Week 4 Reading

I had never heard of Chris Van Allsberg until last class but this image, The House on Maple Street was the one that appealed instantly. I personally don’t like pencil shading because I have a tough time doing it but this work was impressive to me. I really like the way he simply has less shading on the bottom of the house, which makes it look like there is some kind of bright like coming from there. Because of that bright light this picture reminded me of the move Home Alone, specifically the part where the kid puts on bright Christmas lights to scare off robbers. The shading makes this picture remind me of that scene, it looks like there is snow on the ground due to the light shading in the road. I think the house is supposed to be taking off due to the caption “It was a perfect lift off” but to me it looks like light.

This picture stuck out to me particularly because of the value. It plays very well in using the almost darkest and the almost lightest. Also the scene itself is a marvelous one. Also it looks very much so like an area that you could travel to.

Week 4 Reading

For the longest time I was confused, wondering who the heck this Burdick guy was and why couldn’t I find his original works anywhere?? Took me a moment to realize he’s made up -__-

I’m a huge scaredy cat so the majority of Van Allsberg works looked like the beginning of horror movie premises to me and it bugged me out. Until I came upon The Harp. It made me feel tranquil and at ease looking at what I would imagine are lush greens and a soft steady stream flowing center stage. Then I read the caption, and it didn’t scare me! It actually added more to my own little head canon about what could be happening in this corner of an “enchanted forest.”


Week 4: Reading

I chose this because it appealed to me. When I saw this picture I wondered what are these kids doing? and then I saw these kids are sailing but on a train tracks. I found that weird but surprisingly it was also interesting It made me think how did these kids come up with such an idea? It also shows that these kids have imagination they are imaging that they are on a boat sailing on the open ocean. This picture also gave me a calming effect when I saw the horizon. It gave the effect of a sunset you see at the end of movies.

Week 4 Reading

This Illustration stood out to me in particular from the rest. I really admire this image because of the story/message I believe is told behind it. I think that the message here is saying that those children on the boat are just young and curious kids looking for adventure and living life out of materials they have which are the materials used for the sailboat. They may not be able to afford to take a train and can’t build one but their passion for adventure and living is so string that the sailboat they built can be just as powerful as an actual train which is why the train tracks are underneath the sailboat.


Reading: Week 4

There is an enigmatic force throughout the illustration. This is the technique that is used to make your eyes wander around looking for clues and hints as to what is going on. Sometimes an illustration tells a message that is much deeper than what we can assume and most of the time that is what we are doing when observing. What could this character be thinking of? Who/what is that? Where are they? Where are they looking? Put yourself in the shoes of that body and see what they’re seeing. Keep looking.