Unit 4 revision of unit 2 Spoken word poem (essay form)

Shauntai Nuredeen-Smith Dr.Carrie Hall/ENG1121 UNIT 4- Revision to UNIT 2 (Poem)
Melinated People
Not even the weather could predict the storms that rain upon the black race each day, I mean I got to say I’ve witnessed it first hand and believe it or not the scariest thing is a brother with no plan, there’s no telling what he’ll do, he’s running the streets he got nothing else better to do, nothing to prove so he’s lost and in the drought so many black mothers have to live without, bury your kids before they bury you? Like it’s not suppose to be the other way around, what a round, a round of applause for the black lives matter cause, for the voice, now we have a choice, not to be a statistic, I refuse to be boxed in to be quiet to be ashamed to be prejudged because to so many we are less. But I ask.. less than who? Less than you? The law? Shit a black face was all they saw. Fear at it’s finest, there’s that word again and its clears as day, its trembling through I’m so sick of the separation after all that we’ve been through. Unity, is a clear vision a selfless decision. The past is the past, the dark times never last, black lives matter, no matter the shade no matter the class. So I say be nice, be kind to one another my brother my sister… because so many are not so many are stuck on the illusion of their own confusion on why we all can’t fit, that we all can’t mix. White and blacks, Rosa refused to sit in the back and she had ours so lets have hers, look at us now, are you proud? Is it enough? One thing it is, is tough. Violence could leave a whole block silent and if she’s crying someone is likely dying, sad right? How far people go when their mad right? It don’t feel right. If one fall we all do in some way, when that reporter gives a report they never have much to say. Who can we blame tho right? We don’t learn and everybody sees it and they believe it. We killing each other off, the police isn’t even needed. A clock in my head keeps going off, rewind back to the old times but this time its’s us against us, we’re the enemy, the distraction from ourselves, from our greatness and our light. My brothers my sisters be kind, for the son who you will raise, for the sister who you will watch grow, they are watching. For the generation who will be up next, melinated faces be at your best!!

Unit 4 Proposal – Michael Vignoles

For Unit 4 I want to revise my educational essay and turn it persuasive speech. I had to add some key points to me essay first, and in the revision I added about how my principle told me that she couldn’t see me being successful in college.  I concluded the essay with the learning outcome that there is no set path to success. That after high school its up to you to find what you love. You should never allow anyone convince you of their ideal perfect way to success, because youre not following your dreams and only making the people around you happy, but not your own self. I would like to do my speech in class and i will record it. If not i have an idea to do it on the subway


I’m going to be revising the artist essay because I feel like, in a sense, the video I made didn’t really establish the point I was trying to make. In my video, I talk more about how XXXTentacion was an inspiration rather explaining the fact that he is misunderstood more. I would change this essay from a video to a drawing, because I feel I can get my point across easier. I want to include his lyrics, his legal battles, and his life in general before his passing.

Triggered Draft

I’ve always wondered

What kind of mother I would be

Would I be strict?

Or would I be carefree?

I’ve always wondered

Would I love you to the moon and back?

Or will I be like my mom and dad

and lack

Certain qualities necessary to love a child?

Hmm.. nah, I never be that wild

Mom and Dad argued so much

When my sister and I came home from school

We never had much luck

I rarely seen them hug and kiss

They were just arguing mules

Days and years going of through this

I might as well have

Sunken myself into a deep abyss

Maybe I’ve said too much? Or maybe not

But you get the gist

In high school I got so many memories

Triggers and flashbacks of what used to be

And it made me act out

Not being the best student I that could be

Not pushing myself and seeing me at my best

My potential was there but I was just a mess

Hanging around the wrong crowd

Not caring about any consequence

But when I all came down,

I was on my own defense

I’ve always wondered

What kind of mother I would be

Would I be scared

because it’s all so new?

would I be ecstatic after pushing you out

Enjoying my view?

A couple of my friends are new mothers

And sometimes I ask how it feels

They say it feels different than before

And sometimes they get the chills

One thing I do know

Is that you will be smart

You will not lack common sense

And you will have a heart

You are gonna look just like me

Beautiful eyes and curly hair

Oh, you never know the possibilities

Of what you and your siblings will look like

But one thing I do know

Is that you’ll definitely know how to ride a bike

I’ve always wondered

What kind of mother I would be

I don’t know

But I want to expand your intellect abundantly

I want to take you places I’ve never been

When I was I was five


I am revising the artist essay because I feel like that wasn’t the best essay. I decided to rewrite it for the audience of complex, which has a audience of highschool students and college students because those are the people who mostly like to the artist NBA YOUNGBOY. I would change this essay from a written essay to a video one like we watched in class because the video told us a lot about kendrick lamar and the actual meaning of his song videos.  I would want to include the most important parts of his life and the most important accomplishments. Then describe the meaning of things in his songs that stand out.

tohuratun chowdhury

Name: Tohuratun Chowdhury

Class: Eng1121

Professor: hall


Research Memo: Statistics of homelessness in new york city


        Homelessness has been a problem all throughout history. Wherever there have been people, there has been a person that doesn’t have a home. In some cultures it is look on as a freeing existence; freeing yourself from worldly problems and possessions. But in our culture it is viewed upon, for the most part, as a problem to society. In New York City, it has the highest homeless populations in the country, as of September 2004 there were 36,727 people living in shelters and welfare hotels with thousands more on the streets. This is a large significant number of people, but yet the city of New York along with Mayor Bloomberg is trying to get legislation to eject single males and females from the shelters and force them onto the streets where they then become vagrants and can be arrested. This seems like no solution for the homelessness problem.


The number of people experiencing homelessness in New York City has been growing, according to an annual report from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).HUD’s Annual Homeless Assessment Report for 2018, released this week, found that on a single night in Jan. 2018, a total of 552,830 people experienced homelessness across the country. New York City accounted for 78,676 of those people, or just over 14 percent of the nation’s homeless.Per last year’s HUD report, the city’s homeless population totaled 76,501, meaning homelessness in New York City increased 2.8 percent from 2017.


In March 2019, there were 63,029 homeless people, including 15,193 homeless families with 22,412 homeless children, sleeping each night in the New York City municipal shelter system. Families make up three-quarters of the homeless shelter population.Over the course of City fiscal year 2018, 133,284 different homeless men, women, and children slept in the New York City municipal shelter system. This includes over 45,600 different homeless New York City children.


Research shows that the primary cause of homelessness, particularly among families, is lack of affordable housing. Surveys of homeless families have identified the following major immediate, triggering causes of homelessness: eviction; doubled-up or severely overcrowded housing; domestic violence; job loss; and hazardous housing conditions. Compared to homeless families, homeless single adults have much higher rates of serious mental illness, addiction disorders, and other severe health problems.


Research shows that African-American and Latino New Yorkers are disproportionately affected by homelessness. Approximately 58 percent of New York City homeless shelter residents are African-American, 31 percent are Latino, 7 percent are white, less than 1 percent are Asian-American, and 3 percent are of unknown race.


Pavel Nunez


Dr Carrie Hall

English 1121


To begin, I want to revise the Unit 3  (which was community problems in NY) about the MTA and what we can do to fix it . Even though there was a lot of problems in the MTA mechanically and time wise, and also death wise. But one thing that seems to go unnoticed in New York is sexual assault that happens in the trains. I’m going to be revising my Unit 3 into Sexual Assault in the MTA and what we can to prevent it or report it right away so any women would feel safe in the trains. Right now I might plan to change genres from a brochure to a letter/essay(or maybe an Ad of somesort). The Audience I want will most likely be women who feel that they don’t have a way to report being sexualy assaulted or women who haven’t experienced sexual assault but find a way to report/ prevent it .

Research Memo

In my research, I found different resources that can help victims of rape. There is National Sexual assault Hotline and chat. They are open to calls and to talk 24/7. The number is 800-656-HOPE(4673). Calling this number gives you access to a trained staff that will help you find a local health facility that is trained to care for survivors of sexual assault. They also help you talk through what happend and speak about your next step towards healing and recovery. They also give you information about the laws in your community and basic information about medical concerns. Everything you say through the phone is confidential.


    I also found out what the different that there are is  sexual assault forensic exam also called Rape kit. This exam can only be performed by some who is trained to do this exam and it can help the police if you report the incident. The length of  exam can take a few hours depending on you condition. The rape kit consist of bags paper sheet for evidence, comb, documentation forms, envelops, instructions, materials for blood samples, and swabs. If you were to go get this exam it should be done within 72 hours in order for it to be analyzed by a crime lab. Also make sure you do not bath, shower, use the restroom, change of clothes, comb hair, and clean up the area because it can damage the evidence. When doing the exam the first check and take care of any injuries the need immediate attention. They then ask about what medications you take if you taking any and your health history. They then do a head-to-toe examination. If you a minor the doctor or who is perform the examination may be obligated to report the law enforcement. After that there a follow up care like prevention treatment of STIs. If you don’t feel comfortable do all these you can stop or skips step it all depends on you and don’t cost any money to do.

I also found different trauma-focused therapies that can help you cope or move in life. For instance Cognitive Processing Therapy, Prolonged-Exposure therapy ,and Eye-movement desensitization reprocessing. These help you calm and soothe yourself and increase your awareness of your inner strengths and outside resources. Also, process your memories and challenge yourself to reconnect an ddo non-dangerous things you have been avoiding since the traumatic events. You also challenge your thinking so you mentally be healthy. It reduces symptoms of depression, anxiety and PTSD. It also helps you to able to push relationships with others, go out and be social, and be more positive and be in a stable mood. Also making meaning to what happened and come to terms with how it affect you and your family.