Nicolas Duers


The style of the image has a dramatic with suspense kind of atomsphere when you look at it. The subject has some sidelit along with some glowing light coming from the jewels. It also has high contrast and low key tones. Shallow Depth of Field is in play in this photo with a sharp focus. There are shallow spaces but there seems to be a compressed perspective

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Greg Shapps’ photo of the water gun intrigued me the most because of the strong stream of water shooting out of the gun. That stream creates a straight line that directs your eye the same way the gun is pointing and out of the frame. There are elements other than the bright blue color of the gun that also capture your eye. The lighting used in this is a direct light coming from the upper righthand side, casting shadows slightly below and to the left of the subject. I feel that there is low contrast in this image because the values are mostly grays – not very dark or very light. The texture is emphasized the subject and image are sharp overall. The viewpoint is slightly above the gun so that you can see its entire side. The gun is mostly centered in the space making it the most important part of the image but the perspective is expanded so that the handle of the gun seems further away.

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Nicolas Duers

Nicolas Duers is a great photographer that prefers to photograph objects,  such as clothing accessories for instance. He lets the object portray it’s own story, by using various photographic techniques.  For example on his website under “personal” he took a photo of some bizarre looking surface, which is captured in black and white, with a decent range of values. The values of the lights and darks tie in with the photo’s contrast to depict a certain mood. The overall mood of the photograph is further enhanced by his use of shallow depth of field, which sets the background out of focus and makes the foreground sharper to the point where you can see the texture of the subject.   Screen Shot 2014-09-02 at 12.16.37 PM

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Learning Log 1:Chris collins

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This photo by Chris Collins stuck out to me because of the view point as well as the tone and or contrast. From my observation it seems the type of lighting used may be Directional-Diffused lighting, or maybe Revealing Lighting. The image is warmly saturated, the image is crisp and focused; sharp overall, and the texture is emphasized due to the lighting, and Eye Level view point.

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In the image I chose from Nicolas Duers we are able to see the sidelight coming off of the batteries. The picture is taken from a birds eye-view, which explains why see the direction of light coming from the top of the photo. The photo appears to be high key in my opinion because in the center of the photo, light tones appear to be more prominent towards the center of the image. The focus is very sharp in this photo because you can make out the details in the batteries and carpeting. Finally there is great symmetry in the image between the batteries.

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Cool Things You Can Do With Glass and Water

Greg Shapps

I chose this photo because i like how the arrangement of a glass of water can actually be arranged in a way to make it a lot more interesting. I also like the viewing angle f this composition. Having it at a “bird’s eye view” gives this more life and makes it a lot more interesting. What i also think is a very good in this composition by Greg Shapps is how he chooses a light blue background with a white radial gradient to help draw our eye closer to the middle and look at his arrangement more than just wine glasses in an circular placement. What I would like to see is if he can arrange the glasses in a certain order to actually create a image out of it. I think it would be very exciting to see what he can come up with.

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I chose this photo because of the relationship between the shoes and the rose, which is to juxtapose two things that are seen as beautiful but actually painful to touch. I like the use of lighting to this end, dark colored background with sparing use of red to catch the eye and the studs on the shoes being emphasized by the reflections.

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HW1_Making an Assignment

HW1: Making an Assignment. 5pts. Due September 9. Select the category HW1. 300 words minimum.

You are an art director for The Honda FCX Clarity, a fuel cell Electric Vehicle. Sales aren’t good as the public views electric cars as inferior. You are about to shoot a new campaign. What is your goal for the look and feel of the photographs?


Decide which of the three photographers listed below you would select to shoot the new campaign. Why did you select this photographer over the other two? Be specific. Use at least 4 terms from the visual elements handout. Exactly what do you see in the style of this photographer that makes you think that he can get the look you want? What does this photographer bring to the brand?


Don Dixon   commercial photography>automotive

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Clint Clemens


Tim Wallace



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Using the Visual elements vocabulary, select a photograph by the photographer assigned to you and describe the style of that photograph including one statement each about lighting, tone and contrast, Focus and depth of field, viewpoint, and space and perspective.

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