Jada Bennett Assignment 7/20

  1. Does Elder agree with Kaba (the first reading we did) about the Black Lives Matter movement and what to do about police brutality?

When it comes to the opinions of the Black lives matter movement, Elder and Kaba do not see eye to eye to say the least. Elder does not acknowledge the Black lives matter movement as needed, because he does not believe the facts behind the movement are true to begin with. He goes on to say “There is no epidemic of racist cops killing black suspects, and continues to give his take on the “real reason” black people are dying. Kaba however, fully acknowledges the severity of the Black lives matter movements and his take on what needs to happen to what he believes will cause and end to the brutality. His piece talks about why abolishing the police is a necessary move and giving examples as to why reform doesn’t work.

  1.   Does Bill McCarthy agree with Larry Elder? Why/why not? 

Bill McCarthy’s take on Larry Elder’s stance is that although facts were given, the whole truth was not given therefore his stance is unproven. Elder took facts out of context regarding populous size, he did not take into account people of color being killed by off duty cops and by other lethal weapons other than guns. McCarthy says, “Elder’s claim also omitted important context: that black people in the U.S. are disproportionately killed by police relative to their share of the population.” Larry’s stance on the damages of police brutality does not recognize the picture as a whole and Mccarthy points that out.

  1. Does the final article (by an anonymous author) agree with Bill McCarthy’s view of Larry Elder’s article?

The anonymous author does not agree with Bill McCarthy’s view of Larry Elder’s article.


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