My Final Project

For this week, the project that was given to me and my team was Brooklyn College’s Fact Sheet. It’s a report that highlights the tuition, student demographics, where students are commuting from, etc. There’s a total of four pages of the fact sheet which included detailed information, graphs, charts, and images. Each member of my team had to pick a page to revise with the updated numbers that were sent to us. For me, I chose page three which included a map, timeline, and some other information. This project wasn’t difficult for some of my team, but for me, it required me to update a highly detailed map on illustrator regarding information of student commutes. Everything else wasn’t difficult and I continued flowing with ease. This project also enhanced my skills within editorial design as it allowed me to deal with large amounts of text and information. Even though it was a long wait, it helped me build some necessary skills within publication design.

A PDF File of my updated Brooklyn College Fact Sheet.