When the Bough Breaks: Post-Viewing Activity

After viewing When the Bough Breaks, please response to ONE of the following questions after reading the first quote:

Neonatologist Dr. Richard David says: β€œthere’s something about growing up as a Black female in the United States that’s not good for your childbearing health.”

β€’ What evidence did Dr. Collins and David discover that undercuts genetic explanations for racial disparities in birth outcomes?

β€’ Why is it significant that the daughters of African immigrants had worse birth outcomes than their mothers?

β€’ Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

28 thoughts on “When the Bough Breaks: Post-Viewing Activity

  1. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    Although we didn’t finish the whole film on premature births, it is shown that African American women experience a higher level of stress which can lead to an early labor and a premature baby. I do believe the higher the education level, the increased amounts of stress because still to this day, as sad as it is, African American women are still outnumbered in higher job positions. With this being said, people of any minority race would end up taking in a huge amount of stress and bringing that high stress level home with them. This then brings stress to their family and even carries out to the unborn child leading to an increased risk of a premature baby.

    I believe that women of African decent have much more support and gather in a community filled with the support of their family and friends. Where as African American women that want to get a higher education and better jobs, are forced to move away from their own race and into areas where they feel uncomfortable which then increases their stress level and takes a tole on their overall health.

  2. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    Overall, America has one of the worse infant mortality rates despite the racial barriers. Pre-term birth is one of the most common causes of infant deaths. I recall the film mentioning that one month cost of care for a pre-term infant cost nearly $68,000. (No wonder why America’s health expenditures is so high) The film also compared both an educated African American mother and an educated white mother; who has a significant lower rate of low birth-weight baby than an educated African American. Even shocking a non-educated white mother still had a lower low birth rate babies than an educated African American mother. The reason for this may be that racism is a chronic (prolonged) stress factor in racial minorities. The level of racism impacts an individual’s overall life not just during pregnancy. Because an African American has experienced racism at least once it impacts their birth outcome. A lifetime of racism has a negative physical effect on one’s body.

  3. Based on the 1st video which we have watch on Tuesday October 6th the health researchers studied the difference between health and classes. They have found out that there is a relationship of wealth and health. The more money one earns the healthier they will be compared to where the least money one earns are more likely to be less healthy. It was a very good and well established conclusion and works any and every where. How ever further investigating it had shown some drawbacks. The drawback was that how come black women gives birth to unhealthy babies even though they are educated. According to the 2nd video which we have watch about 10 minutes of it towards the ending of the class showed us that educated black women are also having this issue. Now doctors are investigating to why this is happening. Some says that it might have something to do well with the genetics apart from this health and wealth relationship.

  4. Why is it significant that the daughters of African immigrants had worse birth outcomes than their mothers?

    The film spoke briefly on this topic but it was enough to still put fear in my heart. In the video it showed that African born women were more likely, same as US born whites, to have not as much childbirth issues as US born Africans. I am a US born African so it really hit home that the US isn’t the most ideal place for a black women to bear her children. Also with the amount of stress black women endure in the US not to mention what some of them may have to do to be accepted in society, causes a lot of issues that result in pregnancy issues such as premature birth. Black females, unlike their mothers, are exposed to a lot of external components that also cause stress and have a long term affect on them physically and mentally.

  5. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    African American mothers, even those with college degrees, have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women because they are subject to more racism and discrimination, which has an effect on the baby. It has been said that African Americans face more challenges compared to other races. Because of the amount of stress they face, the result gets transferred on their newborn. So African American women who have been treated unfairly, will have a greater risk of low birth weight babies than white American and African immigrant women.

    • Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

      African American women have more low birth-weight babies because of stress. Every person in America experiences stress in their lives, whether because of work, family, financial issues, personal issues, etc. However, African American women also have to deal with racism and discrimination. Racism has shown to take a huge toll on a women, especially when they are pregnant. Unfortunately, it is easier for a white woman than it is for an African American woman to succeed because of our history. They can both have the same level of education, earn the same income, choose the same health foods, and yet an African American women would have a child that has a low birth-weight because of the new challenges they face and discrimination.

  6. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    Social context. In the US there is a history of slavery and racism. Whether its institutionalized, personally mediated, or internalized racism, African American mothers deal with this throughout their life time. Even if they have a college degree, it makes it that much harder. They witness the injustice first hand when they see white woman get it easier and in less stress. White woman do not have that history they need to carry. They wont get treated differently and therefore have less stress. Its how they portray white women being pregnant vs African American woman. Even when you watch TV shows like Maury, most of the time its the African American woman that is trying to find the biological father. Just how the media portrays this can apply pressure and stress to a race. People begin to see pregnant African american mothers like if they were on the show and there begins a form of stress and judging.

  7. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    As we all know, United States is one of the largest multi-cultural country in the world; however you have to deal with a lot of new experiences to be settled down here. It never easy to live a very decent life after you being immigrant. However, scenario gets better than before; now many qualified people are able to manage the job that they want. However, in the video, we see how African-American women are struggling with their newborn babies weight comparing to White Women’s babies. I feel the main reason is African Women has to deal with lot of new challenges since they are being immigrated here and also the work load they are dealing with may be a new experience for them. They have to put time on their work as well as give time to their family.

  8. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    The film is a great introduction to how racism can actually negatively affect us, especially those of the opposite end of the spectrum. To answer the question however, it is mostly because of the discrimination that they have to endure because of their skin color. In our society, it is considered not that often to see African- American mothers make it with a college education and therefore are looked at differently. Therefore, it affects their pregnancy which might lead to low-birth-weight babies. As a society and a country, we need to find a way to elude this issue from our time as well.

  9. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    Racism is the key factor of low weight babies of African-American women. It makes a big challenge for the society to balance the discrimination between the races. Immigrant people are still treating different than the white women. As an immigrant they have to take the miserable workload to run their life as well as they have to take care their household too. On the other hand, white women lead a better life with more financial freedom; as a result they leading a less stressful life than the African-American does. I believe leading a stressful life and too much pressure on mind and body are the key reasons that African-Ameriacn women give birth low weight babies comparing to white women.

  10. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    African American women have more low birth-weight babies because of stress. Every person in America experiences stress in their lives, whether because of work, family, financial issues, personal issues, etc. However, African American women also have to deal with racism and discrimination. Racism has shown to take a huge toll on a women, especially when they are pregnant. Unfortunately, it is easier for a white woman than it is for an African American woman to succeed because of our history. They can both have the same level of education, earn the same income, choose the same health foods, and yet an African American women would have a child that has a low birth-weight because of the new challenges they face and discrimination.

  11. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    Many conducted studies in the past showed that the low birthweight and high infant mortality is related to diffrences in income, education, or prenatal care. However, in case of African American mothers the truth is different. The new studies are showing that African American infants been closely influenced by enviromental state of their mothers.Thus, African American mothers, especially the second generation and further are being exposed to stress due to long term racial discrimination and hate. That increased racial stress and prejudice environment are responsible for high mortality of their infants. Furthermore, the study also exposed the coorealtion between racial environmental factor and serious diseases like obesity or cardiovascular issues.

  12. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    In the beginning of the film it focuses on how low income and those individuals with less education experience have a lower life span. In addition, it mentions that the health risks are higher for them. Therefore, while watching the second part of this film it also mentions how African American mothers even with some education how more low birth weight babies than white Americans. I believe what is causing this is stress or maybe not knowing they were pregnant on time. These woman are busy getting ready to start their career, ready on a new job or maybe facing some hardship on their current job that not knowing their pregnant might be a reason. Another factor, might be not having health care to do their monthly check up can also be another reason African American mothers how having birth-weight babies.

  13. African American mother experience premature births due to many factors. I do believe that stress is a major factor in this.Some African American mothers are unable to obtain the prenatal care that is needed. Some times is is due to lack of income. I would say it is a domino effect. Having a healthy birth consist of healthy behaviors. I was totally unaware that race and premature birth rates were correlated

  14. Why is it significant that the daughters of African immigrants had worse birth outcomes than their mothers?
    There are many variables that contribute to this problem, but one of the may cause is the unhealthy eating habits. Instead of eating fruits, vegetables, and a well home cook food, they would eat or have no choose but to eat process or fast foods. They are also not receiving the proper nutrition and maybe vaccination.

  15. African American women have lower birth-weight babies because of stress. Stress is related with an increase in unhealthy behaviors such as poor diet, smoking and substance abuse, all of which are risk factors for low birth weight. I found that even when including these variables in a logistic model, perceived discrimination still increased the chances of having a very low birth weight child. However, African American women also have to deal with racism and discrimination. Racism has shown to take a huge toll on a women, especially when they are pregnant. Unfortunately, it is easier for a white woman than it is for an African American woman to be successful because of our antiquity. They can both have the same level of education, earn the same income, choose the same health foods, and yet an African American women would have a child that has a low birth-weight because of the new challenges they face and discrimination

  16. β€’ Why is it significant that the daughters of African immigrants had worse birth outcomes than their mothers?

    One of the reasons is that most daughters of African immigrants receive better education than their mother. This can cause stress because they had to study a lot or they had to move away from their family in order to go to their college. Also the improvement of technology might have led to poor birth outcomes. Another reason is that migrating to United States can contribute to poor birth outcomes because it changes the way they live and eat. In addition, their immune systems are not used to dealing with diseases or germs in United States.

  17. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    African American mothers may have a college degree, but it doesn’t directly mean that they will succeed rapidly or have the same outcome as a white female. Even though it is never mention, some may take in consideration whether she is white, come from a wealthy background, have a succesful family, and other factors that may not pertain to the African American women. The African American women may be the first one in the family to get a college degree and may not have someone to look up to, she may have to deal with the stress because she isn’t connected with anyone from her family to put her in a job directly after graduating. Also some jobs may think that the perfect face or model may be better If they have a white face rather than an African American that can look awkward because it’s rare. The stress, style of eating, family background, color, may affect why African American Females have more difficulty in giving birth. Sometimes growing up in a poor society doesn’t provide them healthy meals each day, this affects a body and the outcome is going to come sooner or later. Some African American women may not have had a health insurance or regular check up as a child, vaccinations or other medical use as a White female.

  18. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?

    There are many reasons that explain why African American mothers have low birth-weight babies, but I believe that stress and racism are the main variables affecting these mothers. Stress is harmful to anyone, especially if the person is frequently exposed to it. An example of a stressful environment is school because of its demanding nature. A person can become easily overwhelmed and therefore experience high levels of stress, which cause health problems in the long run.
    Malnutrition is a product of stress and it is more likely to affect someone who has recently immigrated to the United States. Immigration generates a change, which can also lead to health problems. Racial comments and stereotypes add to the stress experienced by African American mothers. Overall, racism generates negativity and creates an uncomfortable environment. On the other hand, Caucasian mothers are not often exposed to these situations and as a result, live in a more positive environment.

  19. Why is it significant that the daughters of African immigrants had worse birth outcomes than their mothers?

    I could say that maybe is the age that African women begin maternity, because something that I have noticed in this contry is that negro families are biggest in numbers compare with the white one. Obviously is an opinion and I am guessing, but the fact of having children when they are young could affect them, because the body is not ready.

  20. People really subconsciously and consciously in my opinion down play the effect stress has on the body. One of the reasons for that is because usually once you acknowledge there is a problem… now you must do something about it!
    I would think it would be less stressful being around people who you were not discriminated against. Having to succumb to the stresses of a new country, language people etc. The stress in learning how to maneuver in a new culture could be more stressful then being back home in their own country or continent being a woman.

  21. why do African American mothers- even those with college degrees have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women.

    having low birth-weight babies can be approached differently. people have different thoughts and opinions about why African American mothers have low birth-weight babies. some people believe is because of racism and discrimination, other believe is because of lack of education and stress is playing a big impact also. some pregnant women are taking care of themselves while they are pregnant. some of them are drinking alcohol, smoking, not eating on time, not eating the proper food, and not doing exercise. since college degree women are having low birth-weight babies too, one can say stress is the main cause why African American have low birth-weight babies. when the mother is having stress the baby is not nourish properly. stress can cause a lot of damages to the baby such as poor eyes, poor hands, unhealthy heart etc.

  22. I believe stress is a major underlying cause of low birth-weight of African American women compared to their white counter parts. Although having a college degree seems to allow for a better lifestyle and better health conditions in African American women, they are still subjected to being under the authority of whites in their work environments. The higher level positions are commonly held by whites and therefore the African American women will still have a stressful life.

    There are many factors in the health care system that work against African American women and benefit the whites. I read an article stating that different quality food is shipped and sold in the non-white communities and a more organic and better quality of the same type is sold into white communities. This could be impacting the low birth-weight among these women. One woman in the video says she ate all the right foods, exercise, did all the recommendation and was still affected by the low birth-weight problem.

  23. Why do African American mothers – even those with college degrees – have more low birth-weight babies than white American and African immigrant women?
    My prediction is due to stress, being a minority can have a lot to do with stress. African American mothers with college degree can have more lower birth-weight babies than White immigrant because Race plays a role in society especially when it comes to the working field, I feel as if minority have a lower change of a job even with a degree than someone who is White, and this obviously will cause stress and that will be the cause to having a low birth weight baby.

  24. I believe the number one reason for this problem is tress. African American mothers are always getting more tress compare to White American mothers. Beside regular tresses that all American have to face, such as work, family, income… African American mothers have also deal with racism. It is not physical vision. It is an internal tress which passes to the baby. The mother may not feeling the change in her body, but it has long term effective. In the movie, it talked about low income in African American society. It is absolutely correct that you will get better chance for living condition when you have higher income. However, I think stress is still effective to baby weight. It does not matter you are rich or poor.

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