Communication Design 1

Spring 2023

Prof: Hoda Ramy

Creative Process

This project started with initial research on the facts around child marriage, previous ad campaigns, and inspiration pictures. From those, I was able to narrow down the vision for this final project to a cohesive color palette, illustrative style, and typography. I focused on black, red, and white to symbolize the horror and effects of child marriage and a distressed typeface to roughen up the look of the otherwise rounded icons. There are call to actions on all the posters, social media, and video to encourage the viewer to donate or learn more information.

My main intentions for this final project was to broach a sensitive subject without being graphic or fear inducing. The ad campaign can be shown to a wide audience to grab their attention and help spread the message to end child marriage. It’s impactful and steers the audience to take action.


Facts about Child Marriage

  • Globally, 1 in 5 women were married before their 18th birthday
  • 650 million girls and women alive today were married as children.
  • Globally, the total number of girls married in childhood is estimated at 12 million per year.
  • South Asia is home to the largest number of child brides with more than 40 per cent of the global burden (285 million or 44 percent of the global total), followed by sub-Saharan Africa (115 million or 18 percent of the global total).
  • Child marriage is currently legal in 43 states (only Delaware, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, and Rhode Island have set the minimum age at 18 and eliminated all exceptions), and 20 U.S. states do not require any minimum age for marriage, with a parental or judicial waiver. Nearly 300,00 children were married in the U.S. between 2000 and 2018. The vast majority were girls wed to adult men, many much older.


Concept Development

Design Development

Final Deliverables


Social Media Posts

Campaign Video

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