A typical day at my internship

As the special working condition I have, we only meet one day a week mostly. On the day we meet the first thing is showing my works to my supervisor and having feedback. If the projects are for clinical departments, we will send them over to the clinical department and ask feedback. During the discussion, I take notes about where need some changes. After the discussion, I may be given new projects.

My colleagues are nice. Most of the times we just work by ourselves. I work with my supervisor Caitlin Quigley directly. She knows me well and respects my design works. Usually, I sit on my spot and do my work for the whole day. Time always passes so fast when I’m working. Recently I’ve been given 3 projects, 2 event banners, and 1 event postcard. To be honest, I was a little worried about time because I was running out of time. But I found one thing is very interesting, Americans don’t work overtime. I was worried if I can’t hand the work in before the deadline, but my colleagues told me don’t do the works during the weekend. We can do it together on Monday. But, I don’t want leave behind, I finished them anyway during the weekend.

There will be a networking event on Thursday night holding by Callen Lorde. One of the event banners is used for this event. I’m looking forward to attending it.

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