An Evaluation

My experience within this internship was a valuable learning experience. It taught me many necessary skills that I can apply once I’m in the design industry and the collaboration amongst many other experienced designers. Each of my team members were all very experienced in the field they’re representing. Having that type of flow helped us breeze through all the group projects that were assigned. My supervisor trusted me and my skills towards helping create a better and more fresher feel to Brooklyn College’s infographics. She continued to support me and my team when we had any issues regarding any projects we were working on. I believed that I did an exceptional job with the work that I was producing for the college. Since I was still relatively new to editorial design, there were of course some little hiccups. However, throughout the internship, I’ve became more knowledgeable of certain elements and began to see massive improvement within my work.

I want to also give a huge shoutout to my team for sticking together. Since the beginning of our internship, things were moving a little slow. There was a little delay in assignments that was given to us, but we held on tight and made it out strong. The talent on this team was astronomical and even though we had to adhere to the college’s guidelines, most of their personality was shown on creating slides/presentations for the college. If anybody felt behind, we always had each other to lift up. Having that type of energy helped exceed throughout our internship.

Image by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash

Image by Marvin Meyer on Unsplash