
Welcome to PSY3405 Section D921’s OpenLab page! This course is being taught by Dr. Amanda Almond, Social Sciences Department, New York City College of Technology, APA Division 35 (Society for the Psychology of Women) Early Career Professional Committee Co-Chair

You can learn a bit more about my education, research and previously taught courses on the NYCCT faculty pages by clicking the image (me at the Brooklyn Botanical Gardens!!) below:


First thing to do: Go to Course Requirements page to make sure that you have meet all the technology requirements for this course (especially having a CityTech email, OpenLab account, and Boundless account)

You can also access Boundless by copying and pasting this address:



Course Description:

This course provides an overview of existing psychological and epidemiological findings on the relationship between behavior and disease. The course explores how behavior, emotion and cognition can influence disease processes and examines the impact of stress and perceived control of one’s destiny on coronary, immune and infectious diseases and symptoms.  The biological processes of several relevant chronic illnesses are covered as well as related racial and social economic health disparities. Templates for understanding and treating chronic illness including social support, referral and interventions for optimal physical and mental health are discussed. The interdisciplinary theme of this course will provide an overview of extant literature on theories of health psychology within the context of critical race theory, epidemiology, research methods, philosophy of science, biological anthropology, sociology, as well as applied health/medical fields for an enriched understanding of the biopsychosocial approach to health and illness. Lectures and in-class activities as well as films, guest lecturers, and interactive computer programs make up this textbook-free course with required readings made available via CityTech’s OpenLab and Open Educational Resources (OER).

PSY3405 is being offered among some of the college’s very first OER initiative courses.  Read more below to learn what that means:

“Open educational resources (OER) are free and distributable teaching materials. Faculty who participate in the OER initiative will select and curate an individualized course resource by using existing online and library resources. The curated OER will replace a conventional textbook as the sole required material in a Fall 2015 course, thereby reducing student costs by eliminating textbook purchases. The initiative encourages adoption of the OER in additional course sections in subsequent semesters.”


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