Final Week: Complete Unit #3 and your Reflection

We are now in the home stretch for the fall semester. You should have a good sense of your course grade up to this point (please check the Gradebook). Email me ( about any questions or concerns.

All final work for the class will be due by the end of the day, Tuesday 12/22.

This includes the Unit 3 final draft and reflection.


Upload your Unit #3 Assignment HERE.

Thank you for a wonderful semester all. Have a nice holiday break.

UNIT #3 Assignment:

In Unit 3, you will bring your thoughts out of the classroom and into the community, in the genre you determine is most appropriate. How will you entreat people to engage with your work? Will they read a photo essay, listen to a political speech or podcast, watch a video essay, read a magazine article or newspaper editorial? The genre choice is yours, as long as it is appropriate to communicating your message effectively and considers how to best reach your target audience.

Here is the full assignments with links to various types of genres.

Upload your Unit #3 HERE.


Ariza,Bryant “Facebook is Hurting Our Children” – essay w/ pics
Flores,Miguel  “Why NASA Matters” – essay with pics
Irons,Joshua  “How the World Has Been Affected by CoVid” – essay
Kurgachev,Egor  “GMOs and the Food We Eat” – essay w/ links to video
Lewis Jr,Phillip Curtis “It’s Me or the Robot: Changes in the Workplace During the Pandemic” – essay w/ pics
Lopez,Hailey “Covid 19 and the Upending of Education” – essay
Ludd Jr,Arnold Walter “More Than a Theory: Teaching Real History in Schools”
Mallette,Jahlyssa Alexis “To Be (Vaccinated) or Not: An Inquiry Into Vaccination Hesistancy”
Martinez,Edwin  TOPIC???
Montano,Reina Del Milagro “Combatting Climate Change” – handbook
Paul,Bijoy Kumar “Religious Intolerance in Bangladesh” –
Perez,Maria G “Vaccinating Children, 5-11: Is It Safe?” – Persuasive Essay/OpEd
Pyram,Amir“Racial Disparities in America’s Health-Care – OpEd
Rodney,Justin Andrue “Rethinking School” – Photo Essay
Rowe,Sharif   “Film Review”
Sejour,Caleb TOPIC??? –
Simmons,James E. TOPIC???
Szkolut,Pawel “The Effects of the Pandemic on Education, Isolation, and Work”
Vela,Juan Anjel “The Consequences of Not Getting Vaccinated” – Essay
Williams,Chanell “The Importance of Traveling to Rejuvenate the Seoul” –

As you think about the genre of Unit #3, please read this short, cleverly written guest essay on the importance of paid maternity leave. It could serve a good model your own OpEd.


This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is Special-Event-11.16-1024x662.jpg

Here is the taped session of how City Tech students made the The Memory-Keeper of Soho Film Documentary. It features Professor Josh Kapusinski (COMD, Moving Pixels Club), Jonathan Baez (City Tech alum and cinematographer), and Or Szyflingier (alum and director).

Telling and Narrating a New York Story Discussion

Watch the Documentary Here: Or Szyflingier and Jonathan Baez, “The SoHo Memory Project” (2020)

Read the article here: Kyle Spencer, “The Memory-Keeper of SoHo” (2015)


UNIT #3 Assignment:

In Unit 3, you will bring your thoughts out of the classroom and into the community, in the genre you determine is most appropriate. How will you entreat people to engage with your work? Will they read a photo essay, listen to a political speech or podcast, watch a video essay, read a magazine article or newspaper editorial? The genre choice is yours, as long as it is appropriate to communicating your message effectively and considers how to best reach your target audience.

Here is the full assignments with links to various types of genres.

Upload your Unit #3 HERE.


Ariza,Bryant “Facebook is Hurting Our Children” – essay w/ pics

Flores,Miguel  “Why NASA Matters” – essay with pics
Irons,Joshua  “How the World Has Been Affected by CoVid” – essay
Kurgachev,Egor  “GMOs and the Food We Eat” – essay w/ links to video
Lewis Jr,Phillip Curtis “It’s Me or the Robot: Changes in the Workplace During the Pandemic” – essay w/ pics
Lopez,Hailey “Covid 19 and the Upending of Education” – essay
Ludd Jr,Arnold Walter “More Than a Theory: Teaching Real History in Schools”
Mallette,Jahlyssa Alexis “To Be (Vaccinated) or Not: An Inquiry Into Vaccination Hesistancy”
Martinez,Edwin  TOPIC???
Montano,Reina Del Milagro “Combatting Climate Change” – handbook
Paul,Bijoy Kumar “Religious Intolerance in Bangladesh” –
Perez,Maria G “Vaccinating Children, 5-11: Is It Safe?” – Persuasive Essay/OpEd
Pyram,Amir“Racial Disparities in America’s Health-Care – OpEd
Rodney,Justin Andrue “Rethinking School” – Photo Essay
Rowe,Sharif   TOPIC??? –
Sejour,Caleb TOPIC??? –
Simmons,James E. TOPIC???
Szkolut,Pawel TOPIC???
Vela,Juan Anjel “The Consequences of Not Getting Vaccinated” – Essay
Williams,Chanell “The Importance of Traveling to Rejuvenate the Seoul” –

As you think about the genre of Unit #3, please read this short, cleverly written guest essay on the importance of paid maternity leave. It could serve a good model your own OpEd.

Week 9: Reflective Annotated Bibliography (RAB) and Library Session


  1. Save the date: Tuesday 11/16 1-2pm “SoHo Memory Project”

A discussion of the award-winning SoHo Memory Project documentary with Prof. Josh Kapusinski (COMD, Moving Pixels Club), Jonathan Baez (City Tech alum and cinematographer), and Or Szyflingier (alum and director)


This week, we will be continuing with Unit 2: Good Trouble, the Reflective Annotated Bibliography.

After narrowing down your topic in conversation with me, AKA Prof. Noonan, begin researching.  Start with a search on The New York Times website, and also check out Opposing Viewpoints, Academic Premier, and Lexis/Nexis through the City Tech Library website.  Aim to find 2  sources that you can use for your bibliography.

Introduce your topic, why it interests you, and what you wish to find out more about

Begin scaffolding your Reflective Annotated Bibliography draft in a Google or MS Word doc. Copy and paste the HW (#1 and #2 below) into a comment below.

1. Write out your introduction paragraph, which should include what you are interested in researching, why this interests you, what you already know about it, and what you hope to find out/ some questions you have.

2. Begin your source entries. For each one of your 2 sources, write:

  • the MLA citation. Input your source info on to come up with the citation format
  • 1-paragraph summary of main ideas (aim for 4-5 sentences)
  • 2 key quotes you found that represent important ideas, with citation info (paragraph number)
  • 1-paragraph response to the source, with your own opinion on the content (here you distinguish your own ideas from those of the author/artist) and why you chose to include it in your bibliography. You could also include a response to some of the quotes you chose. (5-6 sentences)
  • We will mix in the final ingredients of the RAB (Rhetorical Analysis and Conclusion)  next week!

****Please check out this student  RAB Model

Week 7: Begin Unit #2

John Lewis and the March on Washington speech he never gave - Vox

Congressman John Lewis and President Obama

Unit 2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography (Good Trouble)

Unit #2 Assignment

    • Write a 1-paragraph Unit 2 topic proposal: what it is, why you’re interested in it, what you think or know about it already, and some potential questions you have.  Can you identify 2 or 3 sources in different genres that you plan to consult? (After our Library session in class)
    • Read and respond to two of your colleagues’ proposals (how to narrow down topic, possible source suggestion, question you have, or something you find cool or interesting about the proposal).

Peer Review and Edit Your Essay

Education Narrative Assignment (Unit #1 Essay)

Together, we have discussed several works, including Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the Classroom,” JosĂ© Olivarez’s “Maybe I Could Save Myself By Writing,” and Perri Klaus’ “The Influence of the Perfect Teacher,”  in which the authors speak to educational experiences both inside and outside school settings.

Now it is time for you to write your own education narrative. Think of one or more experiences in your life when you learned something important and transformative (you do not have to discuss school specifically). Describe these experiences in detail. What did you learn or conclude, and take with you moving forward?  You will want to fully develop your ideas with rich detail and further explanation, along with at least one connection with the class texts,  integrated with The Quote Sandwich.



Comma Video

Semicolon Video


The Quote Sandwich 

  1.   Bread: Set up and introduce quote. Include the author’s full name, text title (capitalized and in quotations), and genre (type of writing).  Summarize the text fully (this will take several sentences!)

Example: In his essay “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing,” Jose Olivarez writes about the challenge of navigating different aspects of his identity in school settings. (continued in other summary sentences)

  1. Veggies/ meat/ tofu: The quote itself, with a page citation (number) if possible 

Ex: Olivarez writes, “I’m telling you this because I wrote a book of poems with one foot in the past, one hand in the present, and a nose on the future” (45).

  1. Bread: Analyze quote. Avoid repeating the quote or merely paraphrasing. Instead, say what the quote means, and then explain how it relates to your own writing.

Ex: Here Olivarez emphasizes the importance of his family history in his writing, as well as who he is as an individual. His point relates to


Rough Draft Checklist

1.Is my essay the right length? Is it properly formatted? (double-spaced, indented paragraph) Does is have a good title?

2.Does my writing fulfill the assignment expectations (re-read assignment guidelines to verify)

3.Does the introduction set the scene for the reader and fully introduce the topic and focus? 

4.Is the thesis, or main idea I wish to propose, clear? Is there a way to clarify it further?

5.Does the BP order (sequence) make sense?

6.Do BP examples adequately support main ideas? Could some examples be more fully developed?

7.Are text connections well-integrated? (QUOTE SANDWICH)?

8.Does the conclusion wrap up the essay in a way that avoids repetition, and offers food for thought to the reader?

9. Is each sentence clear and correct?  Are the sentences sufficiently varied?

10. Is punctuation correct (commas, semicolons, colons, etc)?

Peer Review Partners:

Amir and Hailey

Arnold and Bryant

Chanell and Mark Noonan

Jahlyssa and Reina

Egor and Justion

Miguel and Joshua

Juan and Maria

Phillip and Bijoy

Sharif and Caleb

Pawel and Edwin

Week 5: Assignment for Monday, Oct. 4

  1. Review directions for your first writing assignment

2. Complete your Education-Narrative-Outline . Consider how you would like to tell your story.  Where do you want to start, and where do you want to end? What are some important ideas and memories? What are some compelling details you can provide throughout the narrative, to support your ideas? What might your paragraph order be? 

3. Draft your essay and it Upload to this GoogleDrive.

Assignment for Next Week (Monday, Sept. 27)

  • NOTICE FOR ENTERING CITY TECH BUILDINGS: Any students who still have not received their Cleared4 link should email their name, EMPL ID and a message that they did not receive the link to:

  • Download and save to your computer class folder:

Writing-Process (1)


Writing Assignment:

1. Write a  paragraph about an educational experience you have had in life, inside or outside of a school setting. Your paragraph should set the scene for the reader: when, where, and what, before describing the experience and what you learned in the process.  This will ultimately be fleshed out and become your Unit 1 essay (see Major Assignments).

Upload your assignment to this GoogleDrive.

2. In our next class we will work on transforming this paragraph into an Outline for your Unit 1 Education & Identity narrative.  For #3 here, start thinking about how you would like to tell your story.  Where do you want to start, and where do you want to end? What are some important ideas and memories? What are some compelling details you can provide throughout the narrative, to support your ideas? What might your paragraph order be?   You could address these questions in a paragraph, or copy and paste the outline (delete the example text) in your Comment  and fill in the information there.

Homework: Due Monday, Sept. 20

A United States border patrol agent on horseback tries to stop a Haitian migrant from entering an encampment on the banks of the Rio Grande near the international bridge in Del Rio, Texas, on Sunday.

I begin today’s class with a photograph of a Haitian man and his son being “rounded up” by an American border control agent near Mexico.  Here is the full article on how President Biden has ordered over 15,000 Haitian migrants at the border of America to be flown back to Haiti. How does this image connect with last week’s readings?

  1. Review How to Write A Summary
  2. Read JosĂ© Olivarez, “Maybe I Could Save Myself by Writing” and “Mexican American Disambiguation”  and “Citizen Illegal” (2018)
  3. Write a 1-paragraph summary of one of Olivarez’s texts, using the Summary Powerpoint template as a model. Include a quote from the text that you feel represents an important idea. For example: As Olivarez writes, “Maybe I could write the stories I was craving to read. Maybe I could save myself by writing.”
  4. Post using “comments” icon (above this post)


Homework Assignment(s): Due Monday, Sept. 13


Step 1: Read and re-read a text.

Step 2: Annotate the text, in your notebook, or by cutting and pasting the text into a Word or Google Doc.

  • Underline sentences you feel are important, and put them in your own words (paraphrase)
  • Write down main ideas next to each paragraph; be careful to distinguish main ideas from examples and details
  • Circle unfamiliar words, look them up, and write down definitions
  • Jot down your responses to the author’s ideas– what do you think? Do you have a question or response to what they wrote?

Step 3: Goal:  Write down 3-4 main ideas of the text, including what you feel is the thesis (central, overarching point). This will be your *summary.*

  • Post a Response (Length: Two Paragraphs):
    • 1. For each article (by Morrison and Hellman), copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences)  that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique.
    • 2. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in each article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

To comment on any post, click on the “comments” icon (above). You will then see a screen come up with LEAVE A REPLY. That is where you want to comment.

We will discuss your Replies  in class; also be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and ideas/questions that arose for you while reading.

Week 1: Getting Started (Due 8/30)

Welcome Students!  

Welcome to City Tech and English 1101. This is a synchronous class that meets every Tuesday from 8:00 am – 11:20 am. We begin next Tuesday (8/31).

Class Zoom Link

Meeting ID: 846 0371 9357
Passcode: 036540

I can be reached at:

Professor Mark Noonan


Here are your duties BEFORE we meet on Zoom next Tuesday:

1.  Sign up for your OpenLab account with your name and a profile photo.  Log in, then join our course.  If you need  help,  contact the OpenLab Community Team

2. Look around our course site to familiarize yourself

3. Introduce yourself.  To write a new post, click the + sign at the top of the page. (It’s a small icon next to the class title and message box icon at the very top of the page). Fill in the subject heading with your name, then add your info and photo below.  After your work is complete, scroll down and check off OUR COMMUNITY under Categories (right side of page), then click Publish.

  • Paragraph 1: Include how you would like to be addressed, your pronouns, and any other info you’d like to share. This could include where you are from, where you reside now, your academic interests or major, any hobbies or NYC activities you enjoy, how you feel about beginning college. Feel free to be creative!
  • Paragraph 2:  Include a photo of something (place, space, person, pet, object, etc ) meaningful to you, and tell us about it.  You can paste the photo into the body of your message, or Add Media  to upload it to your post.
  • Before next class, check back to read your classmates’ responses and reply to a few. Getting to know each other, we start building our community.

5. In a separate email (, please let me know if you have any issues with technology and/or working space that may affect your ability to complete your coursework. 

We are all in this together!  See you soon!


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