my building by franklin rojas

New York City is full of  skyscrapers and there is so many to chose from. My architectural building I chosen is the Hearst Tower that is located at 300 west 57th street 959 8th avenue in midtown manhattan new york. Hearts tower is a 46 story building of  geometric brilliants. The Hearst Tower is the first tower in North America to use a diagonal grid construction. Structurally the tower has a triangulated form of four story tall diagram beams with its corners peeled back between the diagonals it has the effect to show emphasizing the tower’s vertical proportions and creating a distinctive flat smooth surface with dark shape and outline of something visible against a lighter background. It is a green building it try to be a apart of new york with a balance act to show its own personality with its past and future. With glass and steal that shots out the original building arch deco base. This ideal of construction reduces the total steel required by 20% making the building’s sustainability credentials. Where this design looks to use low energy and water conservation by collecting water when it rains from the rooftop to a tank in the basement. Where the Rainwater is used to replace water lost to evaporation in the office air conditioning system and the Icefall where it is to cool off the lobby as necessary. The best part of the building is the Hearst tower is built on top of the original Hearst head quarters building from 1928 call Art Deco. It is also New York’s first green building made to the “Gold LEED” they quoted. “may be the most muscular symbol of corporate self confidence to rise in New York since the 1960s.”   


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