Sleeping Souls

Sleeping Souls

I took this photo  March 2013, on the L train in Brooklyn on my way to work.  I love how the sun is rising behind the cemetery . Its a beautiful, yet distressing moment. As I stared out the window , there were different sizes and shapes of the gravestone. It all just look so peaceful, and quiet. A lot of questions and emotion ran  through my mind. I was wondering who are these people that were laid to rest?, what happened to them? , there age and background. I also saw really small gravestones , started to think weather pets got buried there also. It also brought me back to the times i visit my best friend every month to  put new flowers by her gravestone. This photo shows a lot. It shows that rich or poor this will be our resting place.

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3 Responses to Sleeping Souls

  1. Hi Dedo,

    Please present the proper information so that I can tell who posted this photo: title/date/photographer’s name. The photo is interesting; I found it interesting that you described it for a few sentences and described your reaction to it, too.
    Prof. Scanlan

  2. Vonte says:

    I really like this photo a lot because it is very interesting to me. What sticks out most to me is that, first of all, a cemetery is a very gloomy place where the dead is placed. Secondly, what abruptly captures my attention is the sunrise is the upper level of the photo. A sunrise mainly symbolizes freedom, and the start of a new day, and also the beginning of something great. This brings up the phrase that I have heard many times before “As a door closes, a next door opens up.” Then, I can also see buildings to the far right, which makes me think of people working. Overall, this entire photograph captures life on a whole, in which people are born, work throughout their life, then inevitably pass away.

  3. Yircary C says:

    This is by far my favorite picture. The way you framed the picture, it made me feel a sense of sadness and hope, hope of another day to come, as the sun rises and Sadness for those who will never see the sunrise again. I also can relate to you, because as I pass by the cemetery I always, like you, wonder what had happen to them? It’s a very sad and sensitive topic. But because in this picture you included the sky it changed the whole mood and atmosphere all together. Giving it a very mellow and calm dominate impression.

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