“Seeping Into The Shadows”

No I am not a professional photographer, but I do love to take pictures as a hobby, and I do believe i do a great job at it. Mainly, because I love to do it. Although, I must say, out of the numerous variety of pictures that I have taken and edited, this has to be one of my favorite. On March 2, 2014, I took this picture of my cat and edited it, and once my editing was complete, I noticed that it really pops out to me as a very intriguing picture. What really caught my attention is that my cat actually settled himself and posed, as I was taking this picture(one out of couple others). This is a very dark,gloomy and also nerve-racking picture, in sense that my cat appears to be slowly fading into the darkness of the background of the picture. This is reason why this image the caption “Seeping Into The Shadows.” Also in this picture, I see that my cat is staring directly into the lens, and once I look into his eyes, I immediately get a feeling of innocence from him. Which not only makes me think, but make feel that he is actually quite deceiving, and looks as if he is about to attack.

“Seeping Into The Shadows”

“Seeping Into The Shadows”

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Sleeping Souls

Sleeping Souls

I took this photo  March 2013, on the L train in Brooklyn on my way to work.  I love how the sun is rising behind the cemetery . Its a beautiful, yet distressing moment. As I stared out the window , there were different sizes and shapes of the gravestone. It all just look so peaceful, and quiet. A lot of questions and emotion ran  through my mind. I was wondering who are these people that were laid to rest?, what happened to them? , there age and background. I also saw really small gravestones , started to think weather pets got buried there also. It also brought me back to the times i visit my best friend every month to  put new flowers by her gravestone. This photo shows a lot. It shows that rich or poor this will be our resting place.

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My Life’s Library


My Life’s Library, 2014, Caroline Martinez

 I took this picture in my room on March 3rd. 2014. It is a picture of the bookshelf that I own. I’ve had this bookshelf since 2009 and I’ve been adding books to it for the last 5 years. I have books there from my childhood and books that people have given to me or that I bought myself. I also have some old photo albums and school yearbooks. Apart from books, my bookshelf is home to my various shades of blue nail polish and my 5th grade spelling bee trophy. I took the picture with my cellphone and did not add any filters to it because I like it better with the clear focus on its entirety and not just on one section. Every time I look at my bookshelf it makes me happy because it is a clear representation of who I am.

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Messing Around.

Messing Around.

Coney Island, By Manpreet Singh

I took this picture on March 1st 2014, it’s a picture of my friend trying to jump over the trash can. This picture was taken on Coney Island. I decided to take a picture just in case he is running and falls, or trips over the trash can because the wood on the floor was very slippery due to the rain. This was a not a normal picture, my phone was on continuous shooting mode, so the phone would take multiply pictures in just a few seconds. This was just one of the pictures of when he was about to start running and was about to jump over the trash can. There are no filters or anything else in the pictures, I choose this photo because of the nice, and calm feeling of the background.

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Relaxing with the fishes

Relaxing with the fishes

I always believed life is better at the beach. Sand so soft, sun so bright, and the water as clear as the skies above; what can ever go wrong in such a picture perfect scenery like that?I took this picture in January 2014, while my friends were hibernating from horrible two degree wind-chill and a massive unexpected snow storm. I was sitting pretty under the sun relaxing. I always try to run away from the winter never really liked it. Although I grew up in New York, you would think ill be use to it. But every year I cant seem to grasp how cold the weather can get. Lucky enough I had the chance to spend it in paradise this year. I’d have to admit best way to start a great new year with my toes in between the clearest, gorgeous water.  If you look closely you can tell I wasn’t the only one enjoying the water. There’s little fishes swimming around my toes minding their own business. Maybe that’s why my toes are in an awkward position.

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Animatronic Tyrannosaurus

2014-03-03 06.02.26

I took this picture on the last day of February 2014 inside the Toys r us store in Times Square Manhattan. This shot is a picture of animatronic Tyrannosaurus Rex dinosaur. I was on my way to the second floor to buy a Minnie Mouse costume for my daughter’s first birthday when this lifelike dinosaur drew my attention. What is so fascinating about this picture is that this dinosaur has a massive skull, mouth full of serrated teeth, tiny arms, and it’s about 15 -20 feet tall. I like the spiral texture on the skin of the body and-small square like shape on the skin of its head.

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Losar: Tibetan New Year


March 3,Dawa Lama

I took this picture at United Sherpa Association near Jackson Heights on March 2nd,2014. It was during the Losar celebration. Losar is the main festival, mostly celebrated by the people of Tibet and Nepal. It is celebrated as a New year, where families, friends and relatives gather at one place and decorate the praying room called “Chhoghang”. In the picture, all these decoration, religious paintings named “Thanka”, tibetan bread made from flour, butter, milk and sugar, varieties of fruits, flowers, and a typical rice wines are offered to the god and goddess as a symbol of respect. All the rooms were made bright to penetrate the darkness of past and welcome the new phase of life with happiness and delightfulness. It was such a enjoyable moment and one of my best Losar ever.

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Horrible White


I took this picture as a very ice cold truth of the winter in  New York City in 2014. It was taken 20 days after the last winter storm we had. It’s just that, an horrible mountain of ice, is not a panoramic beautiful picture that we may find in a postcard but an ugly, not so white, dirty gray, and very disgusting mountain of snow. Still to this day, mountain of hard rock ice in the street of the Bronx makes commute difficult for everyone. Since I’ve been living here, from what I remember, the last time something like that has happened was back in 1996 when more than 20 inches of snow covered the city for almost 2 days.  I feel that Mother Nature its punishing us for some strange reason, it’s like winter doesn’t want to leave us yet with just couple of days away until spring. I hope next winter things be better.

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Restaurant week


I took this picture at a Japanese restaurant names Wasan near St. mark on February 28th . It was during the restaurant week so the prices were way cheaper than the originals but still a little bit pricey. I took a lot of pictures at that night but this one came out the nicest. In the picture, it is a Japanese style desert; the name is chilled Zenzai with chestnut, which was so good. It was pretty dark and  each table has two or three candle lights, I didn’t use any filter when I was taking this picture but I put the candle near the bowl so that it wouldn’t be too dark to see and in order to make it looks lighter in the picture but I don’t know why it came out with the halos. It was a great night, the foods were good but since the portion of the foods were not so big and we had 8 people sharing together so most of us were not full after all, then we just went to another place to eat for second round

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City Skyline

Manhattan Skyline, 2013, Julie Sumasar

Manhattan Skyline, 2013, Julie Sumasar

I took this photo in summer 2013. This is a shot of Manhattans city skyline while taking a stroll in Gantry Plaza state park with my family. It is pitch black and such great weather we had even by midnight.  This photo shows how beautiful the city really looks at night without a filter. Its the famous city that never sleeps. Whats so interesting about this photo is that it shows the bright lights reflection upon the water. You see the Empire state building which is one of the brightest and tallest on the left, and the building with the brightest reflection towards the water, The Chrysler building. So many buildings and skyscrapers that build such a great picture. The water flows in such a mellow mood. You can tell how the view of the city skyline and such settle water can bring you at peace. It was a night where we decided to visit new places for the very first time. We came across this place which brought memories. This is one of the best of many photos that i have captured.

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