When most people sign up for an internship their first thoughts are finding one that pays and that understandable if you’re doing actual work you would expect compensation. But working for free has pros as well such as when you’re working for your company and a new position opens you’re one of the first people that brought up. Because you do good work while not being be paid and so thought process someone might take is if you’ll do as good or better work if we’re being paid. Other than that you gaining real experience in the field you applied for and you get known how to work with a team. Then you also get have the ability to network and build connections with other people this can help if you ever go free lance the connections you made can have your name and business spread around quickly. And lastly you may get feedback from the people you work with about you work and can learn on how to improve it further your skills for future use.
In my opinion both working for money and working for free have the pros and cons one you’re paid for the working you and you may be highly consider for a position. But you lose out on networking because you have no reason to if you are already being paid for your work. And working for free you build connections with others and you will be highly consider for a full time job but without being paid you have to find some way to pay bills. And both these options give valuable experience that makes you better for your field it all depends on your situations. Both of these options have good outcomes it’s a matter of what your looking for and how long can you wait to get there.