Blog #13 New Project: WAC Program Logo

This week I have a new project for my client. My client is still the WAC Program from our school. Different from the previous project, this time I need to create a logo for them. After a meeting with Osha, I learned that the WAC Program is from CUNY and we’ve been using the CUNY WAC logo. During the meeting, Osha pointed out that they don’t want quill pen or ink elements in the logo because some of our competitors use them a lot. 

After the meeting, I started to brainstorm for the project. I collected different elements that related to writing, learning, reading and education. In the meantime, I also try to have some features from the school logo to connect WAC and City Tech. Creating a logo is also a fresh project for me, this is the first time I need to create a logo for a real client. I came up with 12 sketches after brainstorming. I shared with my team, most of them like number 3 and number 8. Philip, one of my trainers, suggested that I should choose three to four that are my favorite to create digital sketches and then show them to the client.

WAC Logo Sketches
Logo Sketches

I chose 4 sketches to work on the digital sketches, I also scaled them into different sizes to test the legibility and show them to the team. My mentor for this project, Aracely, suggested that I can create a pdf file which shows 1 logo on each page in different scales and put all the logos on the last page. I think the format that Aracely suggested is clever because if I put all the logo and different scales into just one page, the client might feel overwhelmed and end up not knowing what to choose.

What I learned this week:

I learned that it is always nice to stay connect with my mentor. Everytime I emailed Aracely, she always response fast and give me a lot of suggestion from her experience. In the meantime, she always encourage me which makes me become more confidence. Another thing I learn is choose from the sketch. It’s always nice to have a lot of sketch because the sketches give us more possibility to work on the project. However, after we finish with the sketching stage we should choose 3-4 sketches to work on because the time is limited and we don’t want to put our focus on too many version, it might lead a bad result.

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