Category Archives: Uncategorized

Lighting : Constrast

This image is the one that I believe is the best. In this photo we have high contrast, with the light hitting the stuffed animal towards the right side of this picture. There are hardly any middle grays. I would … Continue reading

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  This photo has a low key contrast. The light used a spot grid modifier to help direct the light onto the subject intensely. Since the light was too strong at first, we off centered the light to keep the … Continue reading

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My Best 2

I consider this picture to be my best of the bunch my group took because it makes the most of the inverse square law to maximize falloff and create the dark shadows. The way the light adheres to the curvature … Continue reading

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This was my favorite photograph of today. The texture of the stuffed animals looks amazing. The object being backlit gave it this glow that makes it have a powerful feel. In this high contrast photo we decided to place the … Continue reading

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DIY Studio

Building a lighting studio can be a challenging. First thing that popped into my mind is how much will it cost to make one? Second thing that popped into my mind is where will I put it? After moving things … Continue reading

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The idea for this photo came to our group by accident. While doing a different shot, we noticed that we could create an image where the egg was almost completely half lit, half shadow. So to achieve this, we stood … Continue reading

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LL4 Studio Light Basics “the egg”

In my opinion this is one of the best photos my group took. Direct light is applied in this photo and brings out dark shadows. The egg is sidelit which is why we can see the shadow which the egg … Continue reading

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Learning Log – Egg project

I chose this image as my personal best, I like how the egg is a strong contrast to the dark black background. This image’s lighting is side light.  This type of lighting helped the yolk inside the egg shine through. … Continue reading

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Gallery Review

Rectangular Squares (group exhibit) All of the photos in Rectangular Squares utilize the idea of frames within frames. The images are all of different things, some subjects are people, others are objects or spaces. Some of the frames used within the … Continue reading

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Home Studio

  My main issue in creating my mini studio was where to put it. I decided to try a space in my washroom. It’s a tight fit, in between the dryer and the wall and the surface I used is … Continue reading

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