Devin’s Digital Value Studies!





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Here’s my Editorial Illustration digital value shadings. I know it’s not the best, but I worked hard to get these pictures colored in with different values and I added numbers on top of them to make it easier for everyone to identify.

4 thoughts on “Devin’s Digital Value Studies!

  1. Devin GOOD WORK.

    Your drawing has really been refined down to the concept. I STILL think you should make the changes to the sketch we discussed.

    So although you did all 3 value studies the first 3 are all very similar. Heres my advice:

    Consider the boy to be FOREGROUND, the REFLECTION as the MIDDLEGROUND and the top of the page to be BACKGROUND.

    Have the strongest contrast and your blacks in the FOREGROUND. Use the Values of #4 which are less contrasty for the reflection. Get reference for how values look in reflections and for what those reflected tree branches should look like.

    Again… this MUST read as a reflection in a puddle… or it wont convey your idea… try adding some ripples to the surface of the reflection too.


    • I decided to draw spirals as the background of the artwork and show the puddle ripples. I also move the hand and piece of the shirt down to empathize that the boy is reaching out to Julia. By the way, the second one is basically the original one.

  2. Devin… did you look at puddle reference? There is NO replacement for looking at the real thing. The character of Julia and the black lines right now aren’t reading as reflection and ripples.

    Remember: Have the strongest contrast and your blacks in the FOREGROUND. Use the lower contrast for the reflection. And Again… Get reference for how values look in reflections.

    • I did look at a few pictures for references, but it was hard to make reflections. I’m not exactly the best person for dealing with computer graphics. I seriously need help. And even the websites and videos talking about using Photoshop won’t help me cause i really don’t understand a thing about digital value shadings.

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