Unadorned passion, 2013, Ciera Haigler

Unadorned passion, 2013, Ciera Haigler

Unadorned passion, 2013, Ciera Haigler

This photo was taken on the morning of June, 16, 2013 in my home in Brooklyn; I had just woken and I felt a persistent urge to get my idea on a canvas, I toke this photo less than midway into completing the final image in order to show my progression. What I find so intriguing about this photo is that this a very narrow and small part of my room and yet various things can be seen, the frame neglects the bed adjacent to the wooden palette, the guitar on the right, my library, and the wall next to the guitar that consist of assorted paintings I’ve completed in the past. I abstained from turning on the light because the sun acted in its place causing rows of sunrays to peer through the window, aside from what is seen in the room, the trees across the street are noticeable. The dominant impression the image emits is a placid demeanor, it reminds me of a passion that will never cease.

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March 18, 2014 Homework

Amish Farms

Amish Farms

The photograph Amish Farms taken on March 15, 2014 during my visit to the Amish farms located in Pennsylvania. I took the photograph to remind me of how simple life can be and how the simplest things can bring joy to someone, as well as sadness and torture to others. By others, I mean all the innocent animals that have to endure the cruelty so we can have the joy of having a cheeseburger. When I walked in to the location where all the cows where kept I was deeply sadden. The cows in this picture were sad and I could see it in their eyes. The cows are all lined up on a row chained into place by these metal chains and surrounded by mosquitos. The cows where surrounded by filth and the smell in there was horrible. It made me very sad and I promised myself that I would try my hardest not to eat any more meat. I only thought to myself how this could bring joy to anyone. The Amish community saw the cows as a money machine. They had gallons and gallons of milk for sale outside of the location where the cows where kept. In a fridge the size of a classroom.

Amish Farms
Dominant impression: sadness
Studium: Amish Farms
Punctum: The first cow in the row sadness to the camera
Profilmic event: Tour of the Amish farms
Frame: taken at the entrance of the cows home
Reality effect: cows in a farm


My Neighborhood Church

My Neighborhood church

The photograph My Neighborhood Church taken on March 16, 2014 is about a church named st Joseph church located in Astoria, Queens. This church is very special to me as this is the church on where I did my first communion as well as my confirmation. As a kid, I attended catholic school here and Sunday classes also. This church is huge as it takes up the whole block and it has its own school building in the rear of the church. Every few months there are festivals held in the church backyard along with carnival rides and community events. This church brings our community closer and I can happily say that everyone in my neighborhood knows each other thanks to the events this church provides which make my neighborhood safe to live on.

Dominant Impression: happiness
Studium: St. Joseph church Astoria, Queens
Punctum: Bright orange bricks
Profilmic event: walking home
Frame: taken across the street
Reality effect: bright sunny day

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Escaping The Reality


Picture on the left is my game systems which i use to escape from reality because reality is very difficult and to escape these two systems help me in that.  The profilmic event to this is that a fun and relaxing time for me.  Many great memories follow these two of moments where i beat a game and i would pat myself to the back of a job well done.  I know i cant do all that is done in the real world but heck I can do it in the virtual world.  I have all the power in my fingers to control a character or a vehicle in the virtual world.  I also have comedy DVDS in the back when i get bored up to 5 seasons of south park.  In the back are all my games for the play-station 3 and in the front on top of the play-station 3 is my play-station two and ones game.  The wood floor  takes most up most of the frame.

The picture on the right is my desktop where I do multiple things.  I do homework number one and then I can listen to music.  This is also a way to escape from the reality world.  The computer I remember a lot which i still say to my self “was I ever lucky”.  The reason is because I got this computer in an auction on eBay and i got it for 180 dollars.  It is really good plus I got 50 dollars back they made a slight mistake with the picture.  With the 50 dollar refund I got a nice video card which would enable me to watch better quality videos on YouTube and it wont stutter as much.  In the picture you you can see the desktop, monitor, mouse, keyboard, and a wall in the back.  The reason i included the wall in the back because choosing the location was my idea it was in the living room.  The living room is the best because there is a lot of room to maneuver and what not.  Plus in the pic you can see headphone cables which i use to cancel out any outside noise so I can peacefully do my homework or listen to music or even play a game.  The profilmic even to this would be a regular home day.

Word count (385)






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Monumental Moment

Monumental Moment, 2012, Steve Mesa

Monumental Moment, 2012, Steve Mesa

On a not very well planned, yet fun road trip to D.C, I took this photo on December 22, 2012. While riding shotgun in my friends car, i managed to take this great centered shot of the Washington Monument with my iPhone. Even though it was a ridiculously cold day, the sunlight couldn’t have been any more brighter and perfect to show all the details and colors around the Monument. I love all the specific features like how the clouded sky goes from a blue color to a lighter one as you look down or how the brown patches of the grass that was once green look at the bottom, to the irrelevant cracked sidewalk thats centered with the monument. Even the minuscule details where you would have to zoom in on or squint your eyes to see, like the number of tourists or the decidious trees  or the American flags that go around the main attraction all add on to this shot. It was nearly impossible to take a bad picture of this majestic scenery.


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A Moment



This Picture was taken January 31st in Bangladesh.  My Brother was sitting and thinking about something, so i decided to take a picture because he was pretty far from us and it was a nice distance and angle to capture him and the scenery in the back.  The Scenery includes a pond and in the distance you can see that its foggy because it was getting close to night time it was 5:22 pm.  There are many trees and it is an open field.  The Pond reflects the condition of the sky.  The picture is taken up mostly by the two ponds.  My Little brother here is having a moment where for him it is beautiful.  He is just sitting there and thinking about something.  The punctum of this would be my brother in the moment perhaps wondering when it will be time to come back and when mom will get better and that was also on my mind.

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An Anonymous Photo


The Main Concourse of Grand Central Station, 1929, Anonymous



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The Get Away


This picture is an representation of a time when I attempted to escape my problems, and go far far away from everyone. I took this picture August 16, 2013. This is far rockaway beach in Queens NY. I remember 0n this day I was particularly upset because of some family and personal issues I had to deal with, it was so much to handle, with that  I left my house in Brooklyn got on the train and went to a place that I knew was quiet and peaceful. In the photograph  I was sitting on a bench on the board walk, but I later made my way to the sand where I just laid there, thinking, and having a very interesting conversation with myself about priorities. The weather was wonderful. It was warm and  sunny with blue skies, this was my ideal setting for a place to escape to.

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Essay 2 Details Are Now Up

Hi Class,

Great photos! And great descriptions, too. Essay 2 details are now up. Go to “Assignments” on the menu tab.


Prof. Scanlan

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Dino vs Roller Coaster

Which is scarier?

Which is scarier?

I took this picture on August 26th, 2012 exactly at 11:01am. Some people may be able to recognize it if they vacationed here. The picture was taken in Dorney Park, an amusement /water park.  My family goes every august and it seems to have become a tradition for us. I took the photo with my cell phone as we were driving up to the park, and wondered which one scared people the most. Was it the Tyrannosaurus Rex, or The Talon? The T-Rex, a realistic full size model stands over pedestrians walking by as they travel to their destination. With an oversize head, mouth open so you can see all of its sharp teeth that with one bite would crush you in half. You may notice the short hands and laugh, but remember that with one step it could flatten you out like a pancake. This option lies before you on the left and on the right u have a roller coaster of doom some call it. The talon at its highest point is 135 feet. If that fact doesn’t scare you, then maybe knowing you will hit a top speed of 60mph will. If you are still not scared then don’t worry there is more. There are also 4 loops and a camera that will take a picture of you surviving the ride as proof. The weather was perfect, hot, sunny, and blue skies, what else could you have asked for.


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A Blurry End


I took this picture Summer of 2013. It is a picture of a night in Northern Boulevard in Queens, while walking with friends to get late night cravings. I just took my camera, and shot a picture. The way the lights came out was unintentionally done. A lot of memories were made that night which is why I love this picture, that I will not forget. I only played around with the levels and contrast of the picture to brighten the image. The reason behind why I called it “A Blurry End,” was because it was the last picture I took of that night. The rest is just a blur.

Luis Cortes

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