Moving Ahead

This week within my internship, we started our third major project, Brooklyn College’s TikTok videos. My supervisor informed my team that they’ve been trying to add some more videos to their TikTok page, in which they can interact more with their students. For this week, we had to meet our supervisor for the first time in person on campus to start filming some shots. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to make this meeting due to a conflict in my schedule, but I’ve heard that there were some great shots filmed. However, I can say that there has been a delay in terms of starting this project, which got to be a little frustrating. Ultimately, the day had arrived and we was finally able to start generating some content onto their TikTok profile. After everything was filmed, most of the videos were uploaded onto our teams shared drive folder in case for any backups.

After the day concluded, we were informed to start what would possibly be our last project for the internship. As discussed in my previous entries, it was briefly discussed on what we would need to update and change regarding the college’s annual fact sheets.

Image by Jacob Owens on Unsplash

Image by Jacob Owens on Unsplash