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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 3

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299


It was my third day of work. I went to work with files I worked on last time. I planned to finish them today, if I could. It was near noon when my supervisor called for help. He had to do some video shooting and asked me to help with setting up lights and stuff. It was kind of cool because it was actually the first video shooting I took part of. He had his camera on a tripod with wheels and used tape on the floor to mark destinations for the subjects. He taught me a few things, such as facing the lights, moving the camera, and etc. I felt excited and motivated.

At one point we were supposed to shoot all four subjects at once, but the last person didn’t show up. I was then asked to be the fourth person in the shoot. I tried my best to hide my smile because for a second I was part of the video shooting, and the next second I became the subject. When we finished all the shots the fourth person finally showed up. We had no choice but to redo the whole thing, I figured my scenes would not be used, what a shame.

Afterwards I went out for quick lunch, came back to finish my masking. I thought I would be able to finish, but I couldn’t. It might be my habit of attending to minor details; my Raster and Vector professor pushed me to always work on high-resolution pictures and leave no trace behind. The pictures were not the greatest, because I could tell that most of them were worked on in Photoshop already.

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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 2

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299


When I went to the interview on Monday and got my internship at 16 Court Street, I was more relieved than happy. Sure I was happy, but I guess I was feeling more relieved because I got an internship so fast and I don’t have to worry about finding one along with my other classes. And so I called my girlfriend, text messaged my brother, and visited my mum at her salon; they seemed happier than me.

Thursday finally came and I got up early for preparations and travel time. I got there earlier than I expected, I figured I would be early but not THIS early. My supervisor is professor Vargas; he showed me to my desk and gave me work. My desk, or “working area”, is quite big; there are a total of 3 computers and a scanner, with other junks around, and enough room for almost four people.

My first task was simply scan a bunch of photographs on the computer and put them in a folder; I believe my professor was going to use them for something. The least I could do was scan and align them correctly, and save them with 300dpi. I then realized I could scan two to three photographs at the same time to speed up the process. When I finished I was asked to do something else; he told me to mask things out on Photoshop and put them in layers. Initially I wasn’t so confident because I thought he wanted me to do some advance stuff, but I pulled through because I’m quite familiar with the program and I practiced; I never knew I would actually put these skills to use so fast. At the end of the day I felt somewhat refreshed, that I made it through the first day with ease. I look forward to my next day of work!

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Jay Soo’s Journal Entry 1

Jay Soo


ADV 4900-E299


My name is Jian Cong Soo, Jay Soo for short. This is my senior year in NYCCT, and I will be graduating next spring. I’ve been an Advertising Design major since the start; at first I couldn’t tell the difference between Communication Design and Advertising, because the students take the same classes together. It wasn’t until my junior year that I realized my major is leaning towards conceptualizing and marketing techniques that make campaigns successful.

Ever since I started making campaigns in classes, I experienced working with teams and the focus on visual details shifted to overall concepts and presentations. It was strange at first. However, as I worked more I grew to like advertising a lot and I definitely got better at it.

If I have to list one of my strengths, it would be luck. Last semester I encountered a professor I had from previous years; he offered me an internship at his office. At the time I didn’t have the class, and when I tried to contact him via email, it was in vain. It may have been fate that brought us together once again last Tuesday, when I came to school for a night class. He offered it to me once again and I made sure to get his contact info. I contacted him as soon as I got home. I got a phone call on Friday that week to meet at his office. I wasn’t sure if it was an interview, but I brought several of my work samples as he requested, on the following Monday.

I have to admit, that I felt a little nervous because I wanted to be confident with my work, but it was the first time I really showed them in an interview. My professor just looked at my work and we talked about them; at the end he asked for my schedule and we worked out the days when I could work. The company is called Image/Visual Communications at 16 Court Street. It was a huge relief for me, and that’s my story of my first internship.

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Journal #4

The Yankees season is officially over therefor Jaime Colon and I have decided on a schedule. I will be on sight mondays, thursdays and fridays. We are trying to do 25 hours a week to complete the requirements of the internship. There are some people who aren’t at the print shop so Colon really needs me to be there. I might do extra hours to help JLC Printing continue on its busy workflow. I hope all goes well and I will be there to assist the company on its success.

I have been working hard on my portfolio pieces trying to create great pieces. I am also working so its hard to do my school work but as a problem solver I have to make things happen. I am a firm believer when you have Faith and dedication you can achieve anything. Im taking a lot of days off of work just so I can make great work.

As of now Im creating two campaigns, one for Discover Financial Services and Dunkin Donuts. On my Discover project Im creating traditional credit cards and anti plastic credit services. Im finishing up the cards now, I have one more to do. On Dunkin Donuts I have some ideas I want to use but Im still thinking of my next moves. Its a lot of work trying to create great pieces but I want to show I can produce great work. I also want to show Jaime Colon my work, this way he can hire me to help brand his company JLC Printing. Im excited to start the internship.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Keeping It Up

After my interview for Sony Music, I decided to continue my search to apply for more internships just in case I don’t get accepted. Like before, I’m mostly applying for internships relating to design, web, or social media. I’m also applying for other internships such as video editing and print (even through print isn’t necessary something I’m interested in. I do, however, like to design package layouts and concepts).

Applying for an internship lately has been rough but I still keep applying in hope that at least one of them will contact me for an interview. Thankfully, one of them did! Excited to receive an e-mail from the company, they invited me for an interview this Thursday and to bring any of my design work I have done along with my resume. I replied back my thanks for giving me this opportunity and now preparing myself to speak to the director of the company on that day.

Since my last interview at Sony Music, I now know how to prepare myself and what I should and avoid saying thoroughly. I know I’ll do my best at this interview. As long as I keep this up, I’m sure I’ll be accepted and be able to work with them as a design intern. I just have to stay positive about it.

– Thomas M

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 6pm.

Creation Myth Review

This article is about how Steve Job innovation of the mouse and its impact in the technology world. I find it amazing that the design of the mouse originated from deodorants and a butter dish. Dean Hovey was quite smart to make the mouse from using those as reference. Also how Jobs simplified the 3 button mouse to 1 button, and wanting the ball to roll without supported ball bearings.

Posted in Assignments.

Internship as of 20131003

Last couple of weeks I was assigned to make a design for the flyer racket outside the company. I create two designs for it. The first design my supervisor didn’t like it. After his feedback I also thought this design is no good, so I scrap that idea. The second design was more grid like and clean design. At the end of the day I receive a message from my supervisor telling me that this design is well done. He did say it needed tweaking. I change what he ask to be change the next day. After finishing one design I have another assignment. I am to re-create an existing flyer. I’m in the process of going through research now. Their current flyer has pixelated images, and the text is too cramped up. Overall, the ad is too busy. In order to fix this I’m going to simplify their design. As I am working at the department I use the skills I learned in school. Even though this is an internship the designers there expect you to be on a certain level. My supervisor do give feedback to me about all my designs. There is no room for procrastination once you are there you actually work. The good thing about this company is that it provides lunch and tea time for everyone there including us interns. Tomorrow I’m going to the company to start actually working on the layout of the design, and hoping to at least finish the foundation of the design.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Journal 4

During this weekend, the company had to prepare 3 wedding. All employees were so busy to their works. My supervisor signed me to be an assistant of a wedding planner, Tommy. He and I had to decorate one wedding ceremony. Yes, only two of us. I felt unbelievable and stressful, because I had no experiences on wedding decoration. My main jobs were set up a sign in table and a cake table. Before we moved to hotel, Tommy showed me a demonstration and taught me how to use silks, satins, and flowers to set up the table. He says: “I don’t care how you make them stable; all I need is pretty and fast”. Before we move to hotel, I need to pack up all the staffs which would be used on the ceremony. We spend a whole hour to prepare all the elements, including a ten inches high flower stand to a small needle. Everything needed to be pack and keep them safety during the transition. The wedding started at 6, we only had two hours to work. While we arrived to the hotel, Tommy and I start to focus our separate works. In the beginning, I was slow and made sure I follow each step which Tommy taught me before. In the same time, I had to pass tools and give Tommy a hand. However, whenever how I make the satins into a curve, they looked unbalance and ugly. The time was running off, I still worked on those uncontrolled satins; Tommy asked me to stop and watched him do it again. He only use haft hour to set up those two tables. During the whole process, I only stood aside, passed tools and make sure the decorations were stable. In the end, I think this was an unforgettable and embarrassed experience, but I am sure I can do better next time.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

John Johnson Internship Journal Four

Journal Four

     I worked all day yesterday, October 1st, at the graphics department of the King’s County District Attorney’s office.  As usual, there was a lot of spraying and mounting in the morning.  After that, things calmed down, and there wasn’t too much to do.

I felt better being there for some reason, and worked quite a bit on trying to redesign the seal for the district attorney’s office.  They didn’t ask me to do this, but I saw that the other intern was working on it, so I decided to try as well.  I was just trying to put a lot of gradients in it, and give it a more colorful look than just the usual black and white.

It is a little hard to work on outside things at the job, because I can’t use my flash drive.  I can email myself things from the office though, and probably email them to myself there as well.  So I decided to try to continue to try to work on the logo/seal, at home.

I also bought an IPAD, so I can use that at the office too, if I want.  It was very quiet and serious at the job in the morning, but in the afternoon, things got very noisy.  I watched one of the other employees work and do some scanning at my desk, so I could try to learn from what he was doing.  He is very fast when he works on photoshop, at retouching and organizing files.


Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

Kenneth Journal Entry #2

So I set up the date and time for the interview and the day finally gets here. It wasn’t your ordinary office interview; it was at the CEO’s apartment complex on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. So I met him and the leader of the arte department at the lobby and we went to the last floor terrace where you can see the beautiful skyline of Manhattan.  We sat and then they we started conversing. Firs they started by telling me about there company. Then I told them about myself, and showing them my work, which they really seem to like. After that they told me that they have a little exercise they wanted me to do. They wanted me to create and draw out a “business look” costume for nonexistent fish Bobby. So I started sketching and I drew a cartoony 3d model of a fish wearing a suit and tie and they loved it. We then wrapped it up there and they said they would review a few things and that they’ll shoot me an email within 3 to 4 days. A few days passed and I get an email from The CEO, I was nervous to see what it said and then I read and it said that they were happy to move forward and that they wanted to set up another meeting to on board and go into detail what I would be doing.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.