Digital Media Foundations

Fall 2022

Prof: Devir Shriky


For this assignment, we were tasked to make an auto biography of us as students and artists in a video format. I started off by outlining all the aspects and points I wanted to emphasize in my video. The concept was a snappy fast paced TikTok/Instagram Reel format that showcased and recapped my first year of college at City Tech. I included coursework, my promotion at work, and personal creative projects. Overall I wanted this video to show the journey throughout 2022 as a reflection piece. Incorporating typography with hand lettered title screens and a voice over made it more personable and added my own unique style to it. The biggest challenge I faced was narrowing down the vision and what work I wanted to include. It was starting to get overwhelming so when that happens I make it a point to write everything on paper to help me narrow it down. The 45 second time limit was a bit of a hindrance to work with but ultimately I think it helped cut down on unnecessary information. This isn’t a feature film after all! Finishing the piece, I’m pleased with how it turned out as a great way to look back on the year and the growth I’ve had not just as a student but as a creative as well.

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