Maram Awadh Zoom Mtg 1 Summary

Before watching the zoom recording, I was overwhelmed and lost due to the fact that I didn’t receive any information or emails about this class and was basically in the dark. After viewing this recording, I now understand a bit of what to do and what this class consists of. I learned a few things about OpenLab and how to use it for this class, I was very confused at first when I logged in but now I’m getting the hang of it. If I was in the zoom call I would have asked about the assignment that was due and where to upload it and I would have asked how to view my grades, also I would have totally used zoom emoji. I never knew we could do that, so that’s another thing I discovered. One thing I found really interesting and what stuck on my mind during the reading was when you said “Words themselves have no power in of themselves without the power that people as a community assign to them.” I found this very interesting because nowadays people use these racial slurs to degrade people, specifically people of color and they use these disgusting words to make themselves feel “higher” and more “superior” to them. They give these words a lot of power and use them against a specific type of person or group. Personally, I found the reading very interesting and I enjoyed the meaning behind it. I also enjoyed the conversations you had with the students and I hope I get to make it to your next zoom call.

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