Jake Wright | D002 | Fall 2022

Category: Assignment Instructions

Project 4.5 – Type Treatment


Design a type treatment for the band name assigned to you in Project 4 (Album Art). Then, redesign your album art to integrate that typography.



Project 4 – Album Art


For this project, you will design the cover artwork for an album by a (fictional) band with randomly generated and assigned name. Since the band is fictional, you get … Read More

Exercise/Homework: Synesthesia

Synesthesia is a psychological phenomenon that happens when you experience one of your senses through another. Everyone experiences this to some extent – ever hear a song that gave you … Read More

Project 3 – Living Room


For this assignment you will create a product and a textile (fabric) pattern to complement the interior design of a space from film, tv, or other mass media. In … Read More

Project 2 – Pattern Portrait

portrait of a woman with shading made from patterns of differing densities

Objective: Create a black & white self portrait, using patterns to indicate areas of highlight and shadow

Materials: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, digital camera (phone/laptop is fine)

Concepts: Color and … Read More

Project 1 – Lost & Found

Problem: Create black & white figure-ground (obvious and ambiguous) compositions based on the simplified forms created from photographs of discarded objects found on an urban sidewalk, wall, ceiling, etc.… Read More