Category Archives: Final Project

η γνώση

The title of my project means knowledge. It is written in greek.

The pronunciation of this word Is “i gnósi”

The pedestal is a hollow form that serves to display the brain made of clay which is solid.


Green Leaf

I made this leaf based off of a plant in my house. The shape is made from wire and string. I decided to make a leaf because I have been missing the outside and nature. The wire form is a take on the “natural” shape of leaves. Creating this artificial leaf was therapeutic and did make me appreciate both the outdoors and the physical act of making something with your hands.


For my final project I only used a type of clay for sculpting, i want it to sculp a type of animal and came up with a monkey lemur. The tools I used for the shapes were knife, a butter knife and my hands, and for the fur texture of the animal i used a little pointing metal. The base of my sculpture is a circular shape and i tried to make it symmetrical specially for the face.

Bloody Dream.. final project

In this life we dream. There is a good dream and a bad one. But we wish the good dream always to come true. However, life is not easy and the good dream won’t come true. I feel my life is only a dream, a dream which will be only a bloody dream.
 I made this sculpture from clay I made at home. Catherine clay made of corn starch and glue.

Jeremy Eisner Clay Bouquet Final Project

This is my final project, I call it the clay bouquet. These flowers are made from clay as the name describes, but also from a single chopstick that the clay was molded around. Each individual flower is a solid form that when put together, act as units in a modular bouquet. Being that we are in a time where stopping to smell the flowers is considered unsafe for being outside for too long, I felt I had to bring nature to me in some way. Each flower in particular is a Tulip because I had another thought about a now recent holiday. Mother’s day was upon us and I felt that at this time, it would become very difficult to go out window shopping for my mom, and ordering online would take too long. So, I figured, why not make something that not only represents the inability to go outside, but make something that would make my mom happy. Each flower is molded after Tulips which are her favorite type of flower and the colors represent our family by color preference. Blue is my favorite color, purple is my Dad’s favorite color, and Yellow is my mom’s favorite color. Overall, I am very pleased with how my flowers came out despite some hardships along the way, but I hope that you all like it as much as I had fun making them.

Blue Tree-Final

For my final, I did a wire three since I wanted to do something as a representation of the spring. I use a different type of wire for the trunk, and only use the weak wire for the branches, I used a plastic leaf, and paint it blue and the trunk brown.

My inspiration for the spring is that since we are in quarantine we haven’t got to enjoy the spring, so I decide to create something that reminds me this spring and also for my birthday which was this past Friday.

This tree has a  linear form.