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week 1

After an interview on the phone and couple of emails I have decided to start my internship at Calling All Graphics. I had other interviews with some other places but when I talked to Marla Gotay  she seemed willing to teach me her business and even get me hired at the end of the internship. I have started to work on Monday February 10th. Before I go to the office I was kind of worried since we did not have face to face meeting before but she was very nice and welcoming. We began to work right away. First she explained to me what she is doing and then she gave me a new project that she accepted recently. On Monday and Tuesday I worked on redesigning  a menu that she had done couple of years ago for her client.

The project seems simple and it does not requires much of creativity. However, I need to improve my InDesign skills because I am a transfer student and I missed some typography classes. So most of the project at the office are done in InDesign like the project that I have been assigned. So it is going to be challenging for me but I believe I am going to learn a lot. In fact, when there is something that I could not find by myself I ask Marla and she shows me right away.

At the end of the first week I think I made a good decision to accept the position at Calling All Graphics. I believe I could learn a lot during my internship. Marla is in this business over twenty years and she is not only dealing with creative process but she has experience in all other aspects of her business. Moreover, there is a possibility that I could work there after my internship is done.

Posted in Assignments.




After I got the list of possible internship positions I wrote many e-mails and went to interviews. All of them were very welcoming. They all appreciated the work in my portfolio. They seemed to be really interested in sharing their experience with me. All of the interviews helped me to prepare for the next one: how to explain when they ask about one of my portfolio pieces, or how to respond to their e-mails. However, since we are going to an interview with school references and we are just applying for internship position, none of the people who I talked with were hard on me. They all seemed to accept my application right away, except  for one interview that I had in Uniworld Group. It was really an interesting experience and made me realize how things work in the real business world. At that interview I was questioned not by one person but by four: a project manager, an art director, and a designer were there for the interview and a  department manager was on conference call. The other interesting thing that they did not only ask questions about my work or my education but they also were interested in what I was doing outside of the school, how I define culture, what my opinions are about current issues around the world. I have graduated from BMCC as an honor student and as of now I have 3.94 GPA but at that meeting I did not have a chance to mention it.

At this point I believe that the article “How to Get a Job” exactly reflects how the business world works when it is about applying for a job. People are only interested how you solve their problem and how you can contribute to their business as an individual. So being a good student in school and having won awards is not even on the table. Especially in the design field you have to be up-to-date with technology and social media platforms.

At the end of that meeting they told me that they are going to call me if they decide that I am the person who they want to work with. But having that experience was worth while even if I don’t get the position.

Posted in Assignments.

Journal 6 – 8

Journal 6

Social marketing seems to be going nicely. In the begging of social marketing process, half of my request was rejected in Facebook and I got eventually blocked  in adding friends for a while. Nevertheless, those who accepted my request were more than 300 people, and the number has been growing every day.  The number of people who have clicked “like” button in Facebook page hit finally 200 in 2 weeks. The target audiences are mainly nail technicians in USA. Many nail salon owners have their Facebook page so it was not hard to find and add them as friends. After securing more than 200 people, people who add me as a friend are automatically increasing. So I don’t need to find and add anymore.  It was pretty good result.

Since there are more works I need to take care of the boss asked me to work one more day. He offered me $200 per week and transportation card to commute. I accepted his offer and I am going to work 3 days per week since from 24 Mar.   I was glad because of two reasons. First of all, I can help them more. Secondly, it means that the boss recognized my capability.

It is not easy to commute by bus between NYC and NJ. So I have to control my mind in order not to get stress whenever I got stuck in Lincoln Tunnel due to big traffic jam. However, I decided to think that this is not bad because those works in the company are pleasant and I enjoyed it. The pleasantness is enough to make up the horrible traffic jam.


Journal 7

We are going to have beauty show in Flushing 30 Mar. We have only one week until then. Everyone had super busy week since I have worked here. We had to design various artworks such as posters, advertisement video, brochures, package design, order form.  Fortunately, Jay has prepared almost everything before then. In despite of Jay’s preparation, we got still much to do.

In the meeting with boss, I suggested turning on motion graphic video to promote our products by a beam projector to catch customers’ eye strongly. I know how to use motion graphic tool so I suggested working the video before the show. Then, the boss accepted this proposal.

All the co-workers spent very busy time on preparing the beauty show. I have worked on the motion graphic video with all my endeavors. Firstly, I decided a concept. The concept is a vintage style poster, so I collected various manicure posters in 1970s. Then I arranged our nail gel products on the retro style background. The working seemingly is going smoothly.

We are still working on and spending busy time. I hope the show will be successful as much as we tried and prepared.


Journal 8

The show was great. However, I am not sure that promoting our products was successful or not.  My boss said there were less people than last year, and the sales record a little bit decreased in comparison with last beauty show.  I could not estimate how it failed to promote our products  since it was the first show for me. But I thought at least all staffs were busy in the show.

The video was successful.  It include background music named “one day” , which is a song of Caro emerald. The song goes well with the video. Whenever the video started over with the music it was enough attractive to catch people’s eye.  Besides, boss liked the vintage concept.

After the show, we faced a lot of paper works. We needed to organize customers’ information and orders. For past 3 days, I focused on only paper works apart from design working. I made invoices next to Jay. This is totally first time for me to handle invoice program. So I had to ask many things to Jay.

Then I began to work 3 days from this week because there are a lot of works to do.

On Friday after work, my boss gave me one white envelope. I opened it and checked $ 200 in it. He said he is going to pay me $200 every week.  I am very glad this happened. I made my mind that I will work

Posted in Uncategorized.

Internship Journal #8

I have really been enjoying my experience at my internship as the weather gets warmer. I have recently began taking more creative risk with my poster designs for each seminar, I have moved away from using InDesign and started using Photoshop. I have learned so much about Photoshop over the past two weeks that it was the best decision I made for designing more effectively. I am now able to create better effects and styles to compliment the information present on each poster. Over the course of the months I have really gotten to know the employees and other interns at the office, which has drastically made my experience at the office more fun. As the weather gets warmer and the season changes, I have been designing more poster and business cards for clients of my internship. It’s an amazing feeling when you completed a design for a client and given the opportunity to see your design printed out in person. I have kept numerous business cards and posters I have personally designed that were printed out for the client. I like to look back at design works I have created to see the transition in my designs. It’s just an amazing experience to see how the change in one’s work throughout the times, just to reflect. I have been experimenting and learning a lot with my designs, so looking back at my old designs really gives off a nostalgia. I am really proud of my progression when it comes to designing and just being a graphic designer period.


Posted in Uncategorized.

Journal#14 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

My task for today and for the beginning of every other Monday is to designed the newsletter that will be going out to our subscribers. Since a newsletter was not since out yesterday. I have to begin designing this week’s newsletter for today and have it finished by today. Completing this newsletter was fairly easy since the creative director wanted the same template that was used for the previous one to be used for this one as well. Despite this I tried to give it a different touch by changing the color of the links and playing around with the type. On the first newsletter that I had designed with MISHKA I felt that I hadn’t done such a great job so this time around I aim to have it looked better. In the end, I was pleased with how it turned out. I really feel that I’m beginning to understand MailChimp a little better and hopefully by using this site more I will become better at it since we all know that practice makes perfect!

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal#13 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I was told that A.R.T.S.Y Magazine will be working a lot with the clothing brand MISHKA. The two of us will joined together in making a video series of where we will recommend the best artists, designers and young entrepreneurs who are out chasing their dreams while at the same time exposing our magazine and their clothing brand. Since I love writing and was told that I did a good job in writing the first proposal for the ‘This is A.R.T.S.Y’ video series. I have now been given the task to write the proposal for the A.R.T.S.YXMISHKA project as well. The creative director informed me that they are always in need of well written proposals in order to show the investors and all of the higher up people who are willing to put in money into our projects. Therefore, as the creative director discussed with me about the project I took notes in order to write a well-informed and detailed proposal. After I was done with the written proposal. I made sure to read it as many times as I could aloud to myself before emailing it to the creative director.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #12 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

My assignment for today is to separate all 54 cards from the game of Loteria and categorize them into different groups of people, animals, animate objects, etc. Since the last time I was given this task I had just email an image that had all of the loteria cards but in one image to the creative director. As stated previously,  these Loteria cards are part of an important photo shoot project which will be used as a source of inspiration. So to begin this task I opened up Photoshop and began re-sizing and separating each card and classifying them into their respective groups and labels by creating and organizing them all into different folders. After I was done separating, counting, labeling, re-sizing and classifying each card I created a zip file and I forward/emailed them to the creative director. He was very pleased and thankful with the job that I’ve done and I was glad to have helped.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal #11- Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine

Today I was able to start with the ‘This is A.R.T.S.Y’ proposal template assignment. I had to designed the template exactly or close enough to how it was designed on Photoshop in a Word Document. As I discussed on my last week’s journal entry the creative director needs a copy of  ‘This is A.R.T.S.Y proposal in a Word document format since not everyone on the staff has a mac. Copying the design of the template on a Word document was pretty easy since I am quite familiar with Microsoft Word. The only thing I was not able to copy was the fonts since the creative director informed me to chose a font closest to the one that had been designed in Photoshop. He didn’t want me download the font because not too many other people in the staff are familiar with adding fonts on a PC either. After I was done copying I analyze them next to each other and then I went on to convert into a PDF so that I could email and forward the files to the creative director.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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Journal 9 by Mohammad C.

Mohammad Chowdhury

ADV 4900

Journal Entry 9

Banner ads (exasperated sigh) web banner ads- I don’t want to look to look at one anytime soon in the foreseeable future. I spent all day today designing web banner ads for one of MBG’s realty client Bureau, and it was exhausting and a bit of a dull endeavor. There was a 9 different banner sizes I had to design and by the ad of it I ended up designing a total of about 27 ads. But there’s definitely an upside to it, I have been told that these banner ads are likely going to be placed in major publication sites like The New York Times amongst others. So the thought of possibly seeing one of my designs live online is quite an exciting one. The banners have been sent out for the client to look through but the initial feedback from a few folks at MBG has been positive. Really hoping the ads can go live sometime soon. On the note of seeing one of my works in the real world, a few weeks ago I also did a very small, and rather simple, design for an asset within the webpage of another client, Young Arts and today I actually saw it on their website. I have to admit, as basic, simple (and I mean simple) and small as it was, it felt very good. I think I’ll be designing some web banner ads for Young Arts as well but knowing that I may get to see them in the real world makes me feel a lot less annoyed banner ads.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal #10 – Astrid Sarmiento

Astrid Sarmiento

Intern at A.R.T.S.Y Magazine 

I was very pleased to hear that my tagline was chosen for the A.R.T.S.Y proposal. Our video series will go by ‘This is A.R.T.S.Y’ so that’s pretty exciting news. I was also told that the proposal was written really well and that everything has been approved. As a result, the following assignment I have for today is to proof-read and edit over the new roles or positions that would be given to two of our staff members. After I was done editing the document specifying their new roles and what was required of them I send the copy to our creative director. He later informed me that he would like for me to break down their tasks into a list format so I did. My assignment for next week will be to begin setting up the ‘This is A.R.T.S.Y’ proposal on a template but I would have to pass it into a Word Doc so that I could later convert it into a PDF format file since our CEO and some of the other staff members own a PC and not a MAC. Overall, I feel content that my tagline idea and my written proposal was approved and that it will be used for our upcoming video series project.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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