Nahid Ali Media Share 2

After reading Andrea Chu’s “The pink”, I saw Chu share the experience after                                     her gender transformation. She said, “IT IS DIFFICULT to explain why I wanted a vagina. There were technical concerns: tucking is a major inconvenience, and often has to be redone each time you stand up.” In her piece, she uses sensational language that feeds the lurid interest in trans people’s bodies at the expense of our rights and privacy. And in arguing for her right to transition no matter her uncertainty at the outcome, she largely ignores what we do know about the outcomes of transition for most people. I want to share this piece of art work by FUELADREAM in India . This art represent the cubist impressions, reflecting her struggles and emotions as a transgender.

Nahid Ali Media Shares

In my intro I really wanted to share this article Tittle of this article :The Virus Changed the Way We Internet. When I was reading this article, realized that over the last few months, fears of infection combined with lockdowns and movement restrictions have pushed more me than ever onto internet. I spent soo much time on my social media than anything. It’s like I have a safe space to interact, be entertained, distract myself, and find inspiration without any risk of contagion. After reading this article I could see a clear picture of the importance of internet on so many of our lives during pandemic.