Project 4 idea

The story I will be focusing on will be Cinderella. For my concept I will change the setting into a film noir time period (1944-1954). The premise would involve a prince hiring a detective to find the owner of a shoe. Cinderella will become a femme fatale, a character that often appears in this type of film.

One scene I will focus on will be an office scene at night with the prince and detective. This scene is crucial to the setting up the story. The next scene I will focus on will be the tragic death of Cinderella with the prince holding her in his arms. I may do a third scene to better establish the flow of the story.

Part 1: Story Concept – Week 12

Vanessa Ramirez

Story Concept for “El Cadejo”

BACKGROUND: In El Salvador, the dog-like creature is known as El Cadejo, is said to look like a dog but is not a dog, has deer-like hooves and also moves like a deer, rather than a dog. The white Cadejos are known to be benevolent and eat bell-like flowers that only grows on volcanoes. The white Cadejo protects people including drunks, vagabonds, and people with grudges from all evil footsteps and even La Siguanaba (a shape-changing spirit), and bad choices which are sometimes caused by the evil black Cadejo. The black Cadejo is malevolent and lures people to make bad choices. The black Cadejo has glowing red eyes and eats newborn puppies and sometimes the black Cadejo is said to be the devil himself. The black Cadejo is said to be able to stand on two feet like a man and swiftly throw punches on its victims, letting them know that they are no ordinary dog.

STORY: Two brothers who walk into the house of a black magician. During a storm, he asks the boys to help him with some logs for a fire. Both boys slack on the job and ate the man’s food. Once he finds out the little bit of food he had is missing and that there is not enough wood for his fire, he puts a curse on the road that leads to the boys’ village. Voices bother the boys and when they turn their backs on the voices they get turned into creatures: a white cadejo and a black one. After going back to their village in their cursed form they get kicked out and have no choice but to wander.

Idea for Final Project

For the narrative illustration, I decided to choose the story of Little Red Riding Hood as my basis. For those who don’t know, the story is about a little girl, dressed in a red cloak who takes a trip to her grandmother’s house in the woods to deliver her food.聽 When Little Red arrives at her grandmother’s house, she takes notice to how her grandmother doesn’t look human. Come to find out it is a wolf, and the wolf proceeds to eat her. I decided to take the scene where she gets eaten by a wolf as my focal point. I want to make it so that she is eaten by an alien instead of a wolf. The genre of this illustration is horror. Also, the setting would take place on an alien planet

Final Project : Narrative Illustration, part 1

Project Description:

In this multilayered assignment you will reinterpret a classic folk tale or fairy tale through your own creative lens.聽 You will, through the course of the assignment develop characters, setting, and finalize 2 illustrations featuring the same character in two very different settings and situations.


  • You may choose a vertical or horizontal format.
  • Final art will be 11 x 14 – inch, full-color illustration
  • You should interpret the story through your own personal artistic lens informed by thorough research and reference.
  • Final art will be delivered digitally via dropbox.
  • All drawing will be done traditionally, and will be rendered in a medium and process to be agreed upon with instructor.


Part 1 Character Design & Concept Art


For this part of the聽project聽you will develop characters for your original concept.

These characters and concept sketches may, but are not required to be in color.

Art can be made using any combination of traditional drawing / inking skills and digital coloring.

These designs lead into our FINAL PROJECT.

DUE MAY 15th