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Journal #4

The Yankees season is officially over therefor Jaime Colon and I have decided on a schedule. I will be on sight mondays, thursdays and fridays. We are trying to do 25 hours a week to complete the requirements of the internship. There are some people who aren’t at the print shop so Colon really needs me to be there. I might do extra hours to help JLC Printing continue on its busy workflow. I hope all goes well and I will be there to assist the company on its success.

I have been working hard on my portfolio pieces trying to create great pieces. I am also working so its hard to do my school work but as a problem solver I have to make things happen. I am a firm believer when you have Faith and dedication you can achieve anything. Im taking a lot of days off of work just so I can make great work.

As of now Im creating two campaigns, one for Discover Financial Services and Dunkin Donuts. On my Discover project Im creating traditional credit cards and anti plastic credit services. Im finishing up the cards now, I have one more to do. On Dunkin Donuts I have some ideas I want to use but Im still thinking of my next moves. Its a lot of work trying to create great pieces but I want to show I can produce great work. I also want to show Jaime Colon my work, this way he can hire me to help brand his company JLC Printing. Im excited to start the internship.

Posted in Journal Entries - Wed 2:30pm.

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