Sep 15.Summery for ENG
This is a summery for Sep 15 ENG. Today we’ve discussed three parts.First of all, we talked about glossary. To understand those vocabularies better is really helpful to understand Ways of Seeing. You can either find them out online or using a dictionary. Or you separate the word and guess the meaning first. Secondary, we discuss about the DRAFT. Keep reading what you wrote and keep editing. The assignment is to read two of your group-mates and leave a comment for each of them! This assignment is due on the end of Tuesday! After reading those comments and prepare your final draft which is due on the end of Thursday! We add a new friend today. Let’s welcome Summery! (Applause…)To understand the course better and help someone who misses class, we start summary from today on. And don’t forget to read the article” City Limits”.
Have a good day!