Educational Essay Revised

Michael Vignoles

Dr. Hall 1121


Educational Essay 

During High School I had this mindset to always go 110% in everything I do. I also hated the idea of wasting my time; wasting time in relationships or in life opportunities. During my junior year I was able to maintain a high GPA while working 40 hours a week. Prior to my Senior year I spoke to all my teachers to see if I was able to take extra classes in my free periods, or take classes in the summer; do anything to get out of high school early. I had the ambition and willingness to persevere through the hard work. My motivation all changed when I entered my senior year where I felt I was just taking classes just for attendance. I couldn’t understand the feeling of being trapped from wanted to do more in my life. It didn’t makes sense to me that school was the reason I felt like I was being held back. And as a result, I never went to my classes and put my focus on working at Journeys in hopes of doing something great with my life. A month before graduation my principle expressed to me that she was scared and couldn’t see me being successful in college. For years I battled with that thought, but one thing I did know is that I wanted to be successful in all parts of my life.

Right after graduating high school I was promoted to a managers position at Journeys. In my eyes, to be the best manager one could be, you have to be able to motivate every employee under your wing as well as anyone that walked into your store. I was able to get the opportunity to become a manager at the highest volume store, because of the energy I exuded and the relationships I was able to make with my customers. Oddly enough, my motivation was knowing that the world we live in has gone to shit. For example, we have a buffoon of a president in office; we have concentration camps separating children from families, and people of color who still do not feel safe enough to buy a bag of skittles and an Arizona. At times it feels like we as individuals have no power and control to make a difference. With a set of rosy colored glasses on, it was then that I realized that I met hundreds of people around the world virtually everyday and that I could then have the power to impact every customers lives that I crossed paths with. Even with something as small as my famous greetings. In a world that makes you seem so small at times, I finally found a way to make a huge impact.

I once had a family who was visiting the city from Wales while working at the store. They were a couple, with their daughter and son. While spending time with them for the first time I didn’t think anything out of the ordinary would come of our interaction. I made them laugh and they even bought several items from me, though they didn’t seem to intend to. It was when the family came back the next day, and the day after just to visit me that I felt that this was something different. Their hotel was right next to the store so they always ended up visiting at least once a day during their trip, just to say hello to me. On their last day in the city the family and I took a group selfie, and they said next time they come back to the city there going to come and find me. I was shocked that our small interactions had grown into a bond almost friend like, with my confidence on the rise I let them know that the next time they would  see me I would be running the store. This family only served as a reminder to my manager of how much my presence, kindness and energy meant to them, how it set me apart from all of my other coworkers. With everything seeming to fall apart out in the outside world, I was just happy to be able to bring a smile to this family every day on their trip in the city, letting them into my own little world for a while.

This was just one of many experiences that I believed were so small, and yet ended up leaving an impact with each and everyone of these people. What amazes me more is how many other lives I’ve impacted but just never really realized it. I’ve learned that regardless of whether you give out love and positivity or hatred to this world, it will always return tenfold later.  My job was to persuade customers to buy products from my store, however, I was the best at it because it became much more to me than that. I truly cared and wanted to give a one of a kind shopping experience, leaving all customers with a smile at the end of the day regardless of what was happening in that awful outside world. I can’t control that outside world, but in my world, my shoe store, I was able to make smiles for everyone.

For years  I battled with what my principle expressed with me. I was trying to go to school and work full time in hopes of proving my principle wrong. But ultimately,  I put too much on my plate and couldn’t handle everything at once. Working 50 hours just seemed impossible while trying to find time to study and sleep. It took me two semesters of failing or withdrawing from my college classes to realize that there is no correct set path to successful. In my eyes I became the best manager I could be and that is success in my eyes. There is no set time to do something or to finish something. I realized I was taking the classes to help fulfill my parents and to prove my principle wrong. Never had the thought to go to college for me, so I can find something I love to do. I set my motivate to become a manager at 19 years old, and now I’m setting my motivation to become a college graduate. The only difference mentally is that I’m proving myself wrong, I’ve always been bigger than what my principal ever thought.



Michael Vignoles

Unit 3

March 26, 2019

Unit 3

Technology is the future and so should Elon Musk

No matter if we like it or not technology will be apart of our lifestyles in the future. So we as humans need to adapt with technology in hopes to make a better world. However, because of the human nature, greed and money will always be a motivation. Technology in the right hands can benefit humans tremendously; however if it’s in the wrong hands it will only slow down or destroy the progression of humans. Elon Musk envisions a world only powered by reusable energy in hopes of preventing serious climate change damages. With Musk’s recent and most known invention, Tesla electrics cars, he hopes to create a safer world for the human race.

Since the invention of motor vehicles, awareness to prevent climate change with our vehicles were made. Things like car pooling or cars made to run on half gasoline and electricity at the same time. But were are coming to a point where small changes will only make small progression in fixing this major issue. Tesla cars that are solely ran by electricity is addressing the issue at the head of the snake. According to Union of Concerned Scientist, gas powered cars and trucks are producing 24 pounds of carbon dioxide per gallon used. Our personal vehicles are 1/5 of the cause of US carbon dioxide being released into our environment. Our personal vehicles and public vehicles like trucks, planes, and ship count for about 30% of all US warming emissions. If we’re able to create a world where our vehicles are no longer powered by gas, we would be addressing 30% of the climate change issues. 

With Musks creation of the Tesla car, he is pushing business and social boundaries by doing what was thought was the impossible. I was fortunate enough to be able to meet a mentor that made it far in the car industry. She informed me that she left the industry because cars innovation was too ahead of the time for people to understand and adapted too. She said simply that the car industry was moving too slow but had so much potential to excel. It is human nature to cling on to things that we are comfortable with whether it is people, habits, or technology. When Apple was releasing the iPhone 7 people went crazy that there were not going to be a AUX input for wired headphones. People were concerned about how they will charge and listen to music at the same time. Some customers switched Apple’s competitors Samsung just so they can have the comfort of the AUX input. During a TED talk with Elon Mush they talk about the concerns and safety people relying on electric self driving cars. Its difficult relying on a piece of technology that will make life or death decisions for you. No one believed that self driving cars would be apart of our generation. Humans are far from perfect and we make mistakes daily. According to Bryant Walker Smith, from The Center for Internet and Society, 99% for car crashes are caused by a human mistakes. If were able to create a world where humans can no longer make those mistakes behind a wheel and allow efficient technology to work cohesively together, car crashes and death should then be limited. Nothing will ever be perfect, but people and inventions should always strive for perfection. Comparing technology mistakes and human mistakes, technology is the closest thing to a perfect safe driving world.

We currently live in a world where big company purposely have planned obsolescence strategies to make as much money as they can. With huge corporate company dominating the car industry, they are only motivated by money and personal greed. I believe that these car company always had some sort of technology to prevent climate change or push innovations but didn’t want to release it to so they can drag out technology for profit.

Musk’s motivation is the protection of the human race and efficiency. Musk wants to make Mars habitable just to protect the human race from extinction. Musk’s introducing the self driving electric cars is pushing competitors and car innovations as a whole. In 2014, Musk released all blue prints of the Tesla models to all competitors. Simon Sproule, a spokesman for Tesla states “The mission of the company is to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric cars.” In another interview with Musk; he mentions how he wouldn’t care if another business were to take over the electric car industry because it will still be for the greater good for humans. Now in 2018, majority of the top car companies introduce all electric cars releasing within a few years. Huge car companies like BMW, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen and many more. A new cars campaign was made  “Drive Change. Drive Electric.” Tesla and Elon Musk is the leading image for the electric car revolution and hopefully an answer to climate change.

One of the risks Musk takes with Tesla is that one mistake could be the end of the company and all self driving cars as a whole because people will lose trust in the technology. In the interview with TED states the 1/1000 crashes is still not good enough to convince a driver that any self driving vehicle is safe enough. He aiming to life times, where a Tesla car has not crashed within 5 life times. If a self driving car were to cause an accident, people will become skeptical relying their life on this technology. This is why other corporate car companies haven’t tried to develop anything close to the Tesla because they know if they fail it could result to the end of the company. With companies motivated by money and greed they will never take the necessary risks to help innovate humans as a whole. Leader and activist Beyoncè, risks her career and self image to perform live at the Super Bowl addressing issues like Women and black rights in hopes to motivate women and minorities. Musk sees the human species is endangered if change isn’t made soon. Musk is risking his multi-million business and the image of future technology in hope of creating a solution to climate change and a safer way of transportation.

Technology is in our future and we need to start adapting to the changes. It also needs to be regulated so that we can ensure that the technology is in the right hands and is being used for the greater good for the human race. It can do great things if supported by innovators who wants humans to advance as a whole. Musk is pushing boundaries and motivating other car companies to make a world where gas powered cars will no longer be a thing in the future.

Work Cited

  • Golson, Jordan. “Tesla Just Gave All Its Patents Away to Competitors.” Wired, CNMN Collection, 3 June 2017,,
  • Smith , Bryant Walker. “Human Error as a Cause of Vehicle Crashes.” Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, 28 Mar. 1970,

Mentor Article/Publisher

The Electronic Foundation is a program that supports basic human right and needs with technology around the world. The EFF protects the internets freedom of speech and expression.  I would try to publish this writing piece with this foundation because it’s a political platform with the understanding of the need of internet protection.

Michael Vignoles

Dr. Hall

English 1121

Unit 4

The Confident I Needed

During my semester with Dr. Hall, my favorite essays to work on was the educational, and social responsibility essays because I was able to write about topics that had value and meaning to me. For my educational essay I focused on what I learned while struggling to work full time and maintaining school. There are multiple effective ways to learn, however my educational essay was aiming on learning from the mistakes I made in the real world. One outcome I learned is to do things for myself in order to make best version of me. In my essay I demonstrate how my principle expressed to me that she did not see me being successful going to college and how my motiv were not in the right places. “For years I battled with what my principle expressed with me. I was trying to go to school and work full time in hopes of proving my principle wrong.” (Vignoles). One thing I enjoyed about this class is that I was able to find my own topics that I cared about in order to produce a quality essay. My senior year of high school I felt like I was wasting my time in classes that I didn’t need, so I felt unmotivated to go to school. This class and learning experience really help me understand the importance of being properly motivated and finding topics to that I truly cared about. That deeper motivation helps me dig deeper to make a close to perfect essay. For me writing a perfect essay never comes easy for me.

Ever since a child my weakest subject was reading and writing and its always amazes me how much growth I can see with practice. This classes helped me understand the importance of being unique and not being scared to add my own personality into my work. Adding on to me educational essay I mention how the world we live in is not at its best state and I question the value I am giving back to the world.

“At times it feels like we as individuals have no power and control to make a difference. With a set of rosy colored glasses on, it was then that I realized that I met hundreds of people around the world virtually everyday and that I could then have the power to impact every customers lives that I crossed paths with.” (Vignoles)

As a writer, Dr. Hall and her classes are the roses color glasses. Her class help me see my writing in a different way. She helped me understand that my words have power and I should not be scared to voice it. Dr. Hall class helped me find value in my words to be able to stand confident in my writing.

The first homework assignment we had introduce one the intentions of the classes. We were assigned to read Voices of the Self  by Keith Gilyard. His essay was one of my favorite pieces because of the personality he put into it. Gilyard pushed literature boundaries and challenged the question of what is proper american english. “I also really enjoy that Gilyard was not scared to show his true literature abilities in the conclusion to make a strong and solid argument about whether Black English is proper and should be embraced more in public education.” (Vignoles) In the beginning of the semester I was scared and not used to being able to write how I actually talk. After years of being taught to write proper standard english to perfection I was not used to writing in “improper english”.

For my second essay I wrote about my role model Elon Musk. One thing I look up to him is that he is not afraid to make drastic changes in hopes of better the world with the right regulations. He made an all electric card when everyone laugh at the idea when he first started.

“Technology is in our future and we need to start adapting to the changes. It also needs to be regulated so that we can ensure that the technology is in the right hands and is being used for the greater good for the human race. It can do great things if supported by innovators who wants humans to advance as a whole.”

During this class I had to be open to all positive criticism to better my essay. During class we were able to sit down with our classmate to help find mistakes in a different point of view. One thing I struggled with was following the instruction to the tee because I was so interested in my topic at hand. I had to sit down with Dr. Hall to really understand what I did wrong and how I can do better. I aspire to be like Elon Musk and hope to be able to adapt my changes in essay requirements to make a better essay.  

The older generation will always doubt the the younger generation, so it’s important for us to be able to stand confident in our words and to be able to argue our point. Overall this class helped me find my importance in my words and helped me to be able to stand confident in my writing in the real world. It also showed me to to not be scared to show my own personality in my work. This class gave me the confident in my work that a class has yet to do for me.

Unit 4 Speech Outline

Specific Purpose Statement: Were living in a disgusting world filled with hatred and surrounded around people who don’t want us to succeed; Don’t let them deter you from your dreams and don’t stop until its a real.

Main Points:

  1. We shouldn’t allow people to tell you and deter you from your own dreams. You know your true self the best.
  2. Today we’re filled with a disgusting hate-filled world, and we need people to bring positivity to this world
  3. There is no set path or timing to success.


  1. We shouldn’t allow people to tell you and deter you from your own dreams. You know your true self the best.
    1. During High School I had 3 mindsets:  To Always go 110%, Can’t Stop and won’t stop until the job is done, and that time should never be wasted.
    2. When I was in High School my principle expressed to me that she couldn’t see me being successful in college.
    3. For years battles with what she said and attended college to please my parents and to prove her wrong.
    4. Ultimately I put too much on my plate and couldn’t handle the stress and being a student and a full time manager.
  2. Today we’re filled with a disgusting hate-filled world, and we need people to bring positivity to this world
    1. We had 49 people killed in Orlando..
    1. The Dallas shooting that killed 5 officers and injured 9 others.
    2. I’m on Facebook and I see a new police brutality and violence everyday. People of color are being shot and killed in front of their family. And the officer says in the report, “I thought they had a gun.” Well, I know they had a family they had to go home to, and now they can’t.
    3. While Working at Journeys I was able to give back a little positivity to this world and during that time that’s all I could focus on.

3) There is no set path or timing to success.

  1. I learned that a part of live is being patient and waiting for your time.
  2. DO things for yourself, if you give love and positivity into this world it will return to you tenfold.
  3. Set your eyes on a dream and don’t stop until it’s yours.
  4. This class is about finding your public writer’s voice is hope to be able to give back your community.
  5. To be able to give back to this world we need to become the best versions of ourselves first.

Unit 4 Proposal – Michael Vignoles

For Unit 4 I want to revise my educational essay and turn it persuasive speech. I had to add some key points to me essay first, and in the revision I added about how my principle told me that she couldn’t see me being successful in college.  I concluded the essay with the learning outcome that there is no set path to success. That after high school its up to you to find what you love. You should never allow anyone convince you of their ideal perfect way to success, because youre not following your dreams and only making the people around you happy, but not your own self. I would like to do my speech in class and i will record it. If not i have an idea to do it on the subway

Unit Proposition: Education essay revision Michael Vignoles

For Unit for I would like to revise my educational essay and then do some sort of a public speech with it. Either on the train or even during class. I need to revise my essay and change the message a little but its goign to be around the fact that I was trying to get out of high school early and my principle told me that she worried and doesn’t see me completing college. So in response, I took my hard work ethic and became a manager 19 years old. I want to make a public motivational speech on that there are many ways to learn, and there is not on golden path to success.

College Rape Date Preventions

Research Memo – Rape Culture in Colleges Prevention


The problem with Rape culture and sexual assault is that it has became a societal Social norm to blame the victim for the assault. According to Campus Safety 43% of the time the Victim is intoxicated, and the perpetrator tends to be intoxicated 69% percent of the time. The problem  during a sexual assault the victim will know the perpetrator, in this society the victim will always be doubted about the assault. “You were drunk, you sure you didn’t ask for it?” Or if the victim reports the Incident the Police would question the case because you were drunk and wouldn’t have clear facts to help the case. The problem with Rape culture and Sexual Assaults is that it’s a norm to question the victim and convince the victim to question what really happened that night. On campuses 20 – 25% of women college students are apart of a rape incident or sexual assaults. Thats bout ¼ women being sexually assaulted. We need to be encouraging victim  to speak up and help the victims after the incident, instead of just dismissing the case because the victim was drunk and the clothes they were wearing meant they were asking for it. On October 3, 2018 our President mocked and imitated Christine Blasey Ford Testimony during the Ford and Kavanaugh case. He mocked Ford and Stated ““I had one beer. Well, do you think it was — nope, it was one beer. “How did you get home? I don’t remember. How’d you get there? I don’t remember. Where is the place? I don’t remember. How many years ago was it? I don’t know.” Trump concludes his statement with she can remember that she only had one beer that night but nothing else.  There is a place and time for everything and during a political rally was not the place to mock Ford, as he was de-valuing all women in the US and setting the social expectation about sexual assaults.

With court cases evaluating cases on “Innocent until proven guilty”; it is difficult to make a case on sexual assault because it is normally based on a He said She said. So what we can do to help our community is to bring awareness to the problem and help victims understand the resources they have. Most college are trying to help by teaching the students the importance of consent but we can always do more. We need to create a community that looks after their peers. notice change in their lifestyle and just simply be there for these victims. Because again about ¼ women have been sexually assaulted or raped and I know for a fact I have more than 4 women in my class. Raped victims tend to feel alone but we need to create a community where there are not alone. Inform victims that they have hotlines to call, that when you go out to drink that you have friends or peers are looking after you and your drink. Society blames the victims but but where are the future and we need to make a change.

Unit 3: Technology is the future and so should Elon Musk

Michael Vignoles

Unit 3

March 26, 2019

Technology is the future and so should Elon Musk

No matter if we like it or not technology will be apart of our lifestyles in the future. So we as humans need to adapt with technology in hopes to make a better world. However, because of the human nature, greed and money will always be a motivation. Technology in the right hands can benefit humans tremendously; however if it’s in the wrong hands it will only slow down or destroy the progression of humans. Elon Musk envisions a world only powered by reusable energy in hopes of preventing serious climate change damages. With Musk’s recent and most known invention, Tesla electrics cars, he hopes to create a safer world for the human race.

Since the invention of motor vehicles, awareness to prevent climate change with our vehicles were made. Things like car pooling or cars made to run on half gasoline and electricity at the same time. But were are coming to a point where small changes will only make small progression in fixing this major issue. Tesla cars that are solely ran by electricity is addressing the issue at the head of the snake. According to Union of Concerned Scientist, gas powered cars and trucks are producing 24 pounds of carbon dioxide per gallon used. Our personal vehicles are 1/5 of the cause of US carbon dioxide being released into our environment. Our personal vehicles and public vehicles like trucks, planes, and ship count for about 30% of all US warming emissions. If we’re able to create a world where our vehicles are no longer powered by gas, we would be addressing 30% of the climate change issues. 

With Musks creation of the Tesla car, he is pushing business and social boundaries by doing what was thought was the impossible. I was fortunate enough to be able to meet a mentor that made it far in the car industry. She informed me that she left the industry because cars innovation was too ahead of the time for people to understand and adapted too. She said simply that the car industry was moving too slow but had so much potential to excel. It is human nature to cling on to things that we are comfortable with whether it is people, habits, or technology. When Apple was releasing the iPhone 7 people went crazy that there were not going to be a AUX input for wired headphones. People were concerned about how they will charge and listen to music at the same time. Some customers switched Apple’s competitors Samsung just so they can have the comfort of the AUX input. During a TED talk with Elon Mush they talk about the concerns and safety people relying on electric self driving cars. Its difficult relying on a piece of technology that will make life or death decisions for you. No one believed that self driving cars would be apart of our generation. Humans are far from perfect and we make mistakes daily. According to Bryant Walker Smith, from The Center for Internet and Society, 99% for car crashes are caused by a human mistakes. If were able to create a world where humans can no longer make those mistakes behind a wheel and allow efficient technology to work cohesively together, car crashes and death should then be limited. Nothing will ever be perfect, but people and inventions should always strive for perfection. Comparing technology mistakes and human mistakes, technology is the closest thing to a perfect safe driving world.

We currently live in a world where big company purposely have planned obsolescence strategies to make as much money as they can. With huge corporate company dominating the car industry, they are only motivated by money and personal greed. I believe that these car company always had some sort of technology to prevent climate change or push innovations but didn’t want to release it to so they can drag out technology for profit.

Musk’s motivation is the protection of the human race and efficiency. Musk wants to make Mars habitable just to protect the human race from extinction. Musk’s introducing the self driving electric cars is pushing competitors and car innovations as a whole. In 2014, Musk released all blue prints of the Tesla models to all competitors. Simon Sproule, a spokesman for Tesla states “The mission of the company is to accelerate the widespread adoption of electric cars.” In another interview with Musk; he mentions how he wouldn’t care if another business were to take over the electric car industry because it will still be for the greater good for humans. Now in 2018, majority of the top car companies introduce all electric cars releasing within a few years. Huge car companies like BMW, Ford, Nissan, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen and many more. A new cars campaign was made  “Drive Change. Drive Electric.” Tesla and Elon Musk is the leading image for the electric car revolution and hopefully an answer to climate change.

One of the risks Musk takes with Tesla is that one mistake could be the end of the company and all self driving cars as a whole because people will lose trust in the technology. In the interview with TED states the 1/1000 crashes is still not good enough to convince a driver that any self driving vehicle is safe enough. He aiming to life times, where a Tesla car has not crashed within 5 life times. If a self driving car were to cause an accident, people will become skeptical relying their life on this technology. This is why other corporate car companies haven’t tried to develop anything close to the Tesla because they know if they fail it could result to the end of the company. With companies motivated by money and greed they will never take the necessary risks to help innovate humans as a whole. Leader and activist Beyoncè, risks her career and self image to perform live at the Super Bowl addressing issues like Women and black rights in hopes to motivate women and minorities. Musk sees the human species is endangered if change isn’t made soon. Musk is risking his multi-million business and the image of future technology in hope of creating a solution to climate change and a safer way of transportation.

Technology is in our future and we need to start adapting to the changes. It also needs to be regulated so that we can ensure that the technology is in the right hands and is being used for the greater good for the human race. It can do great things if supported by innovators who wants humans to advance as a whole. Musk is pushing boundaries and motivating other car companies to make a world where gas powered cars will no longer be a thing in the future.

Work Cited

  • Golson, Jordan. “Tesla Just Gave All Its Patents Away to Competitors.” Wired, CNMN Collection, 3 June 2017,,
  • Smith , Bryant Walker. “Human Error as a Cause of Vehicle Crashes.” Center for Internet and Society, Stanford Law School, 28 Mar. 1970,

Mentor Article/Publisher

The Electronic Foundation is a program that supports basic human right and needs with technology around the world. The EFF protects the internets freedom of speech and expression.  I would try to publish this writing piece with this foundation because it’s a political platform with the understanding of the need of internet protection.

Beyonce Lemonade

Michael Vignoles


After reading “Moving Beyond Pain” I started to understand who Beyonce fights and represents for. She motivates and helps give people who don’t have a voice, minorities, but more specifically women. While reading the article I didn’t know her whole album was talking about social justices like women inequality. Through out history women have been oppressed and  powerless, but living in 2019 we live in a different world and its time for women to speak up and fight for what they think is right. Things like imbalanced pay between man and women, rape culture, women empowerment, and equality between man and woman. Beyonce is the face of all women in America, and she is leading this empowerment movement.

A Response to The Group Essays by Michael Vignoles

Michael Vignoles

Dr. Hall


From my experience with school the main issue is that we are teaching kids to memorize facts and formulas. We excuse memorization as learning. The problem with schools and tests is that we were memorizing facts for that particular subject or text at the time. I forgot what I memorized and unable to make confident decisions as a young adult. We’re teaching students that failing a test is the end of the world, yet as a young adult we make endless mistakes and learn from them. I truly believe that every individuals learns effectively in different ways and the education system and teachers should invest more time with student individually. Some students learn effectively by memorizing and putting that information into the real world which is great. However, after reading my group essays is showing that school in general does not give you life lessons and information that would truly help us in the real world.

In “Under Pressure” by Latrell Greene; his teacher gave him the chance to perform in front of a large audience ultimately allowing Latrell get over the fear of anxiety while performing in public. In “More Than A Game” by David Wu; he talks about how playing basketball taught him life lessons like to never give up, and that life is not going to be fair all the time. My favorite quote from him was “There are high and lows but you continue to give whatever you do your very best you will always emerge victorious”. In both these stories Latrell and David both learned life lessons that sitting in a classroom will never teach you.

“Pixelated Thoughts” by Nicholas Wojino and “Video Games Taught Me More than School Ever Did” Erik Yan but mention how video games taught them how to communicate, work with a team,  write with proper english and multitask. Both stories are evidence that not everyone learns and are engaged in topics the same ways. Nicholas talks about how society  make playing videos games as a brain washing violences enhancer. Furthermore, Nicholas and Erik outcomes suggest a that video games can teach them things that school cannot.

Every student learns differently. The education system and teachers need to adapt to each students as individuals. The School System uses the same format back when schools were still segregated. Student learns most effectively when they are interested and engaged on the topic. Everyone learns differently; if it’s being taught hands on, in real life mistakes, or memorizing facts. A good teacher should find ways to engage their students to help them feel stimulated and want to actually learn.