Locative– of or being a grammatical case that denotes place or the place where or wherein.
No new readings for Tuesday
Progress check ins every Tuesday, once a week
Progress report blog post due Monday night at 11:59 p.m.( talk about what you’ve done, outlining; making the case of what you’ve done throughout the week). Discuss questions you may have, feedback you may have, things that you are struggling on. Looking ahead to next week, according to what you have done so far, what will you complete for the following week?
Proposal Presentations
Be sure to explain how you are articulating your project, show how it builds on your existing interests. The reflection is more of a process/personal. Critical reflection should be available in the e-portfolio. Reflection is worth 10% of your final project grade and you must reflect on the process of your project.
December 7th to 8th, everyone needs a complete right up of their final project.
Thanks Fola for posting these notes. A few points of clarifcation.
When we discussed “locative,” we were discussing it in terms of “locative media” (in preparation for Dr. Brian Greenspan’s discuss with our class on Tu 12/1). “Locative media are digital media applied to real places and thus triggering real social interactions” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Locative_media).
In terms of critical reflection, all reflections in this course (all posts, project progress check-ins, mid-semester check-ins, final project reflection, annotated bibliography reflection, final course reflection, etc.) should be “critically” reflective: describe/explain what happened + personal/feelings + critically / evaluative of the process (etc.).