ENG 1101CO

Fall 2021

Week 17: The Finish Line! (Due Dates Below)

Skating in Central Park | Smithsonian American Art Museum

HAPPY HOLIDAYS, EVERYONE!  Stay in touch! ALL FINAL WORK for the class is due DECEMBER 19th.

  • Upload Unit 3, plus separate reflection paragraph at the end, to the Unit 3 Google Drive (under MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS) by Monday 12/13
    • Your 1-paragraph reflection should address the following: how or why you became interested in the topic; the purpose of your piece; why you decided to write in the genre you did,  for this particular audience; How it went (the extent to which you feel it was successful and why); where you think this might be published or shared beyond our class
  • Project Presentations: 12/14 in class. Be prepared to speak about your Unit 3 work for 3-5 min. Present your slides/video or have one visual up on the screen while you talk about your topic.
  • Final Course Reflection  (leave a comment below) Due 12/17.  Write a 1-paragraph final reflection that addresses the questions below.
    • What have you learned about yourself as a reader and writer this semester? What were your early assumptions/beliefs about yourself and writing, and what do you believe now?  How would you compare/contrast work done early on in the semester to now?   What was particularly challenging for you in our course this semester and how did you overcome this (or attempt to)? What advice would you give to students taking this course next semester? Discuss what you learned in this class and how you might transfer this knowledge to other writing tasks or situations in future English classes, courses in other subjects, academic or job applications, and your community.

Weeks 15,16 (Unit 3 due 12/10)

Cardinal In Snow Photograph by Lydia Holly

We are now in the home stretch for the fall semester. You should have a good sense of your course grade up to this point (please check the Gradebook). Speak with me after class about any questions or concerns. All final work for the class will be due by 12/19. This includes the  course reflection post on OpenLab the final week, plus revisions to Units 1, 2, 3.


  •  Read Annie Correal’s “Love and Black Lives, in Pictures Found on a Brooklyn Street.”
  • Listen to the  Podcast,  FOUND: “To My Darling Etta Mae
  • Discuss:
    • 1. What do you notice about the way Correal begins and ends her essay? What effect does this approach have on the reader?
    • 2. What are some main ideas in the article? What do you find interesting about the story?
    • 3. Choose 2 photos to discuss. Describe what is in the photograph, and explain what why you think it was included in the article (what ideas does it illustrate?).
    • 4. How does the podcast differ from the NYT article?  What does the podcast genre offer us that the newspaper article does not/ what does the article offer us that the podcast does not?

Final Assignment:

Week 14: Happy Wampanoag Day

Massasoit, the Wampanoag Indian chief who maintained peaceful relations with the English in the area of Plymouth, Massachusetts, visits the Pilgrims.


Happy Wampanoag Day. This week I am not assigning any new work. Let us take this time for resting, catching up, and/or beginning to think further about Unit 3.  I will post our next assignment at week’s end.

Things you can catch up on:

  1. Finish or revise Unit 2 RAB and upload to Google Drive Unit 2 Folder; email me if you want me to review your revision in Google Drive or discuss how to approach the revision
  2. Revise Unit 1 and upload to Google Drive Unit 1 Folder; email me if you want me to review your revision in Google Drive or discuss how to approach the revision
  3. Complete any missing OpenLab posts, including Weeks 12/13 (note: Gradebook not yet updated; please get your posts in!)
  4. Review your grades in the OpenLab Gradebook; contact me with any questions
  5. Schedule Writing Center appointments in advance, as we are nearing the end of the semester!
  6.  Call or text me with any questions or concerns

Weeks 12 and 13 (Due 11/20)

  •   Read:  NYT article: Kyle Spencer, “The Memory-Keeper of SoHo” (2015) Class Google Doc Annotation
  •   Watch: Documentary (14 min):  Or Szyflingier and Jonathan Baez, “The SoHo Memory Project” (2020)
  • Comment:
    • 1. Below, write a 1-paragraph response to the article and the film. You may focus on anything that interests you– ideas from either work that you found interesting, connections you can make to your own neighborhood or experience of New York or another place,  something you noticed about the writing or filmmaking, images from the film that you found important, how different genres (newspaper profile of Yuki Ohta vs. documentary) affect our understanding of a story, or any other topic.
    • 2. After considering genre with this new material, think about your Unit 3 project.  Re-read the assignment (under MAJOR ASSIGNMENTS). What is your topic, and what genre have you chosen?  Has your thinking changed about what genre you’d like to work in for your project, after our discussion of genre with the SoHo Memory Project?  How will your choice of genre help tell your story and get the word out?
    • 3. EXTRA CREDIT OFFERED for writing a 1-paragraph response to the event, below. If you were unable to attend you can watch the event here

Planning Next Steps at the College

City Tech PLAN Week, November 1 — 5, 2021
During PLAN week, we offer information to help you plan your next steps—from choosing classes and learning how to register to finding out where to get support and make connections within the college. Don’t miss this opportunity to create a successful and personal PLAN. Also, by completing PLAN Week daily forms, you will be entered in a raffle pool for $50 MasterCard gift cards. If you participate all 5 PLAN Week questionnaires, you will be entered for a grand prize of $300.
We recommend that you set aside 20-30 minutes a day this week, and watch one video and follow it by answering the corresponding response form.
Monday, November 1: Start your PLAN with the Introduction to Academic Advising video and respond here.
Tuesday, November 2: PLAN your academic career by watching Understanding Your Degree Requirements and respond here.
Wednesday, November 3: PLAN your academic advising appointment by watching Creating a Semester-by-Semester Plan and respond here.
Thursday, November 4: PLAN to register by watching Introduction to Registration and respond here.
Friday, November 5: PLAN to get involved by watching How to Get Involved (video coming soon!) and respond here.
All of the videos and forms are available from now until Sunday, November 7 at https://www.citytech.cuny.edu/advisement/library.aspx. Any responses filled out by midnight on the seventh will be eligible for the raffle. Good luck, and start planning!

Week 11: 11/2, 11/4 (Due 11/11)

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving | Audiobook | Audible.com

This week we complete our Unit 2 RAB in the class Google Drive  (leave your work there; no need to comment below) by

  • incorporating a rhetorical analysis for each source we already have
  • adding one more RAB entry for a *non-print* source: personal interview, video, podcast, song, poem, photograph, tweet, slide show, mural, street art, etc
  • writing a conclusion paragraph for the entire RAB
  • editing and proofreading. NOTE: I strongly encourage sharing a complete draft with me by 11/4 if possible, so I can give you feedback for revisions
  • checking your work against the Unit 2 RAB Complete Model (download for your computer)


1. For rhetorical analysis, address SOAPSTone: Speaker, Occasion, Audience, Purpose, Subject, Tone

  • Speaker: who is the author?
  • Occasion: time, place, reason for this piece?
  • Audience: intended readers/listeners/viewers? Consider venue of publication
  • Purpose: author’s agenda and HOW it gets conveyed
  • Subject: topic and focus
  • Tone: formal or casual? Humorous/angry/serious/critical/neutral? Choice of words?
  1. Write one more RAB entry on a non-print source. Consider how this new source informs your research and adds to your understanding of the subject
  2. Write your conclusion (200-300 words): Reflect on what you have learned and why this new knowledge is important. Identify a potential audience for your ideas and consider which genre would be most appropriate to express them, in Unit 3.

RAB Components  Checklist:

  • Introduction (200-300 words)
    • Introduce your topic, why it interests you, and what you wish to find out more about
  • List your 3 sources in alphabetical order, each with its own MLA citation and info below (400-500 words each)
    • 1-paragraph Summary
    • 2-3 Key Quotes (include citation)
    • 1-paragraph Rhetorical Analysis (Who is the author? What kind of publication is this?  How do you feel the author’s writing style, awareness of audience and purpose (reason for writing), choice of genre and storytelling techniques affect the meaning and credibility of the document?)
    • 1-paragraph Response (what do *you* think of these ideas? how does this source add to your knowledge?)
  • Conclusion (200-300 words)
    • Reflect on what you have learned and why this new knowledge is important
    • Identify a potential audience for your ideas and consider which genre would be most appropriate to express them

Unit 1 Revision Steps

Hi Everyone,

As we progress with Unit 2, we also have the revision for Unit 1 going on. The revision grade replaces the initial one. I encourage you to invest in this revision process, as it can yield rewarding results.

1. We did our BP revision exercise in class; apply the lesson on descriptive detail, with a particular example,  to each BP.

2. You also have specific feedback from me to take into consideration as you revise. If you would like to meet with me to discuss the revision process or ask any questions, you are more than welcome to do this! We can meet before or after class or at another time– just let me know.

3. Finally, I strongly encourage visiting the Writing Center to review your revised draft. See RESOURCES> Writing Center to make an appointment. Remember that 3 visits are required. Warning: we have had a problem with No Shows. If you cannot make the appointment, be sure to cancel it in advance.

The revision is due at the end of the semester, but you can turn it in before that if you would like.

Weeks 9 & 10 (Due 10/31)

Colonial Hot Chocolate - The Daring Gourmet

In-Class Unit 1 Revision Discussion and Revision exercise

The weather is getting cooler, and we are midway through the semester, continuing with Unit 2: Good Trouble, the Reflective Annotated Bibliography.

After narrowing down your topic in conversation with me, AKA Prof. Hellman, begin researching.  Start with a search on The New York Times website, and also check out Opposing Viewpoints through the City Tech Library website.  Aim to find 2  sources that you can use for your bibliography.

Begin scaffolding your Reflective Annotated Bibliography draft in a Google or MS Word doc. ****Please check out this student Unit2-RAB-Model-2; you can work from this Word document or at least use it as a template.
Update: we will work in Google Drive Unit 2 folder  if you have not already pasted your work below, simply work on it in the Drive.


1. Write out your introduction paragraph, which should include what you are interested in researching, why this interests you, what you already know about it, and what you hope to find out/ some questions you have.

2. Begin your source entries. For each one of your 2 sources, include and label:

  • the MLA CITATION. Input your source info on www.easybib.com to come up with the citation format
  • 1-paragraph SUMMARY of main ideas (aim for 4-5 sentences)
  • 2 key QUOTES you found that represent important ideas, with citation info (paragraph number)
  • 1-paragraph REFLECTION (response) to the source, with your own opinion on the content (here you distinguish your own ideas from those of the author/artist) and why you chose to include it in your bibliography. You could also include a response to some of the quotes you chose. (5-6 sentences)

We will mix in the final ingredients of the RAB (Rhetorical Analysis and Conclusion)  next week!

Week 8: 10/12, 10/14 (due 10/17)

John Lewis and the March on Washington speech he never gave - Vox

Unit 2: Reflective Annotated Bibliography (Good Trouble)

  • View and write down main ideas:  John Lewis,   CCNY 2019 Commencement Speech
  • Read and write down main ideas: John Lewis, “Together, You Can Redeem the Soul of Our Nation
  • Understanding-Unit-2 PPT
  • Answer below:
    • 1. After reading Lewis’s editorial and watching his CCNY speech, what ideas do you think are important?  What does he mean by good trouble? Do you think you have ever pursued, or wanted to pursue, good trouble in your own life?
    • 2. Write a 1-paragraph Unit 2 topic proposal: what you’re thinking of writing about, why you’re interested in it, what you think or know about it already, and some potential questions you have.

Week 7: Unit 1 Due 10/11

The Scents of the Autumn | Dexter and Mason

  • Transforming your rough draft into a final draft
    • How can a piece of writing be improved? What is the difference between revising and proofreading?
    • Follow the Writing Process guide for the *quote sandwich* and *essay formatting*
  • Complete Peer Review with partner (in class). Share google doc link with partner or email them feedback.
  • Revise Unit 1 essay with feedback from Writing Center tutor, Professor, peer review partner
  • Copy and paste your partner’s peer review feedback at the end of your essay document.
  • Upload your final draft to the Google Drive Unit 1 folder  by 10/11  (Major Assignments–> Google Drive)

Week 6: 9/28; No Class 9/30 (work on draft; upload to class Google Drive 10/3)


Entering campus update

From Provost Pamela Brown: In order to provide students more time to upload their vaccine verification, the university has extended the deadline for submitting vaccination information until October 7. After that date students risk being assigned a WA in their hybrid and in-person courses Please encourage students in hybrid and in-person classes, who have not yet uploaded their proof of vaccination, to do so now!

The roll-out of Cleared4 has been plagued with technical issues, most critically that not everyone has received the needed link. The university is focused on resolving this issue, and hopefully a solution will be found soon. In response, use of VaxPass has been extended until October 7. Additionally an in-house system has been created by CIS  which allows public safety to look up those whose vaccine verification has been approved. Fully vaccinated students, faculty and staff whose submissions have been approved will be allowed into the building. Public Safety has been instructed to look  up anyone having issues with Vaxpass or Cleared4. Anyone fully vaccinated and approved, will have a green shield next to their name and will be allowed into the building. Those who require weekly testing will still need Everbridge VaxPass or Cleared4 clearance however. Instructions for using VaxPass and Cleared4 are provided on large posters by the doors.

Save the Date, Extra Credit Opportunity

On Tuesday 11/16 1-2pm, there will be a Zoom discussion of City Tech’s award-winning SoHo Memory Project documentary, featuring Prof. Josh Kapusinski (COMD, Moving Pixels Club Advisor), Jonathan Baez (City Tech alum and cinematographer), and Or Szyflingier (alum and director). We will record the event and share out afterwards for anyone who cannot attend, but the live Zoom event will be a special opportunity to hear from alums who did groundbreaking work, and participate in Q&A.
SoHo Memory Project: The Documentary | SoHo Memory Project.

Week 5: 9/21 and 9/23 (Due 9/25)

Find Adirondack Area Pumpkin Patches & Corn Mazes

This week, we continue *scaffolding* Unit 1.

Now it is time to transform your topic proposal into an outline. Compose your outline using this template: Education Narrative Outline

Please refer to this sample outline as a model: English 1101Co Sample Outline 

You can copy and paste your outline below in a Comment, or write the outline in a Google Doc and paste the link in your Comment.  Either is fine.

In class Thursday 9/23 we will discuss these outlines and begin our rough drafts. Please be sure to “bring” your outline to class, whatever stage it’s in– have it in a  Google Doc or Word format so you can share screen.

Week 4: 9/14; No Class 9/16 (Due 9/19)

Autumn Leaf Uses And Disposal: How To Get Rid Of Fallen Leaves In Autumn

In Class:

Review  HW: reading strategies, summarizing and responding, “reading like a writer” and identifying rhetorical choices; Olivarez

Homework Assignment (number your answers in the Comment below):

1. Write a 1-paragraph summary of one of Olivarez’s texts (your choice), using the Summary Powerpoint template as a model. Include a quote from the text that you feel represents an important idea. Can you make a connection between his idea and your own experience? Or a connection with the students’ comments in the LAF video? Explain.

2. Essay 1 Scaffolding Continued: Use your brainstorming material  to write a  paragraph about an educational experience you have had in life, inside or outside of a school setting. Your paragraph should set the scene for the reader: when, where, and what, before describing the experience and what you learned in the process.  This will ultimately be fleshed out to become your Unit 1 essay (see Major Assignments).

3. Scaffolding: In our next class we will work on transforming this paragraph into an  Outline for your Unit 1 Education & Identity narrative.  Start thinking about how you would like to tell your story.  Where do you want to start, and where do you want to end? What are some important ideas and memories? What are some compelling details you can provide throughout the narrative, to support your ideas? What might your paragraph order be?   You could address these questions in a paragraph here, or copy and paste the outline in your Comment  and fill in the information there.


How to Post HW

Hi Everyone,

  1. To comment on any post, click on the title/heading. Scroll down and you will then see a screen come up with LEAVE A REPLY below the post. That is where you want to comment.  Please number your responses according to the numbers in the assignment (1, 2, 3, etc…)

2. Main tip: regularly check our course site. Each Monday I will post our new weekly assignment and you will have the week to complete it.

You can reply below if you have any questions.

Weeks 2 and 3: Reading, Writing, Learning, and Life (Due 9/10)

We kick off Unit 1, Education, by reflecting on online vs. in-person educational experience, and thinking about both the ideas in a text and the writing techniques the author employs.

Class discussion: LAF 2021 Welcome video; Diana Diaz, “Overnight Pandemic” (2020) in City Tech Writer;  ; Toni Morrison, “The Reader as Artist” (2006); Class Google Doc Annotation of Morrison’s text


  • Read and apply reading strategies to Mike Bunn, “How to Read Like a Writer” pages 1-6 (2011); bring notes to class to discuss
  • Save to your computer folder for this class and review  Reading Strategies and How to Write A Summary Powerpoint
  • Apply Reading Strategies to Caroline Hellman’s “In Defense of the Classroom” (2020)
  • Reply below this post, numbering your answers. IMPORTANT: go with your own ideas! Avoid reading your classmates’ comments until AFTER you post your own thoughts:
    • 1. Copy and paste a quote (1-2 sentences)  from “In Defense of the Classroom” that you found meaningful. Then paraphrase (put the quote in your own words)  and explain why you were drawn to it, commenting either on the idea or the writing technique.
    • 2. Consulting the Summary Powerpoint slides,  write a complete 3-4 sentence summary of “In Defense of the Classroom” in your own words. Check your finished summary against slide #5 and revise as needed.
    • 3. Respond with your own thoughts about the ideas in my article.   Be creative, be honest! College is about independent thought!

We will discuss your Replies  in class; also be ready to share any unfamiliar words that you looked up and questions that arose for you while reading.

Week 1: Getting Started (Due 8/27)


1.  Sign up for your OpenLab account with your name and a profile photo.  Log in, then return to our course site. Click on COURSE PROFILE (to the left of HOME), then JOIN THIS COURSE (under the avatar photo). If you need  help,  contact the OpenLab Community Team

2. Fill out the technology survey below (AFTER completing Step 1!).

3. Look around our course site to familiarize yourself

4. Introduce yourself.  To write a new post, click the + sign at the top of the page, fill in the subject heading with your name, then add your info and photo below.  After your work is complete, scroll down and check off OUR COMMUNITY under Categories (right side of page), then click Publish.

    • Paragraph 1: Include how you would like to be addressed, your pronouns, and any other info you’d like to share. This could include where you are from, where you reside now, your academic interests or major, any hobbies or NYC activities you enjoy, how you feel about beginning college. Feel free to be creative!
    • Paragraph 2:  Include a photo of something (place, space, person, pet, object, etc ) meaningful to you, and tell us about it.  You can paste the photo into the body of your message, or Add Media  to upload it to your post.
    • Before next class, check back to read your classmates’ responses and reply to a few. Getting to know each other, we start building our community.

We are all in this together!  See you soon!

Student Survey

Please tell me about the technology and working space that you have available to complete your coursework.  Feel free to share any additional information in the last question box. All responses are private.

Student Survey

  • Credits: This survey is based on a survey created by Maura Smale and Mariana Regalado.

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