Assignment 8 Mobile

ā€œJust as one can compose colors or forms, so one can compose motionsā€

Alexander Calder 1933

C:\Users\Meryl\Documents\CUNYCollegeofTech\THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN\Spring 2020\Mobiles\Calder with Wire Portaits 1963.jpg

Linear Forms Create the Arcs for Mobiles

  • Observe Calderā€™s Wire Studies and Student Wire Studies on Open Lab
  • Lines Partner Space 3 Dimensionally.
  • Differentiate the Linear Form from the Planar, Solid, Modular and Hollow Studies

Calderā€™s Mobile in the National Gallery Combines Linear and Planar Forms

Movement Patterns of a Feather Responding to Wind and Suspended as a Weathervane, Reveal the Structure of a Calder mobile

C:\Users\Meryl\Documents\CUNYCollegeofTech\THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN\Spring 2020\Mobiles\2020-04-17Feathers\Feather Demo.jpg

Understanding how the weathervane is related to the mobile design

The Mobile Project (3 Tiers)

  • Concepts of balance, surfaces that catch the wind and distances from pivot points influence the design
  • Movement and Shapes
  • Show Calderā€™s Technique for attaching the wire and shapes.
  • Demonstrate finding balance of arcs, then forming a central loop or a tied glued attachment. Emphasize the importance of securing the attachments.

C:\Users\Meryl\Documents\CUNYCollegeofTech\THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN\Spring 2020\Mobiles\April 17 Mobile Drawing Mobile Drawing.jpg


  • Wire or Wood to create the arcs
  • Use of a Light weight forms to Fly with the Wind
  • Wire Pliers (Round Nose, Needle Nose and Wire Cutters are Shown Demonstrate using round nose pliers to form loops, and cutting with needle nose pliers.
  • Pushpins or Sewing Needles make holes. Thread, String or Monofilament (Fishing Line) for suspension. Crazy Glue secures Knots.

C:\Users\Meryl\Documents\CUNYCollegeofTech\THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN\Spring 2020\Mobiles\Ruth Mobile 2018.jpg

Ruth’s MobileĀ  Paper, Wire

C:\Users\Meryl\Documents\CUNYCollegeofTech\THREE DIMENSIONAL DESIGN\Spring 2020\Mobiles\mobile finalTalia 2020.jpg

Talia’s MobileĀ  Ā  Paper, Wood, Wire

Heidi and Geneva’s Mobile (Spring 2017)

The Planets Mobile by Anderley and Sage Pring 2018

Anderley and Sage “The Planets” (Spring 2018)

Jennie and Giang's "Mobile" Spring 2018

Jennie and Guang’s Mobile (Spring 2018)

Ryan's Mobile Fall 2017

Ryan’s Mobile (Fall 2017)

Silvia and Shan Shan’s Mobile Fall 2017

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