Devin Sauls’s Profile

Active 5 years, 3 months ago
Devin Sauls
Display Name
Devin Sauls
Major Program of Study
Communication Design
Academic interests

My interests includes illustration, animation, mathematics, and writing


My artwork takes a critical view of social issues. As an artist, I work hard, aiming to speak to everyone about the beauty that lies within self-expression. Part of my process is to determine how my own characters, such as Decardo, Shareia, Chelsea, or Xavier are going to be displayed. My designs are based on Anime characters. I do not merely want to draw with colored pencils, but instead want to give my characters life to represent my life.
Techniques I use such as value, shape, and color best communicate my ideas for my artwork by drawing my own characters to express and tell stories about myself. I aim to decode expression, animation, video games, friends, and dance styles that are part of my childhood and memories. The challenge along with creating my own characters on paper is to show how each character represents my personailities and beliefs. Each character I draw shows a different side of me and a set of roles I have as a person. My artwork speaks, not only for me, but also for the art community that motivates me to create my artistic dream world.

My Courses

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

COMD Communication Design Internship Coordination Site

This site is designed to help you find fieldwork/study situations of approximately eight hours per week at an internship site approved by the Department Internship instructor such as an advertising agency, graphic design firm, corporate design office, publications art department, photography or illustration studio, TV or multimedia production company. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Openlab. A portion of the class will be devoted to presenting and sharing experiences with classmates. Students will learn how to assess their talents, update their resume, and promote themselves and their work through social networks. Students will be required to setup and maintain at least two social media networks such as: Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. The instructors for this class are there as mentors if you have not yet found an internship before registering for the course. However, the instructors do not find an internship placement for you. It is your responsibility to find a position that fits your personal career path and help you transition to full time employment upon leaving the halls of CityTech. Ideally, you will use this site to find an internship the semester before taking the COMD 4900 class.

ARTH1100 TU/TH History of Photography F2017

ARTH1100 TU/TH History of Photography F2017

“A creator needs only one enthusiast to justify him.” — Man Ray This course surveys the history of photography from its beginnings in the early nineteenth century to the present. We will examine the use of photography for aesthetic, documentary, and “scientific” purposes, stylistic shifts in photography related to aesthetic concerns, and varying interpretations of subject matter based on social and cultural concerns at specific moments in history. We will also consider the relationship between photography and the visual arts in general, which culminates with the primacy of photography as a medium by the late twentieth century.

COMD4900 HD90_11463 INTERNSHIP SMR2019

COMD4900 HD90_11463 INTERNSHIP SMR2019

Internship in Communication Design Assignment to field work/study situations of approximately eight to ten plus hours per week at a graphic arts-related internship site approved by the department internship director. Sites may be in areas such as advertising, printing, corporate communications or publishing. Students keep a log/journal to be shared in group seminars/discussions. Supervision is by faculty and by the job supervisor. Students will be required to keep a learning journal of their internship in the form of a blog using Open Lab.

CDMG1111 D306 (Mon.)

CDMG1111 D306 (Mon.)

This course introduces students to core concepts in the media field including color theory, design and production terminology, reproduction processes, file formats and substrates. During the semester, students will complete three pages of their own ePortfolio web site, complete a print design project and one video project. Lectures will provide students with a historical perspective of the media field as well as discussing current practices and future trends.

COMD3701_Design Studio D320, FA18

COMD3701_Design Studio D320, FA18

Working independently, each student researches, conceptualizes and develops an in-depth project, across media channels, which uses design-thinking to address a contemporary issue.

My Projects



My process of different line, shape, and dot sketches of different emotions.

My Clubs

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime Gaming Underground

Anime & Gaming Underground is a social club where people who are interested in animation, Japanese anime, animation/anime card games (such as: Magic and Yu-Gi-Oh), roll playing games, and video/computer games can hang out and have fun.