out of the stress. Stress in particular issue is temporary and our positive approach to it can help us to fall in more worse situation. In my opinion, when someone is stress, they should do something that will take their mind in some other world where they can forget the stress issue.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    It is hard to live a life with any disease that will permanent in our life. To living with HIV can cause a great stress. But we should always remember stress can’t take us any better situation rather than worse. We may put ourselves more danger if we think in a negative way. Ones should always under the medication and it will help them to keep the situation in stable. Also they can share their situations so that others can alert and advice them to be careful when they having stressed. In today’s world, HIV affected person can live a normal life and its no more life threatening like before.

  11. 1.) What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    2.) What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    3.) What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    1.) Stress can cause people to engage in very unethical and dangerous behaviors can can get you infected with HIV. Such behaviors include: Drinking, Smoking, practicing unsafe sexual behaviors and etc. When you are stressed, you often tend to think with you emotions instead of reason and this ultimately causes these actions to occur. This is why trying to deal with stress in a positive way is so important.

    2.) It comes down to how the person manages stress. If they are unable to handle that stress, it causes them to make really inadequate decisions. These decisions include in participating in very drastic behaviors that consistently put their health at risk. The nerves take over and thus are uncontrollable in some instances. Positive behaviors such as exercise, reading, or even video games to some extent can promote the meaningless of practicing negative behaviors.

    3.) Its very similar to the I’m positive game we played. We got a first hand experience of the situation that the game put us in and it gave us choices on what to do since the test results showed a positive result. The stress of having HIV can be brutal and you may begin to feel either angry at yourself or at life and decide to wait out your death. The problems that stress can cause will ultimately lead you to your grave, thus you must look at this experience from a positive light. No one deserves to have this deadly virus, however you can live with it but only if you take the steps required. There is no reason to throw your life away when there is still hope, that goes for every disease. The immune system will suffer from constant stress and the virus will develop into AIDS which will be harmful. Taking the time to speak with a friend or trusted one about the situation is helpful and advice from others with the same disease or doctors can not only keep you as healthy as possible but maintain stress and negative thoughts down as well.

  12. What role does stress and coping play in contracting HIV?

    Stress plays a very huge factor in an individual who recently contracted HIV. It all starts with the individual finding out that they have contracted HIV. This will have a huge mental effect on an individual. A positive result can lead to an individual having anxiety, guilt, depression and becoming socially isolated. HIV is something most people wouldn’t want to tell their friends and family. Even when playing the “I’m positive” game the character’s mom and brother didn’t believe it at first. If an individual isn’t able to share that they have HIV with their close ones that will possible take a toll on the individual. Since people use emotional coping to deal with stress this person will have a hard time doing so since there is no support immediate system. Depending on how the individual contracted HIV it can also affect their trust. An individual may find it easier to use problem focused coping. Doing research, going to the doctor regularly can help.

    What role does stress and coping play in preventing HIV?

    Stress can play a huge role in preventing HIV. By doing research and speaking to people about how to prevent contracting HIV is the foundation. By doing this you are causing good stress on your brain if the information maybe a lot to register. In doing your research an individual will learn how to cope with not contracting HIV. This is the easy part, as most of us are born without HIV we live life everyday “normally”. Also there are certain activities we can engage in that promote good behavioral habits. This can help an individual avoid participating in high risk behavioral activities that may put that individual at risk of contracting HIV

    What role does stress and coping play in living with HIV?

    Living with HIV can be very be very stressful. Things like your immune system weakening will cause a great deal of stress, medication that you are prescribe may have some side effects which may cause stress and sharing it with others can be stressful since everyone will have a reaction. Dealing with HIV related stress can build up and effect ones health. Some ways to cope with living with HIV are taking care of your body by eating well and getting adequate rest. It may help to speak to someone about any stress that the individual is facing. The individual can engage in activities that relieve stress, such as exercise or other hobbies.

  13. Stress whether you have the disease or if the stress results from daily life, it can have a negative effect on coping and living with getting HIV. Stress can lead to getting HIV by not being aware of the actions that are lead by stress, unprotected sex after a drunk night, trying to relief some stress doing bad habits that will result in getting this disease. Your emotions take control when you are stressed rather than effectively thinking on your own with out being distracted.

    Trying to work, go to school, be financially stable, get along with family and having no stress is impossible or just really difficult to deal with. Being aware of the positive actions you take will be a feature on how you can prevent getting HIV, having safe Sex, having positive stress and getting involved in healthy activities, researching ways to prevent this disease.

    Ways in living and coping with having HIV can be very difficult but can be possible. You can just live and help others to prevent from getting this disease. Being involved in healthy activities, taking medication, and realizing that you have a disease and you could control your stress positively can change your life.

  14. Stress can play a very crucial role in contracting to getting HIV. Because when a person wants to accomplish something such as having unprotected sex, she or he does not know who the partner they are doing it with. So therefore she or he has a much higher risk of getting HIV. Also getting involved in these things seems like it is a very stress less thing. But it actually causes more stress. So the one health way to cope up with this is to lead a health lifestyle sand do health activities such as go for a walk or go exercise at the gym.

    The only stress it can play by coping to engage in things which can lead to HIV is the stress by thinking one is not doing so. However there are plenty of activities to avoid things in the first place. Also having a healthy lifestyle can actually change the perspective on a healthy life and can get you involved in things which are much more healthier and good for the body. So I think that one should actually get involved in physical exercise.

    A person living with HIV can sometime get very stressed out because it might be more active and spreading due to some cause. Also there are other things in the air which are always in contact with the human body. Anything can be a start up to even a greater danger. So things can get very stressful to a person living with HIV. Also coping up with it on the other had can be a relief how the relief should only come if one is actually doing the right things to stay health and well.

  15. Although HIV is said to be contracted through encounter with some bodily fluids; including blood, sexual activities are the primary cause of getting the disease. Coping with stress could create opportunities for contracting HIV. Simply because stress could interfere with a person’s ability to make healthy, safe and conscious decisions, especially when indulging in sexual activities. Using drugs to cope is another potential for getting infected through unsterile needles or elements. Stress also weakens the immune system preventing the body from fighting off diseases.

    Coping with stress could have a positive impact on preventing the likelihood of getting HIV. A measure of coping should involve positive behaviors such as, eating healthy diets, exercising, and maintaining awareness of the disease. Self efficacy could also prevent a person from engaging in some negative behaviors as well. Stress coping could potentially cause a person to loose the need for sexual activities or being in the presence of negative risks. All these behaviors and feelings help prevent the risk of getting HIV.

    Having accepting the idea to live with HIV, it could be a very stressful situation. However, stress coping could help a person to see things positively or even negatively. This idea could cause a person to indulge in negative behaviors while living with the disease; doing them more harm. On the other-hand, the idea could compel a person to make more positive and conscious decisions. Doing regular exercise routines, healthy diets, getting support from family and friends, and just enjoying life in general could make life appear and feel somewhat normal.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

  16. 1.) Stress and coping play huge rolls in contacting any STD’s including HIV. When one is stressed they are more likely to gravitate towards negative situations and engage in negative behaviors. Alcohol and drugs might be a way to escape from the stresses in life leading to life threatening situations such as having sexual relations with someone who has HIV. When this person is intoxicated they are not thinking logically leading them to be more susceptible to certain STD’s. Also, when stressed, a persons immunity is suppressed making it easier for one to become ill off of a virus the body would normally be able to fight off.

    Coping is also important for people managing stress. If one does not have good coping methods, then automatically one is going to go downhill when stressed. If a person turns to negative behaviors such as drugs, alcohol, and sex to cope with stress, they will be more likely to contact HIV.

    2.) If one can handle stress by coping in a positive way, then this person is less likely to contact HIV. If an individual deals with stress by using certain coping mechanisms such as intellectualization, or taking your stresses out by going to the gym, one is less likely to engage in high risk behaviors that might lead to HIV.

    3.) Stress not only surprises ones immune system, it also can increase ones blood pressure, heart rate and can also take a tole on the function of other organs within the body. Another issue when someone is stressed is that it is hard for them to care for themselves and when one has a diagnosis of HIV, caring for themselves should come before anything else.

  17. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    As we know there are two types of stress positive and negative, but only the negative one can lead to contracting HIV. When a person is stressing negatively they can do some irrational things in their life and all logic is out the door, some of those drugs, drinking, and just hooking up with a random stranger. If that stress out person is doing drugs with a needle then they can contract HIV that why and the other is having one night stands with people that they do not know and that person can be walking around with HIV. The same goes for coping with the negative side of it.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    For a person to prevent their self from contracting HIV they would have to be dealing with stress and/or coping in a positive way, which would be going for runs, biking, doing yoga, and the gym is also a good way to reduce or eliminate it.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    When it comes to living with stress and/or coping some people do it positively or negatively. The ones that do it positively would do things to keep their immune system strong such as eat right, go to the gym, and take their medication, another thing they would do is talk to love ones or a therapist, but for the negative ones they do the opposite. They would do some stuff like lash out towards others or take other drugs to escape reality. There is one story i heard of about a college student in Africa after she contracted HIV. The female student was anger with the world but mostly men because she was rape and then got the virus, so she went around having sex with ever guy she could including her professors to get back at the opposite sex.

  18. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    When stressed people most likely to engage in risky and unsafe behavior like unprotected sex or drugs. Thus, that particular risky behavior can lead to HIV contraction. Stress is a major factor and drive of risky behavior. People who can’t appopriatly cope with stress issue fell need of redirecting all attention to different activity, which in many cases in unhealthy.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    Since stress is responsible of risky behavior, the best way is come up with healthy way of coping with it. Good methods of coping with stress can like meditation, yoga,exercises, and even conversations with family or friends can prevent in ignoring in risky behavior, thus can prevent from contracting HIV.

    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    When HIV been contracted, particular person needs to be able to manage stress and learn coping techniques. Stress is responsible in huge matter of well being of immune system. When person is under huge amount of stress, the immune system starts to slow down and become unable to fight diseases and viruses.In case of HIV is important to maintain highly functional immune system and by that prevent HIV from turning into AIDS. Thus is very important for person living with HIV virus to appopriatly manage stress level, because that may prolong life and support the immune system.

  19. 1) What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV
    Research in infected HIV patients have shown that the fact that these patients are aware that virus infection can be sufficient to produce a state of immunosuppression capable of increasing the stressor vulnerability to the action of the virus and encourage disease, so the study of the evaluation of the psychological impact of the infection, should include the diagnosis of disease.

    2)What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    When people are under stress effects they are more likely to be in risk such as get VIH, because they do not take all necesseray measures for previnting the infection. While coping the stress is useful because will keep people up with all potencial risk situation that could happend.

    3)What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Patients have the effects of stress, depressive symptoms and social support of developments in HIV disease, and it has been observed that the more rapid progression to AIDS is associated with a greater number of stressful life events, major depressive symptoms and less social support.

  20. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    The role that is played in getting HIV is knowing how to use a condom. Also being acceptable in getting educated about sexually activates and to be able to be comfortable in talking about sexually activates. Also, when people start getting stress they tend to use alcohol and drugs to escape their problems however, they don’t realize that when using drugs that require the use of needles that can expose to HIV disease. Therefore, to be able to be able to be coping with getting HIV, don’t tend to use drugs and make wise decisions.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    The way that individuals can prevent HIV is once again is getting educated in ways they can get affected. Safe sex is always enforce in schools, medical offices and even in workshops about HIV therefore, knowing how to properly be able to use a condom is important. In addition, as Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown states is enforcing is, if you are getting sexually active with a person as the same gender you should be aware that you can also be affected. For example Dr. Gwen Cohen Brown states women and women do have precaution using female condom, or using a female dam , because HIV can be found in vaginal blood , breast milk.
    What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    Being able to live with HIV can be stressful because they know they need treatment all the time. They also know they have to have safe sex with their partner. Also one way these patients can do to coping with HIV is having a strong support system. For example seeking help maybe a family member, doctor or psychologist. This would help the patient have a low stress level because these patient need to have low stress levels because it can affect their immune system in their body.

  21. • What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?

    Stress can influence people to engage in unhealthy behavior such as sexual behavior or sharing needles.

    • What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?

    A positive stress can reduce negative stress. Being aware of HIV and how it spread can prevent people from getting HIV. Going to doctor or health clinics to get check up or tested for HIV is important because if they have HIV, then they can get the treatment in time.

    • What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?

    Living with HIV can be very stressful. Having support from family, friend, and other can help them feel better when living with HIV. Exercising, meditating, playing video game, or doing other healthy activities can relieve their stress.

  22. what role does/ can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    people handle stress differently because stress can be positive or negative. coping with stress can be very stressful for some people. our daily activities depend on how we handle stress. some people will exercise and eat a lot fruits and vegetables. in the order hand other people will smoke and drink alcohol. HIV can be transmitted from person to person in very different ways. people can be infected by having unprotected sex, sharing unclean needles, blood transmitted back in the days, or the physician might use the same glove for different patients. we just have to make the right decision for that disease to stop spreading.
    what role does/can stress and / or coping playing in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    to prevent HIV people need to be educated about how to prevent themselves from not getting it. we have learned from I’m positive game how TIM got infected because he was not educated enough about HIV. it is a good idea for both partners to be tested before they have sex and they must wear condom. I understand how some women want to get pregnant but, they have to be careful in making decisions. both man and woman should be examined to determine their health before they can have sex intercourse. prevention is better then cure.
    what role does/can stress and/ or coping play in living with HIV?
    coping with HIV is very stressful. normally, the first question the person who is infected will ask is that am I go a die. it easier to live with HIV then in the past. we have better medicine and we are more knowledgeable about HIV. but, living with HIV is still very stressful. the person who is infected with HIV should let his love ones know about it. that person will need all the attention, care, and support from the family member to relief that stress. exercise and eating the right food will help a lot.

  23. 1. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in contracting (getting) HIV?
    People response to tress in different ways, such as smoking, drinking, uninhibited sex or using drugs…In a worse case it will be suicide. Therefore, unprotected sex and unclean needle of using drugs cause HIV. So when you are stressing, you will lose your normal mind. It very high risk for you to get HIV through the way you try to release tress.
    2. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in preventing (not getting) HIV?
    Firstly, you have to practice to keep your mind calm and have a positive thinking in any situations that will create tresses. Secondly, you need to learn about HIV. What’s HIV? How’s it affect to our immune system? Which is the way HIV passing from one to others? Practicing good habit in your daily life will help a lot in getting HIV. For example, wear condoms while having sex, always use new needle if you use drug, testing HIV at least one a year to alert with this virus…Stay alert, stay alive.
    3. What role does/can stress and/or coping play in living with HIV?
    It is automatic creating a lot of tress when you are getting HIV. So you need a strong body in both physically and mentally to live with HIV. You have to find good ways to reduce stresses, such as exercises, take enough sleep and eat healthy food daily. Medicine may be expensive but the government does have a fund to help people who are living with HIV. So you need take medicine and checkup following your doctor guiding. Always thinking positive and stay motivated.

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